[2.5a] Jarvan Iv Guide - Everything Support Jarvan (No 0's this time)
Everything Support Jarvan (No 0's this time)
- Strong poke in lane
- Strong throughout the entire game
- Great gank set ups
- Great ganks
- Great towerdives
- Flame
- Cooldown dependent
- Your autoattacks are really weak (AP build)
Jarvan Iv Build
Best Build Guide for Jarvan Iv
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Item should be the Ruby Crystal , because it keeps you tanky and healthy for the first few items. First recall should be at around 2:00 (YOU MUST DO THIS, OR LANING WILL BECOME PAINFUL) and get the Catalyst of Aeons .
Everything Core Items is the Rod of Ages and either Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads [locket enchant]. The Rod of Ages gives you a ton of health, mana, and AP for midgame. Go Plated Steelcaps if the enemy carry is AD, go Mercury's Treads if the enemy carry is AP. [locket enchant] is going to help you keep you alive during engages and also help your teammates stay alive.
Bruiser Core Items is Black Cleaver , the same boots as Everything Core Items, but use Teleport Enchant . Black Cleaver gives HP, AD, and also even more armor shred to make sure tanks get deleted. Teleport Enchant helps you get into fights faster.
The rest of the Everything Build's items are [rylai's crystal sceptor], Thornmail or Force of Nature , Black Cleaver , then finally Guardian Angel . [rylai's crystal sceptor] gives all your abilities a slow and it gives you more health and AP. Thornmail for when the enemy carry is AD, Force of Nature for when the enemy carry is AP. Black Cleaver grants a lot of health and some AD, as well as armor shred that is useful in the late-game. Guardian Angel is so that you cannot die in the late-game. Dying in the lategame is huge, but with this build you will be super tanky.
The rest of the Bruiser Build's items are Death's Dance , Trinity Force , Sterak's Gage , and Guardian Angel . Death's Dance gives a ton of health and some AD, as well as a useful passive that bleeds a percentage of the damage you have taken, meaning you can survive longer in extended fights (just remember to use W before recalling). Trinity Force gives some HP, AD, attack speed, and cooldown reduction. It boosts your damage by a lot because it is a sheen item. Sterak's Gage is useful in staying alive in extended fights and is the quintessential bruiser item with its hp and huge AD boost. Guardian Angel is for the reasons stated above.
Jarvan Iv Runes
Best Runes for Jarvan Iv
This is for the Everything Build
Grasp of the Undying , Gathering Storm , and Conditioning help you scale into the late game, since your early game stats are already pretty high. Mastermind is useful in taking objectives and let's you kind of be a second jungler.
This is for the Bruiser Build
Font of Life , Weakness , and Loyalty are general support runes that will make you more supportive with your selfish items. Mastermind makes you deal more damage to objectives.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Great engage plus burst combo.
This is your main poke combo in lane.
This is when you know the enemy doesn't have flash or if you want to escape your ult onto somebody that's low.
Jarvan Iv Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Poke after her shield wears off. You can bully her around.
Before Laning Phase
Ward your river's bush. If the jungler is not on your side, ward the buff. If both are already warded, but a ward in the tribush or river bush that is close to lane. Walk into the bushes if you cannot see enemy laners.
Laning Phase
Constantly poke using Q and E, in that order so that you do not engage on accident. RECALL AT AROUND 2:00 TO GET CATALYST OF AEONS. Use W to avoid poke. Look to engage at level 5 if the enemies are low enough (<50% hp).
First Dragon
Literally free if you ward it 15 seconds before it spawns. Do not forget to ping your teammates to come over after shoving in wave. AA, W, E, Q combo to start the dragon. Save your E and Q if you can see enemies nearby. If you cannot see over the dragon wall, drop a flag over if you feel like enemies are behind it waiting to steal. E E when the enemies get too close (especially if its a Lee Sin), and all in on them. Stall for as long as possible for your jungler to secure the drake. If no enemies contest, its a rather quick dragon since you have Mastermind .
Hopefully by now you've taken down the enemies first tower in your lane. Go mid and take that tower too. Dominate the map with your team.
"Whoever takes Elder Dragon, wins the game."
Tank as much as you can during teamfights.
Protect your teammates.
It should be an easy win because of how much you scale with your runes (If Bruiser Build, you should try and end early)