by Beng1

[2.2c] The orpressor Targons - Aurelion Sol Guide by Levi

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.2c
May 23, 2021 16:58

The orpressor Targons - Aurelion Sol Guide by Levi

After ages of surpression by Targons foolish folk, rise up and show your enemy the power of the universe! A in-depths Guide for Aurelion Sol by Levi (featuring ZourWR)

Aurelion Sol Build

Best Build Guide for Aurelion Sol

core items
Rod of Ages
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Liandry's Torment
common full build
Rod of Ages
Liandry's Torment
Boots of Swiftness
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rabadon's Deathcap
last item choices
Void Staff
Infinity Orb
boot enchantment
Stasis Enchant
Protobelt Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Core Items

Rod of AgesRod of Ages - The classic one. With +250hp +60 ability power and +300 mana already providing decent stats, it also has a nice passive which converts damage taken into mana and mana spent into hp regen. The 2nd passive does also rais the items stats. +20hp, +10 mana and +6 ability power every 30sec up to +200 +100 and +60.
This item shines on scaling champions such as aurelion, it also does stack pretty fast.

Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter - Rylais maybe is the most important item on him. With +350hp and +70 ability power it provides nice stats but most importantly it does slow the enemy by 20% whenever an ability hits the enemy, this also includes Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion . This synergizes pretty well and does help you a lot with hiting your stars.

Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment - Same as with Rylais, this item does provide almost all the stats Aurelion needs. Your consistent damage output with Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion also does synergize extremly well with Liandry's.

Last Item choices

MorellonomiconMorellonomicon - Common last item on most of the mages. Grants you all the stats you want and helps to deal high survivability champions such as OlafOlaf or GragasGragas .

Void StaffVoid Staff - Immensely buffing your damage and granting you percentage mr reduction which helps a lot against tanks.

Infinity OrbInfinity Orb - Better option over Void StaffVoid Staff if the enemy team has many squishys and only one tank or if the tank does not bother you.

Boot Enchantment

[stasis enchant] - Standart enchantment. Creating you some space to survive burst and your team some time to catch up.
[aurelion sol:passive] does keep dealing damage while stasis.

Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant - Creating some space for outplays. Using as gap closer to get in space for Voice Of LightVoice Of Light or giving you some mobility to dodge skillshots.

Aurelion Sol Runes

Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band


Gets triggered pretty easily and gives you insane trading potential. Compared to electrocute the better choice since you procc it as easy at ec but helps you even more in extended fights which is what you want.

Hunter Vampirism

Since your kit and item build lacks of lifesteal or sustain, vampirism does fill this hole. It's not much but helps you surviving the laning phase.
Other possible choices are gathering storm (which sucks pretty hard with the current scaling) or weaknes. I whould chose weakness over vampirism
since StarsurgeStarsurge and Voice Of LightVoice Of Light do trigger it pretty easily on multi targets. Once you have Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter your stars also do trigger vamp.

Hunter Titan

Standart on most immobile champions. Scaling rune which provides great tenacity and some max health, does protect your movement speed.

Manaflow Band

Basic on most mages. Synergizes well with your aggressive playstyle and loweres your mana worrys.

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

ZourWR Rune Set


Great for extended fights. Get's stacked pretty easily in teamfights and fits overall more to them.

Gathering Storm

Buffs your insane scaling even more. 


Can be taken if you don't go for Vampirism to get some sustain.

Pack Hunter

Most of the time you want to roam, pack hunter does benefit your playstyle if you are able to execute ganks.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Center Of The Universe
Center Of The Universe - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Celestial Expansion
Celestial Expansion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Comet Of Legend
Comet Of Legend
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Voice Of Light
Voice Of Light
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Common on almost every champion in the game. No need to explain.
You wanna go this in almost every matchup. Giving you early kill potential, pressure potential and a usefull antiheal.
Grants a burst of bonus movement speed which decays over a short period of time, buffing his only kind of mobility (movement speed) and giving him some space for outplays during fights.

Aurelion Sol Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate

Corki does pretty badly against you since his laning phase is pretty terrible.
Bully him out of the lane so that he can't hit his 3 item powerspike that early.

