by Shanaxe

[1.1.0] Lux Guide - [BASICS] Illuminate the Enemy!

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 1.1.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

[BASICS] Illuminate the Enemy!

...and convince them that your adc has the right to carry the game. WITH LAZORS! A "Lux Support Essentials" guide with added FUN!

Lux Build

Best Build Guide for Lux

Basic Build
Harmonic Echo
Ardent Censer
Locket Enchant
Luden's Echo
Rabadon's Deathcap

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

This is what I am running as a support. Basically, focus on damage, and benefit from the wonderful utility that Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo and Ardent CenserArdent Censer offers to you and your beloved carry.

The Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap / MorellonomiconMorellonomicon are a bonus. If you will ever arrive to build those items, congratulations! You are carrying the game and successfully illuminating EVERYONE about the rightfulness of your cause.

Early Game: protect your carry, defend the lane. I suggest to either go back when THEY're fed, so that they can stand alone enough for you to catch up, or when you have enough gold to buy 2 Tier 2 items.

The rest of the game's itemization has nothing particularly important to note. Boots's [Locket Enchant] is VERY strong, and you shouldn't be afraid to use it for proactively. Most carry will nevertheless try to burst when initiating team fights, or lane fights, so that's the moment where the item shine. If you wait the danger zone might be too late.

Lux Runes

Best Runes for Lux

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter
As an extrovert support, you like company. So runes that promotes group play are the way to go. Also, Lux is confirmed being a cat person, so Aery will be of great support for you. Really, she's amazing and needs respect.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Illumination - Passive
Light Binding
Light Binding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Prismatic Barrier
Prismatic Barrier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Lucent Singularity
Lucent Singularity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Final Spark
Final Spark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Go-to Spell. 99% of champions picks it, and Lux doesn’t belong to the 1%. Also, LUX using FLASH is kinda appropriate.
Exhaust is the support bread and butter. Use it if you're sure your adc will follow for an easy kill, or use it to secure the kill when enemy is fleeing. Or use it to land a critical skill-shot. Or use it to escape the enemy. Use it when you need it!
If your team somehow benefit from MS OR your carry looks particularly dumb (again, we're IRON here, not diamond+ - good signs of a dumb carry: he picked up Singed, and wants to dragon) OR you feel particularly tense, this is the pick for you.

Lux Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

Kai'sa is a beasty beast. Is kind of hard to deal with her, but not impossible. Use minion positioning wisely and interrupt her assault with Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier and Light BindingLight Binding . A well timed Light BindingLight Binding might save both you and your Marksman from a [Kaisa:3]d horrific death.

Play safe. She is very good scaling, so if you manage to survive  that's already slowing her down. Ask for ganks, if possible.



Lux is a versatile champion that would be VERY easy, if not for the "all your skills are skillshots" side of her kit.

You may have noticed that most of the champions in the match up section are "skill" level of difficulty, and NONE is "Easy".

That's because it depends on YOU. I will put it straight: if you can't land your skillshots, you can't lane against anyone.

But! Practice makes perfect, right? So many of these encounters are bond to become easier, with time. After all, as a Lux player you are bound to shine!

N.B: skill level up order:

In case the transition between early and mid game isn't smooth, and you find yourself behind, I suggest to prioritize Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity over Light BindingLight Binding , so you can farm minions faster and/or help effectively to keep the lanes in balance, in a timely fashion.

About Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier being maxed first, I noticed it scales VERY well with the itemization, and gives massive shields in early game (IF you manage to land it). Because of this I found it very safe and effective to boost Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier first.


Start the game with Light BindingLight Binding The first blood potential that a snare and IlluminationIllumination have is very good.



Here are the essentials for surviving as support Lux and, with enough practice, even succeeding as a backup carry for the match.

Stay behind minions, and don't overextend: leave the leaps of faith to junglers and assassins. You can be adventurous while you are with your ADC, and if your mana bar is over 50%.

Ward your surroundings! Warding has never been so easy. Is an effortless action that will prevent your lane from surprises and ganks! As you may have already understood, if Lux is caught off-position she easily becomes a dead champion. Of course, don't be greedy. Nobody likes greedy players.

