by tcheorfabio

[2.6a] Vi Guide - VI IS NOT A TANK

Patch 2.6a
February 25, 2022 18:41


Jungle guide on Vi and how to best utilize her strenghts. Vi is a strong jungler that can gank early as lvl 2 but her gank spike is lvl 5 which you can hit very fast since her first jg clear is one of the fastest in game.


  • Vi have one of the fastest jg clears in game
  • Vi is very mobile and a great ganker
  • Vi is an amazing duelist with two knock ups and max health dmg based passive
  • Vi isn't the fastest tower destroyer but she is fast anyways


  • Once you dive in, you're in with no escape.
  • People will try to make you the tank of the team, as title says: Vi isn't a tank
  • As any early jg, if you get behind early you're prob gonna stay behind entire game

Vi Build

Best Build Guide for Vi

Starting Items
Long Sword
Trinity Force
Edge of Night
Trinity Force
Edge of Night
Teleport Enchant
Guardian Angel
Sterak's Gage
Black Cleaver

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

The idea of this build is to make Vi the great duelist and cleaner she's supposed to be. First item is always Long Sword. If the enemies are squish and playing very aggressive you can take Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk on the first recall and focus on get ganks, otherwise focus on farming and finishing Trinity ForceTrinity Force asap. After this get Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed and choose you boot upgrade based on the match; if enemy comp is full AD, go for Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps , if they have much CC, rush Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads , otherwise go for Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves for better duel potencial.

This build is focused on get as many health and AD as possible since Vi's role is to clean up and duel out positioned enemies. You can split push really fast by Vault BreakerVault Breaker the entire wave and then hitting all minions with your Excessive ForceExcessive Force . Vi isn't Jax but can push towers fast too, it's a good way to open up a lead in mid game after getting Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant and it will take pressure out of your team by demanding an answer from enemies. With this build you can duel most champions just keep attention on map to not get caught in a bad position. If you see two or more enemies rotating to you ping your team to apply pressure somewhere else and either try to keep the enemies chasing you, which you can easily run away from, or teleport back to your team and force a fight with the numbers advantage.

Vi Runes

Best Runes for Vi

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

ConquerorConqueror is a no brainer. Always go for it. There's no better rune for ViVi

WeaknessWeakness or BrutalBrutal is a personal choice, both are good. If you focus on gank early BrutalBrutal is better, if you focus on duealing mid to late game WeaknessWeakness will get you more value

Hunter TitanHunter Titan is the best choice here since you will almost never find a enemy team with total lack of CC.

MastermindMastermind to get you extra dmg and gold against turrets and objectives.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Denting Blows
Denting Blows - Passive
Vault Breaker
Vault Breaker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Blast Shield
Blast Shield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Excessive Force
Excessive Force
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Assault And Battery
Assault And Battery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners



Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Vault Breaker
Auto Attack
Excessive Force
Auto Attack
Excessive Force
Blast Shield

Burst Combo: Dash into the enemy, auto attack and then reset with Excessive ForceExcessive Force and repeat. If the target isn't dead yet you can activate Blast ShieldBlast Shield to keep chasing and finish him off.

Vault Breaker
Auto Attack
Excessive Force
Auto Attack
Assault And Battery
Auto Attack
Excessive Force
Blast Shield
Auto Attack

All in: Use this to keep someone locked or to do max dmg as possible. Useful to keep someone from getting into your team during team fights or to keep the enemy carry busy while your team help finish him off.

Vault Breaker
Auto Attack
Excessive Force

The slippery target will try to dash away combo: If you see an enemy splitting that can dash away when you get close don't open the engage with Vault BreakerVault Breaker . Use [Smite:Chilling Smite] to close the gap, auto attack as you get in range and when he dashes away you use Vault Breaker to keep smashing him to bits. If you play Vi correctly nobody will ever be able to run away from you.

Vi Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Master Yi
Master Yi
Lee Sin
Lee Sin

Abuse his weak early game. Invade him if you have lane priority and/or path to duel him at river for first scuttle crab. If you keep him at check you can duel him at mid game with not much of a problem.

If he gets a lead it's prob better to not try to duel him since late-mid to late game the advantage shifts to him. You can adapt the build to either use Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen or  change Black CleaverBlack Cleaver for Executioner's CallingExecutioner's Calling to be able too.


How to play Vi correctly.

Most players use Vi as a tank what IMO is a waste of potential since there are better tanks around. Vi's kit is not a tank's kit, she doesn't scale with health like Dr. MundoDr. Mundo , armor like MalphiteMalphite or RammusRammus neither with MR like GalioGalio , and her Blast ShieldBlast Shield is not a big shield neither reliable to tank. Blast ShieldBlast Shield is a mid fight sustain and chase tool since you need to keep hitting them to reach max stacks.

Vi is designed to duel and clean up during team fights since once you go in you'll not be able to go out. You either kill them or get killed after entering the fray, so do it wisely. During team fights let others initiate it and have a plan to how you do follow up. The enemy team have a channeled ult? Use Vault BreakerVault Breaker or Assault And BatteryAssault And Battery to cancel it. A key target is low health? Chase him, finish him up and commit to finish the fight. Don't spam your abilities since you'll lose utility and dmg on SheenSheen procs.

At mid to late game Vi loses some kill potential but gets better at pushing side lanes. Use your mobility to apply pressure on side lanes and if you're sure that the enemy coming to answer is alone you can out duel him. By doing this you'll be able to keep the lead and snowball to victory. Unless the enemy comp is something like FizzFizz , ZedZed and TryndamereTryndamere where you'll need [Stasis Enchant] I always go Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant to keep applying pressure on the sides and them teleporting back to secure objectives on the other side of the map. Be sure to keep up with your gold farming since if you do fall behind you'll have big problems to get back to game after it.


Why TF + BC?

Some people will say that buy both Trinity ForceTrinity Force and Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is a waste since both share the Rage passive but most often than not it is not. You buy TF because of the Spellblade passive and Black Cleaver because of the Sunder passive, the Rage one is just a bonus on top of the great stats that both items have and both have great synergy with Vi's kit since her Excessive ForceExcessive Force has two charges to use Spellblade on and Vi's passive have armor shredding too.

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