[2.4] Thresh Guide - Hook, Trap, Repeat - Thresh support guide
Hook, Trap, Repeat - Thresh support guide
- Has very good single target focusing
- Has a versitle kit for an engage tank
- So far the only support that offers his team a means of teleport
- Has a cool voice :)
- Gets no bonus AR per level, making him very passive relient
- Has no built in damage reduction abilities, making him squishy as a frontliner
- His hook animation is rather long, giving enemies time to reposition
- Doesn't look as scary and awesome as he used to...
Thresh Build
Best Build Guide for Thresh
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Its time to talk about the biggest problem with Thresh - He is a frontline tank with no damage reduction in his kit. You might be saying "oh but Lukipop you adorable handsome piece of work, he has his souls that give him armor!" Well, yes he does, but here are two flaws for this passive:
1. Souls don't give bonus MR
2. Thresh doesn't get bonus AR per level to compensate.
So yea, you will be surprised at how fast you can die once you engage. For that, I would reccomand to go for Boots of Speed as a first item to quickly rush Gargoyle Enchant as fast as possible. Also, it will help you get in and out of hook range more easily to either put pressure or just run in case things go south.
Two items that should always be on Thresh in any game are Zeke's Convergence since it will make The Box into an area of slows and bonus damage, and Dead Man's Plate to help you roam around faster.
Against AP heavy comps I would reccommand Force of Nature and Abyssal Mask for extra MR. Against critical comps [which also typically have good attack speed as well] take Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart to slow down attack and tune them down.
if the enemy has a lot of healing take Thornmail to reduce it, and if by some chance you get a healer on your team (which is very unlikely to happen) you can take Spirit Visage to boost the healing on yourself.
Thresh Runes
Best Runes for Thresh
Both sets are set with one goal - The first one is for being a bit more aggresive and less defensive. So, to compensate for not having Aftershock as a means of defense, you will take Bone Plating and use this as an alternative when going in.
The next set is for those of us (probably me) who would like a more safe approach. This set is a bit tankier while using Loyalty to also better support the team around you. whatever set you choose, how you should play thresh remains the same.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
This will be your basic hook combo in lane. Use Death Sentence followed by Flay to hook and then knock your enemy into your ally.
If you are too afraid to collect souls, use Dark Passage to pick them up from a distance.
This is your all-in combo. Use Death Sentence along with Dark Passage and The Box . Make sure to focus on the right target (AHEM AHEM ENEMY CARRY AHEM AHEM) when doing this combo.
Does flash hook works? Yes, it can. And it can look pretty darn cool if you succed.
Thresh Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Laning might be hard, sure, but if you get a good engage on her, it is die or flash, or both on her part.
How to be best reaper
1. Thresh is best paired up with good follow up adc's such as [tristanna] and Jhin .
2. Apart from helping your team get to you, thresh can also use his lantern to collect souls or give vision. Use this to your advantage.
3. Enemies that get hooked are revealed. Use it to detect them from across terain and help your team know where they are.
4. Sometimes, especially if you have a lot of movement speed, you can simply walk into an enemy and use [thresh:3] followed up by Death Sentence for an easier catch.
5.Make sure to always be on the move. Roam around the map and try to make plays, as thresh is best at picking off people who are out of position.