by SauphieSnow

[4.3] Evelynn Guide - Evelynn - Extreme Jungler

Evelynn as a Combative in the Jungle is described by her Hate Spike ability. Heal as a Summoner Spell allows you to support other Laners to tower push, while Smite gives you tower diving. Demolish for the Inspiration Secondary Rune lets you solo harass. Manamune gives unlimited mana if taken as the first item. Plated Steelcaps with the Quicksilver Enchant for item 2 is good for physical resist and breaking champion curse abilities. Wit's End as item 3 covers magic resist.
Patch 4.3
October 26, 2023 16:43

Evelynn - Extreme Jungler

2 Attack / 2 Defense rated character owning a most powerful Passive for strong Jungling.


  • Abilities may activate, as Evelynn finishes each automatic melee attack.
  • Best self healing available with the likability of a Support type.
  • Jungle boss monsters go to soloing.
  • Best harassment for approaching opponent towers.
  • Effective clear speed of the Jungle.
  • Smartest Ultimate with good results, when used as described.


  • Several character types perform better in the same role at a particular function.
  • Harassing is necessary for achieving a victorial success.
  • Smite and Healing go required as Summoner Spells.
  • Kraken Slayer is a necessity.
  • Hate Spike defines the character.
  • Falling back to a supportive location is crucial to a win.

Evelynn Build

Best Build Guide for Evelynn

Core Items
Core Items 2
Plated Steelcaps
Quicksilver Enchant
Full Items
Plated Steelcaps
Wit's End
Nashor's Tooth
Blade of the Ruined King
Trinity Force

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

A character rated of 2 Defense may win a melee fight or spell combat, but a 1 Defense character may not survive.  Evelynn has good consistency, but you may need to run her off on occasion to keep survival going.  I love her Passive of Demon Shade allowing ad hoc support for laners, when she hunts in the Jungle.  Harass, or avoid them.  Supporting a laner may help push out rushers who like to patrol.  Vision Wards help win new territory, so you may attack the monster bosses holding the red buff for health and damage or the blue for mana and abilities.

Evelynn fires off two bolts of Hate Spike, as she works in melee attacks to the victim.  This helps give incredible strength for chasing down an opponent champion.  You may damage and follow at the same moment.  That translates to taking down an opponent trying to take a Scuttle Bug for experience.

Heal and Smite as Summoner Spells mean not needing to visit the base camp.  You need to upgrade, so you must go back at some point.  Demolish as a rune lets taking opponent towers stay an opportunity.  Second Wind keeps health filling up as an assist to the Demon Shade Passive at a high amount with a defensive bonus added at champion fights.


1. Manamune to Muramana -  Evelynn is high in mana efficiency, so you need to use Hate Spike much.  You need one Mana item to fuel your Ability 1, and Manamune is it.  You need just this as a Mana item.  Muramana supplies a large amount of your damage from the Shock effect.  Acquiring Manamune early is important, so you do not suffer from a weakness later of needing to level it to Muramana.  This provides some of the best benefits in the game for the price available, and it is affordable early to you.  The Attack Damage bonus stays marginal.  The Max Mana bonus is the best in the game for a melee style.  The Ability Haste is good.  The Awe affect grants you extra Attack Damage adding to what you get, and you have a cheaper Mana cost.  The Mana Charge effect turns in to Shock, so that you deal more bonus Damage.  This is the best First Slot item in the game for Evelynn.

2. Plated Steelcaps of Lucidity with Quicksilver Enchant -  The Sprint effect from Quicksilver Enchant is useful for running away from an opponent champion and allows you to break crowd control from an opponent champion.  It translates to NOT needing Flash as a Summoner Spell.  It feels like paying for a third Summoner Spell, when it mixes with the Perserverence rune.  The reaction you need is to go in to the Jungle at the grass for considering, if you want to Teleport back to the base camp.  You may shift back to the Demon Shade from the Passive for escaping the enemy.  You do not take the boots first from needing damage and mana.  These also permit you at keeping up with an opponent champion, so you may secure a kill with the Ultimate.

3. Wit's End -  Magic Resist helps shorten debuff durations.  Abilities directed in to the grass at you by an opposing player may catch Evelynn on accident to expose her.  The Speed bonus is of At Wit's End  is good as an extra source of curing your empty health in melee range from the opposing champion.  It doubles as a protection for closing melee range to the opponent.  You are may be using the Whiplash ability to finish the gap for sealing the finality of a fight.

