[2.4b] Ziggs Guide - KABOOM!!! Ziggs support guide.
KABOOM!!! Ziggs support guide.
- Good poke and damage.
- Has an ult that can completely take control of objectives.
- Can do his job from a safe distance away from the enemy.
- Scales well into a late game damage monster.
- Wierdly cute.
- Mana runs out quick without tear.
- Has very little options to save his team if they get dove by an engage champion.
- Playing him as a support will take longer to scale.
- Weak against assasins.
- Weak against mage support who can heal his poke.
Ziggs Build
Best Build Guide for Ziggs
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
When playing Ziggs your mana will run out faster then you can blink. That's why its best to start with Sapphire Crystal and then buy Tear of the Goddess . After that, we will rush Luden's Echo , since this is where your main powerspike comes from.
For boots, get Ionian Boots of Lucidity and take the enchant based on the situation. The rest of the items should be focused mainly on AP and magic pen. The order in which you get them depends on you, just don't forget to finish Seraph's Embrace once your tear is fully stacked.
Ziggs Runes
Best Runes for Ziggs
Your main objective as Ziggs when playing him as a support is to poke, so a rune like Summon Aery is the best for that mission. Taking Mastermind will allow you to easily take down turrets and earn a few extra gold around objectives. Also, if you somehow manage to get a full set, your [ziggs:ult] will outdamage smite, so stealing objectives is very much possible.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Use this combo to first knock enemies into you, then follow up with a basic attack and another Bouncing Bomb to finish the damage and charge your passive again.
Ziggs Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Its rather easy to bully Janna as long as you hit your skills, since you do outrange her by a lot.
How to be the Bomb
1. Remember that your passive charges faster when casting abilities, so spam them near a turret to get your passive quick and take down those pile of stones.
2. Be sure to NEVER waste Mega Inferno Bomb before jungle objectives. Your damage and AOE will put the brakes on any team trying to take them.
3.Use Hexplosive Minefield to block entrances or give vision, as the bombs will linger for quite some time.
4. If the enemy has a good engage or an assasin, try to save Satchel Charge for an escape plan. This ability can also be used to get you over walls.
5. Don't have a short fuse despite all the bombing, you need to stay focused and sharp.