[4.0a] Kassadin Guide - The Blink Blink Carry
The Blink Blink Carry
- Very Mobile AP Assasin
- High Burst Late Game Carry
- Great scaling in his abilities
- Weak in early stages of the game
- Requires knowledge and skill to play this champ
Kassadin Build
Best Build Guide for Kassadin
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
You Should buy:
Sapphire Crystal - if you are looking to stack your mana early to reach the mana cap of Archangel's Staff later after Rod of Ages .
Amplifying Tome - if you want to rush Rod of Ages and the lane matchup is in your favor.
Ruby Crystal - if the enemy laner is a poke champ or has a great early damage. This helps you survive the early game to avoid potential dives.
These are your best standard items for Kassadin because of the two scaling item which is Rod of Ages and Archangel's Staff
Rod of Ages - Overall a great first item for Kassadin because of the heal passive, stacking HP, Mana, and Ability Power.
Archangel's Staff - A great scaling AP item because of its upgrade passive that gives you a shield when low
Core items with two magic penetration items to ensure a one shot combo in the late game.
Infinity Orb - Great magic penetration passive and the crit bonus when enemy is low
Void Staff - best magic penetration item in the game to ensure a flat damage when enemy has no magic resist item
[Stasis Enchant] - protects you from getting deleted in teamfights
Morellonomicon - an item to buy if the enemy has a lot of healers such as Soraka , [Aatrox], Yuumi , Olaf , etc.
Frozen Heart - a go to item if the enemy has a lot of Burst AD champs such as Jayce , Zed , Pantheon , Kha'Zix , etc.
Quicksilver Enchant - a must go to boot enchant item if you always find yourself not moving during teamfights.
Banshee's Veil - you will only build this item if the enemy has a lot of cc/AP champs such as Lux , Varus , Annie , Vex , etc.
Kassadin Runes
Best Runes for Kassadin
My Standard Runes for Kassadin
Fleet Footwork - overall the best rune for Kassadin because of the heal and mana recovery plus the movement speed
Gathering Storm - stacking AP as the game goes on is very good for scaling champs like Kassadin
Second Wind - a recovery rune that helps you survive in laning phase
Hunter Genius - more ability haste means more ability spam
A second rune setup if you are confident that you will snowball the game
Electrocute - helps you in trading in early game but falls off later
Sudden Impact - Kassadin blinks a lot so a little bit of magic penetration is helpful
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Kassadin Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Just play safe until you get your Riftwalk and you just use your ultimate to get out of his Event Horizon
- Do not push the wave to the enemy tower because you are an immobile champ vulnerable to ganks
- Last hit minions using your Nether Blade because of its safe range
- Use your fully stack Force Pulse either to trim the enemy wave or trade
- Always prioritize your health over farm if the enemy jungler and mid laner are good early game champs
- When trading use your Force Pulse first then your Nether Blade
- Always remind your team you can't really do much during a skirmish because of your weak early
- Roam if you see potential kills and can safely retreat
- This is the part of the game where you farm in the sidelanes. When doing this do not extend especially if you can't see where the enemy team is
- When joining a teamfight, stack up your Riftwalk to deal the maximum damage. But pay attention to your mana
- This is where you become a beast. Bring sweeping lens to ensure enemy don't have vision of you.
- When trying to assasinate use your Null Sphere first before jumping with your combo to avoid potential enemy escape
- You can extend your Riftwalk blink range by using the spell [flash], use this when trying to assasinate their backline during teamfights