4. Nashor's Tooth -  The name of the item is a reflection of you being able to handle Baron Nashor when alone.  The item is unique for making Ability Power and melee attack value go up.  Most damaging power from Evelynn comes from her Basic Attacks.  The given Attack Speed boost is high and contributes to all the additional damage directing in to her Basic Attacks.  True Damage from Kraken Slayer as a rune knocks out an opponent at a quickened pace.  Evelynn ignores most Defenses.  The price to pay is finishing off an opponent with the Ultimate for secure the next kill, so you wait for the Ultimate cooldown to refresh and cycle.  You may work on taking down a Tower of the opposing team, obtaining a Red or Blue buff from one of the Jungle bosses, clearing a drake kill to win a buff for your team, gaining experience quickly by killing a Scuttle Bug in the river path, or killing the Rift Herald or Baron Nashor to split the lanes for pressing to the base camp of the enemy team.  You should try to Smite for keeping health high in the Jungle or clearing to the next objective.  A team member in a Lane means in money that you will not be harassed as much.  Other wise you may have a patrol come through the grass regions, when they leave to spend on items.  The Bite effect makes the item worth the price.

5. Blade of the Ruined King -  It is vital for Evelynn to keep at offensive items.  Her Assassin classification defines how she attacks an opponent.  You go through a significant group of Jungle monsters to progress in level and then some lane minions for tower diving to gain money.  Minions help you with the purpose of levelling up Evelynn, but the tower is the reason for being in a lane.  You afford pricy items by taking down those towers.  You may rush for an opponent as an Assassin, but this will not mean you win at all fights.  You need help pushing down a lane at times.  This is not the main strength of Evelynn, but she may harass at any time unlike any other champion choice.  Taking down a tower should not be a risk.  Falling back to the grass to allow Demolish to finish the a cooldown is a good, if you see an enemy champion appear.  This particular item grants superiority in melee fights.

6. Trinity Force -  Decent Attack Damage, high Ability Haste, good Attack Speed, a favorable Health bonus, and a small Movement Speed boost help from this.  The passive effects are the reason for buying the item.  The Spellblade effect works near instantly from Evelynn's high Attack Speed, if you use her Whiplash Ability.  It seems to stack with the power working with all of the other melee effects of previous purchased items.  The Rage effect allows you to stay on an opponent.

Get the Red Buff first.  Target a Scuttle Bug after that as an attempt at scouting.  You may want to attack a Drake next.   Avoid the Blue Buff, if you do not attack the Drake.  Team mates will try taking kills from you on occasion, so that is why you should favor using the Ultimate.  It is possible to kill the Rift Herald at level 2, but Baron Nashor may require level 8 or such.  Healing Fruit is one other reason to harass.  Staying alive is the last priority through the gaming session.

Evelynn Runes

Best Runes for Evelynn

Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer
Second Wind
Second Wind

I suggest taking Kraken Slayer as the Keystone Rune.  Nullifying Orb, Second Wind, and Perseverance should be the Resolve Primary Runes.  Demolish should be the Inspiration Secondary Rune.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Demon Shade
Demon Shade - Passive
Hate Spike
Hate Spike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Last Caress
Last Caress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Try to use this only when an ally who needs healing is near by. That means in money jungling near your team mates. That is easy, if you stay near the Red Buff Jungle Boss. A Marksman and Support will often be in the Bottom Lane by the Drake at there.
You need to Smite at every opportunity, if you are not level 6. That means in money NOT wasting a use of Chilling Smite on an opponent. Use your Hate Spike ability to harass an enemy champion. You need Smite for HEALING you, so you do not waste time.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Hate Spike
Hate Spike

Notice on these combos I put Allure on the end.  This assumes your victim will escape from you.  Allure keeps vision on your target, so you may turn to hunting in the Jungle for a short time with Smite.  It is a good time to prioritize a Scuttle Bug or Drake to help either your self or team.  Taking out a Drake is easy, if you already earned a Muramana.  Many players want to attack you with as much attention span they leave to give.  Allure helps keep them off of you, but it will not stop them.

Hate Spike
Hate Spike
Hate Spike
Hate Spike

This combo shows confidence from you in staying alive, but you want to escape with a different goal in mind.  Protect your Healing Fruit in the River with this combo and to convince them to stay out of the grass.  You are not herding players.  You want to keep them in the middle of the lane, so your team mates may lessen their Health.  That helps your secure a kill with your Ultimate.  You may find your self doubling back to an opponent to finish off a kill from your Allure usage.


Summary Revised

Remember to harass!  Tower diving is good in an area lacking other heroes.

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