[2.1a] Soraka Guide - Soraka "L'heal Pump" support
Soraka "L'heal Pump" support
Soraka Build
Best Build Guide for Soraka
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Soraka is a support champion that is played on Dragon Lane paired with an ADC.
Soraka main strengths come from her healing abilities. This can be used to bait ennemy or save your dying teammates.
The goal of the build is to make her Astral Infusion spammable with the combo Rod of Ages + Warmog's Armor during the mid game to endure long fights, pushes on ennemy side or sieges on your side.
Sokara's Astral Infusion ability doesn't count as "damage taken" for the Warmog's Armor , so as long you don't take damage from other source you can spam your heal without to have to endure the HP cost !
Starcall : Soraka launch a star that fall at the selected location. It is her primary source of Damage/Poking. It is also used, if it hits an ennemy champion, to make her Astral Infusion healing a bit the target over a short period of time.
Astral Infusion : This is the main healing ability of Soraka. It heals a lot and is kind of spammable at the cost of Soraka HP, so be careful early on. At the start of the game, this skill has a pretty long cooldown and the heal cost can be impactful on Soraka health, so it should be used wisely. To maximise this skill efficiency, try to use it after hitting an ennemy champion with Starcall ; a small heal over time will be added to the flat heal.
Equinox : This ability create a small AoE silence anyone in it. If the ennemy stay until the Aoe fade away, he will be rooted. This is a key ability of Soraka to bait and outplay your ennemy. This deals also some moderate damage when used if it you hit the ennemy when launching the ability. Use this AoE at your advantage, you can prevent ennemy to use ability or summoner spell like flash, or using it on your position to prevent melee champion to damage you with skills. It is especially effective versus Lee Sin , if he Q you and jump on you, just silence your feet and he wont be able to Dragon's Rage ;)
Wish : A global heal, it will heals all your ally wherever they are on the map. The heal is much stronger if your ally is below 35% heal, so try keeping it for this treshold. You can use it to bait ennemy. It is also used to have a free assist if your ally score a kill at the other side of the map.
Early Game
Soraka is a kind of passive support because even if she can poke with her Starcall , the output damage is pretty low. This should be primarly used to cast a bigger Astral Infusion with the Heal Over Time (HoT). Nevertheless with its low mana cost Starcall can be spammed wisely if you are not too much under pressure, else keep some mana to combo Starcall + big Astral Infusion .
Do not hesitate, to ask your adc to let the HonyFruit to you to earn some gold though the mastery so you can heal more and regen mana.
You can try to play aggresive or bait the ennemy with your Wish + Starcall + Astral Infusion if they engage your low hp ally that will survive.
As item, your should try to rush Rod of Ages , it will gives you sustains and tankyness and let you be more spammy with your Starcall & Astral Infusion .
Mid & Late Game
See section at the end of the guide. (not enough place here to conclude).
Soraka Runes
Best Runes for Soraka
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Soraka Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Mid & Late Game Build
Late Game
Keep healing in teamfights, and if your are low heal, just try to go out of combat a bit to regen HP with your Warmog's Armor .
The rest of the build will depend on your preference and the state of the game, here are my suggestion :
Rabadon's Deathcap : The boost of AP will be useful defensively and offensively. You heal will be stronger and as well as your damage from Starcall & Equinox .
Spirit Visage : Helpful item vs AP heavy comp and brings even more regen for your Warmog's Armor .
The other support items are useful if your adc has trouble to survive. Try prioritize Protector's Vow and/or Harmonic Echo it in that case over the above items.