Final SparkFinal Spark is VERSATILE! So, abuse it. mid game this ability easily reaches a mere 30s recharge time. Pushing back an overloaded lane? From anywhere in the map? Yes! Split-pushing while casting   Final SparkFinal Spark as a way to changes tides in the mid lane teamfight? YOU CAN! (But don't isolate yourself too long. You are a social champion that likes to be with others!) ...Don't save the Final SparkFinal Spark for the perfect moment. It's easier to waste good moments waiting for the perfect one rather than losing the perfect one while performing good.

• If you come from League of Legends PC you might think you need Blue Buff to function. As for now, I never had the urge to ask for it, so focus on laning make your carry shine.

• BONUS: You never really kill steal in fights. Remember: you are an actual mage, capable of great damage. So, your itemization directly contributes to the team overall damage output. The better you are "dressed", the more Tanks and Fighters on the opposite team will be under pressure (MR vs Armor dilemma).


Tips&Tricks for beginners

What is unique about lux is that she can behave in a number of different ways.

Like light, she is both linear and wavy. I will explain better in the list below:

1) As the support role suggest, you can behave more passively focusing on preparing the enemy champion to be killed by your Marksman. So you stay backwards, you shield your teammates, you cast Light BindingLight Binding on enemy that are off position, and you call your job done.

2) You are also a Mage, which means that your offensive capability are above average. IlluminationIllumination is very powerful early game, and will greatly help to wear down the enemy champions. Final SparkFinal Spark has a map-wide range, and you can get advantage from it when you reach lv 5. Recalling and leaving a COMPETENT Marksman under tower may make the enemy over confindant and, while you are reaching back position, you can already do massive damage to them and change the tides of the battle.

3) While the first two styles are "weavy", you can also play in a very linear and monodimensional way: Lux has the same potential of an assassin, at level 5. Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity --> Auto Attack --> Light BindingLight Binding --> Final SparkFinal Spark --> Auto Attack is the "wombo combo" that can destroy any squishy champion who doesn’t respect your killing capabilities. I wouldn't recommend to focus on getting the surprise kill as a support, but the possibility is there and needs to be acknowledged. 

Ability Usage tips:

Light BindingLight Binding goes past the first enemy. Abuse this perk of the ability to land it while the enemy protect himself behind minion waves. You can behave aggressively with this skill shot to unnerve your opponents, while the Marksman position himself in a favorable spot to start a trade.

Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier biggest shield is given on the way back. Imagine of it as a Orb Of DeceptionOrb Of Deception : hit your allies at the tip of the range for maximum benefit. If used for self defense, there are two tricks you can try: If your health is above 50% and the opponent is at Final SparkFinal Spark range, cast the shield in their direction. There is a chance they will tilt a little. However, if your health is low and you are fleeing, cast it in the same  direction you are running: this way you will meet faster, giving you more time to reach safety.

Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity is not just an area of effect ability. It functions as a ward, and as a slow, too. During laning phase, if wards are in cooldown and you are suspecting an ambush, cast preemptively Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity to check the space. You can cast Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity to control the field, also. Behind the enemy before your Marksman starts a trade, to slow and damage them in case they get scared. Against melee champions, place it near your minions to deny them last hits. The range is very long, also, so you can harass enemy champions that are farming under tower. Really, the many usages of Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity allow you to have plenty of control of the field, as long as you keep the distance.

Final SparkFinal Spark , as before mentioned, gets a very short cooldown. So don't be afraid to spread the light upon all champions and minions alike. If you ward major Jungle monsters (like, Dragon and Baron) you can scare the opponent team by flashing a Final SparkFinal Spark while they are busy fighting the monster. On higher levels of cooperation, this is a great way to start a teamfight in the jungle.


THE Illuminating TRUTH

At the end of the day, Lux is a very safe champion. 

The only thing every Lux lacks is mobility. If you want to be a successful Lux player, start with this assumption: You can't juke, besides flash, and you suck at running.  

Recognize this limit of the champion, and you will do well. If you overextend or just recklessly attack enemy turret, know that it may go extremely wrong, very fast.

This is maybe the most important note about the Lady of Luminosity. Her kit might make you feel safe and unstoppable, but once the abilities are in cooldown Lux is extremely prone to bullysm and becomes very frail.

Keep your distance and shine all over the map!


Closing words

And so, this is the beginner guide on how to Lux.

There are many things that can be further detailed but, until you reach your platinum- X rank, this guide will light your mood before becoming "clear as the day".


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