[3.5b] Yasuo Guide - YASUO FULL GUIDE [UPDATED]
- good at short trade and all in
- high mobility
- has 1v2 potential
- can carried the whole team once fed
- can combo with other champion
- is yasuo
- lose to most bruisers (yasuo baron is bad pls don't))
- rely on team by a lot
- can get ganked easily in early game
- can get punished easily after misplay
- one of the hardest champion to master in the game
- really trash if enemy snowballed
Yasuo Build
Best Build Guide for Yasuo
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
as you know, Yasuo is one of the champions that relies on the item, Means that if you built him wrong, you could ruin your entire career, so please pay attention to the item that you built him with.
So, Yasuo 's item should relies on critical rate because it really suits Yasuo Way Of The Wanderer that's doubling your critical rate, also Steel Tempest can deal critical hit making it the best way to build Yasuo around critical items, Yasuo also relies on attack speed because it can reduce Steel Tempest cooldown, which is yasuo core damage. So the first item you can both buy Dagger or Brawler's Gloves because both are fine.(i usually buy Dagger first because my luck was just plain bad)
PS: Yasuo doesn't need more than 2 critical strike items because of his passive Way Of The Wanderer so please don't buy more than that. It makes you look like a clown.
First items choices
- Solari Chargeblade is now fixed first yasuo item because of the attack speed and critical strike chance it gives.
- I always buy Recurve Bow and Cloak of Agility to increase the attack speed and critical strike chance, making it easier to trade another champion, then I usually buy boot enchant.
Blade of the Ruined King and Infinity Edge is a must buy items because of it's usefullness
- Blade of the Ruined King was build for Yasuo because it got attack speed, physical vamp, and also grant percent damage while attacking and using Steel Tempest , it also has a drain passive that slows enemy making it a lot easier to outchase the prey and kill em
- I don't recommend buying Wit's End instead of Blade of the Ruined King because Blade of the Ruined King damage is just plain better.
- Infinity Edge is also build for yasuo because it adds 30% of the damage on every hit of his attack and Steel Tempest so just plese buy it
{PS}:After buying all the items above + boot enchant , you're now officially in the "POWERSPIKE MODE" (either u goin 10/0 or 0/10).It's time to go out and execute some adc or gank baron lane.
Enchant choices
- [stasis enchant] is good for counter predictable skill like [zed:4] or Assault And Battery , it's also great with teamfight draft so you can survive after Last Breath in
- Quicksilver Enchant is good with stun lock draft like Light Binding or Dark Binding
- Protobelt Enchant is good you are at advantage, it can easily pick off some immobile mid or adc
forth&fifth item choices
- Wit's End and Divine Sunderer are the common items i used normally, others are situational.
- Wit's End is picked when you're playing against high ap champion (like bruisers with low damage output because of its ability to heal 100% of the damage you dealt and its magic resistance is really great. It also helps you to do KEYBLADE too.
- Divine Sunderer is normally picked every game because the hp it gives is HUGE and it also increases Yasuo's damage and healing by a lot.
- Guardian Angel is a must because yasuo usually died most of the time after ult in the teamfight. (except you're reaaally confident i dunno)
Yasuo Runes
Best Runes for Yasuo
pick this.
You can also pick Adaptive Carapace for a 1v5 (yes I use it).
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Laning Phase Combo (poke)
first, let me clear that yasuo shouldn't clear the wave too fast because he can get an advantage by Sweeping Blade past it and poke the enemy. But if you think enemy midlaner is away you can also fast clear them.
basically just dash(minion) and hit once,then immediately Steel Tempest and then flee of by dash(minion). You can also go for an all-in if the enemy comes to close
ah yes, the unfathomable Beyblade. This one was made to engage the enemy standing near the minion wave by Sweeping Blade on the minion, then flash to your enemy spot then use Steel Tempest to attack the enemy, this can catch the enemy off guard and has a pretty high kill potential.
this is one of the hardest combo to execute in the game.
first, you need Steel Tempest 's cooldown at 1.3 seconds (which can be easily done using Lethal Tempo ). You need to do THE BEYBLADE, auto attack one time, and add another Steel Tempest + Sweeping Blade when your Steel Tempest cooldown has reached 0.5 seconds.
this combo can deal a TON of damage if executed right but if you failed you have a high chance that you'll die horribly and get a penguin question mark emote.
basically THE KEYBLADE but with a normal tornado instead.
Yasuo Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
yeah Twisted Fate is pretty easy to kill because of his damage attack all can be blockable using Wind Wall but be careful that he has a better teamfight than you, so its a better idea to pay priority to push your turret first before ganking another lane
also Twisted Fate is pretty strong in the late game so you better always save your Wind Wall for the Pick A Card and buy Quicksilver Enchant just in case
For conclusion, you can really just clap him for the entire game (except landing phase) but just be aware of his existance in teamfight.
I guess its time to spread my old technique :v
- if you use Sweeping Blade when Steel Tempest is on cooldown at 0.5 second or less, the cooldown will immediately reset.
- Steel Tempest can be used as thrust one even after Sweeping Blade if you really aim it.
- Wind Wall is able to give vision,thus making an easy escape route when used with Sweeping Blade .Heres example
- you can also use this in the opposite way, just remember that it is pretty hard to execute.
- You can ALWAYS add another Sweeping Blade + Steel Tempest before doing Last Breath not only by your own knock up, but also by other ally knock up. Ex. Unstoppable Force Cyclone
When to pick yasuo?
Yasuo is a champion that kills all the projectiles, which usually is adc or midlane, but loses to most of the bruisers and tanks. So if you see 3 more chunky champs in the enemy team it's a good idea to just play another champion instead.
On the other hand, if enemies contain a lot of adcs or spam skillshots champ (ex. Seraphine , Ezreal ). Yasuo is always a good idea.
Yasuo Early Gameplay
so first of, go to the left side of the chicken camp and place the ward. If you happen to meet their jungler, just back off and check the menu to see if he brings control ward or not. If not, then press your ward there
Yasuo mid/late gameplay
after you got your Blade of the Ruined King it's starting off the mid game, now consider going top or bot to gank
I recommend going to gank the immobile laner first. If it was successful, just push the lane and go back to clear mid wave, then go clear their chicken camp and recall
then farm to get Infinity Edge
k i l l e v e r y o n e
Yasuo winning matchup
it's a winning match-up if the enemy midlaner is in an easy zone or if you got a kill from their mistake. You have 2 choices
- clear your minion wave, and check the map. See if any lane is faced with a losing matchup or check if any enemy was pushing high. If there is, just go and help them.
- freeze your enemy lane. I recommended you to always keep the knock up because if they got out of their position to get wave you can just punish them
Yasuo Losing matchup
yasuo is in losing matchup if the enemy laner is in the hard ] matchup or you gave them an early kill
- oh boy you're gonna get rough. First DON'T DIE and clear wave safely in the turret. but if you face Orianna just cry because you wouldn't have your personal in your tower. Just wait until you got your Blade of the Ruined King and you'll be fine
- if you managed to get cocky and died once or TWICE you should be ashamed of yourself and just only clear waves and go help another lane SAFELY, so don't you go through the river.
- I recommend you to follow your jungle after clearing wave and gank other lane.