[3.5b] 60% Winrate Challenger Ashe Guide
60% Winrate Challenger Ashe Guide
- High range marksman, good kiting with slows
- Lots of utility in her kit. Slows, stun, vision
- High damage when you build and play her right
- Vulnerable to dive
- Low mobility
Ashe Build
Best Build Guide for Ashe
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
When playing Ashe ADC it is important you buy the right items so you can have the optimal amount of damage, utility, and survivability so you can carry with ease.
This is the main reason Manamune is her main item. It gives you scaling AD and mana + ability haste. With this item alone, you have a high efficiency on your Volley cooldown and poke damage. Your Enchanted Crystal Arrow will also be on such a lower cooldown as well.
After Manamune , Essence Reaver is also one of her best items, so combining the 2 makes a lot of sense. It will make your Ranger's Focus and Volley do increased damage on hits. It will also decrease the cooldown of your Enchanted Crystal Arrow . Once you complete Manamune and Essence Reaver , any further ability haste is relatively inefficient and it should not be the main purpose of buying that item.
Blade of the Ruined King is another one of her best items as it is incredibly useful for kiting and chasing as well as it provides a bit of lifesteal for staying alive.
From here you are going to want to get Infinity Edge for damage amp. If you must buy a situational item, one of the best is Rapid Firecannon . It synergizes really well with getting that first auto attack off in which you can then kite the enemy down.
In addition, buy any crit item you need for the game. Runaan's Hurricane for AoE, Bloodthirster for lifesteal, and Lord Dominik's Regards in the case of multiple tanks.
Of course, if you need them, Phantom Dancer and Maw of Malmortius are always available for the lifeline passive, very important for an immobile marksman like Ashe .
Serpent's Fang and Mortal Reminder are S-tier items for Ashe as they are really easy to proc with your Volley .
You can forego Manamune and pick between an Essence Reaver build path or Stormrazor .
With Stormrazor you will mainly be focusing on auto attacking and not casting spells, however, I would recommend picking up Ionian Boots of Lucidity to get that Volley cooldown efficiency as well as reduced summoner spell cooldowns.
Ashe Runes
Best Runes for Ashe
Lethal Tempo always. You will get to auto-attack a lot.
Hunter Vampirism is nice, a lot of the time you might not have any vamp in your build. Weakness is the only other option as you proc it with all your slows and [ashe:4].
Nullifying Orb is great with all the AD you get from your 3-item core Manamune Essence Reaver Infinity Edge . Take Hunter Titan if you need tenacity.
Nimbus Cloak is ideal for gaining move speed to run from any danger that gets close to you.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Auto canceling your Ranger's Focus and Volley on every occurrence is the main deal.
Quick Ranger's Focus proc
Ashe Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Poke him, slow him, and stun him. He will have a hard time dealing damage to you and keeping his Spinning Axe up.