[2.4b] Miss Fortune Guide - The fun begins! Miss Fortune support guide
The fun begins! Miss Fortune support guide
- Has good poke during laning and outside of it.
- She can scount dangerous areas from a distance.
- Has increadible teamfight potential.
- Items that are good for her are pretty cheap.
- Has very fast roams.
- Has HUGE... guns.
- Very squishy.
- No hard CC for the enemy.
- Not good at dealing damage against single targets.
- Requires good mechanics because of her passive.
- Can get your team tilted when picking her as a support.
- Her laugh can give you the chills...
Miss Fortune Build
Best Build Guide for Miss Fortune
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This is the complete set for Miss Fortune when playing her as a support. These items are cheap, provide critical chance and utility for your team. We will be rushing the complete tier 3 boots, and I reccommand getting Shadows Enchant , as it will allow you to scan for ganks and slow the enemy down, making up for the lack of CC that Miss Fortune has.
After that, the next item we get is Manamune and Serylda's Grudge . The first item will help you with mana problems, while the other one will make your ult into a slowing zone of death.
The next three items all have one thing in common - the energized attacks passive, which give your next basic attack an enchanced effect. Rapid Firecannon gives you more range, Statikk Shiv will make your attack bounce up to 5 enemies, and Stormrazor will make energized attack slow by 75%. In conclusion, if you have all those items, your next basic attack will have increased range, will hit 5 enemies in an AOE and slow ALL OF THEM DOWN! How cool is that?!
Miss Fortune Runes
Best Runes for Miss Fortune
You should take Conqueror to make up for some of the lack of damage you'll have as you are playing Miss Fortune as a support. The rest of the runes are pretty standart, so don't worry about them too much.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Use Make It Rain before you use your ult to make enemies slowed and take more damage.
Miss Fortune Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
She is easy to bully in lane.
How to make the fun begin
1. Use Make It Rain to not only slow enemies, but also scan bushes and the fog of war.
2. Make sure to constantly switch targets during a teamfight, as you'll do more damage thanks to your passive.
3. If you took, damage, helped the jungle clear a camp or attacked someone yourself and need to roam quick, use Strut to give yourself a speed boost.
4. If you have a heavy CC champion in your team like Rammus or Malphite , try to combo Bullet Time with their engage.
5.If your team is flaming you for that pick, mute them and play your best to prove them wrong :)