by Wimper

[4.1a] Solo Carry Rengar Guide

Patch 4.1a
April 23, 2023 11:57

Solo Carry Rengar Guide

Short guide on how to use a solo orientated playstyle on Rengar to carry bad teammates. This will be a high risk high reward type of guide where you can minimize the risk by mastering rengars kit and his limits to snowball the game


  • High damage
  • Lots of lifesteal
  • Very mobile/hard to catch
  • Good Splitpush
  • Good at soloing drake/baron


  • squishy
  • Early levels can be tough
  • Needs to snowball

Rengar Build

Best Build Guide for Rengar

Starting Items
Long Sword
Build 1
Quicksilver Enchant
Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Lord Dominik's Regards
Edge of Night

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

You start off with a Longsword. Your first big powerspike comes from Essence Reaver which boost your 1 ability, gives you ad, haste and crit to take over the game. Bloodthirster into Infinity Edge is a must afer that. Once you are at this point you can actually solo Baron when it spawns and item variety is given depending on the enemy comp and what you need. You could go for a antiheal into Stormrazor or Phantom Dancer if needed. 

Rengar Runes

Best Runes for Rengar

Phase Rush
Phase Rush
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

Phase rush is essential so you can one shot squishy and get away fast enough. It is also good to chase targets and keep auto attacking. Second row is a bit more flexible. I like Hunter for lifesteal but Brutal and Triumph or even Giant Slayer are optional.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Unseen Predator
Unseen Predator - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Battle Roar
Battle Roar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Bola Strike
Bola Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Thrill Of The Hunt
Thrill Of The Hunt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners



Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Thrill Of The Hunt
Bola Strike
Battle Roar
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Later on the game you will have enough damage where you can just Ult-1-3-2-1 and run away with phase rush.



Early game:

What you wanna do as soon the game starts is buy items and get a pink which you place at your Blue Brush and after that you run to your red and do following path, which could differ for special occasions in your game. Red-Wolves-Grump-Blue-Crab. Most of the time enemy jgl will also be at the crab so make sure you have enough ferocity stacked from getting the blue to be able to fight him. Make sure to ping mid and top lane for help and use brushes to play around your passive and to get some time for teammates to arrive. Most of the time you will be able to kill enemy jgl if you use your combos well enough. After that it is a simple junglers game. Watch out where you can gank and alway make sure to do your camps so they can reset. Once you have your Ultimate ability make sure to use it everytime time it is up and do a gank or counter jgl. If it is on cooldown you can get back to your camps. 

Mid game:

Play around your powerspikes, especially Essence Reaver. When it comes to Teamfights, try to flank the squishy backline, as this is your main job as an assassin. Also when you cast your Ultimate, do not be hasty. Your Ult runs for a bit so make sure you go in at the right time. Especially wait out big abilities from enemys before you go in, so you dont get 1 shout or cced.

Late game:

Same rules as Mid but now you have enough dmg to take down towers in seconds and even solo baron so make sure you check the map use vision to sneak in objectives.

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