Aurelion Sol


In the current Meta, Aurelion Sol managed to become one of the most solid picks in the middle lane. He does pretty well in teamfights, has outplay potential, map pressure and can zone people pretty well. The reason most of you don't play him is that he seems to be pretty difficult to play. With these following tipps it will be much easier to do so.

  • Your skill order
    W > Q > E , at Lv.1 you start with Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion so that you can start with some high range waveclear/poke. Lv.2 you go for your StarsurgeStarsurge , giving you access to your basic trading combo. At Lv.3 you can chose, do you need the backport early or do you want to roam already? Go Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend . If not, go StarsurgeStarsurge .
  • Your basic-combo
    Your basic trading combo is pretty easy. Stun your opponent with StarsurgeStarsurge and burst him with Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion . Try to rotate clockwise around your enemy.
    Note: Your stars do circle against the clock. So moving clockwise around your enemy does make your stars hit more often.
  • Your first-to-buys
    If you get forced to backport if you have time to do so (for example if you went Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend Lv.3) you can buy an early Catalyst of AeonsCatalyst of Aeons what already can be a small powerspike.
  • Waveclear
    By standing sidewise to the wave you can hit every minion with Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion at once.
  • Some kit related basics
    ~ Since every champion does have something in his kit to play around, in aurelions case these are his stars. They represent your "private zone". Your StarsurgeStarsurge always explodes at the border of your stars (or if you re-cast it ofc). Meaning that using Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion will stretch this border so that starsurge explodes later.
    ~ Moving the same straight direction buffs your movementspeed. ~ While using Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend you can move in a cone-shaped area. ~ You can flash while casting Voice Of LightVoice Of Light to replace the hitbox. ~ Voice Of LightVoice Of Light does knock the enemy back to the border of your Center Of The UniverseCenter Of The Universe . ~ You can cast StarsurgeStarsurge while already flying in Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend active. ~ While StarsurgeStarsurge is still flying you also get bonus movement speed.
  • Utilizing Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend the fullest
    Your wave is pushed out or if your mates clear your wave for you, look for a roam to sidelane with your Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend + StarsurgeStarsurge combo.
    Comeet of legends active does also ignore collision, meaning that you can fly around every wall or building, giving you opportunitys to escape from bad situations.
    As already mentioned, moving straight buffs your movement speed so nobody will be able to keep up with you. ~ You can end the active early by re-casting the spell but you also can activate Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion . This way you instantly have the spell casted while leaving the active state.
  • Know your place
    Aurelion does not keept up with other midlaner you it's about 1v1's or close combat skirmishes. But he shines pretty well in roaming and teamfighting. So better avoid early skirmishes if you can't be sure to 100%-ly win it. Don't wander off alone and keep staying with your team.
  • Your extended burst-Combo
    Once you've hit your powerspikes ( Voice Of LightVoice Of Light > Rod of AgesRod of Ages > Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment ) you can look for opportunitys to fight. Your basic burst-combo:
    Q > Ult > W ( StarsurgeStarsurge > Voice Of LightVoice Of Light > Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion ) - Your ult does knock the enemy back to your outer circle (the one when Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion is activated), meanwhile flies your Q to the outer circle to stun the enemy and your stars do the rest. This way you hit everything 100%-ly.
    If you want to surprise everyone, combine your Q pre-cast with Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend , making it easier to hit your ult.
  • Use your map-pressure
    As we already know, aurelion sol can fly almost over the whole map. Use this to interrupt fights or the enemy doing drake or baron. If you already own your core items you can also look for a kill or steal.
  • Go for flashy plays
    As already mentioned, Voice Of LightVoice Of Light does knock the enemy to the border of the outer circle. But what if you use it on enemys already standing there? This case your ult does only slow them. But there is a "cheat". If you flash into your enemy while casting Voice Of LightVoice Of Light you can still knock back them since you move the outer circle AWAY from your enemy. You also can insac enemys if you cast your ult behind you while flashing behind the enemy.
  • He's a beast on the current Patch!
    If you want to learn him someday, now is the time. He does pretty well on the current Patch (2.0.0) in both, soloq and competetive.
Aurelion Sol


Aurelion Sol


If you are actually reading the whole thing or even if you just scroll down to this point, thank you for reading and using my guide.

But who am I to think I can speak like a coach?
My name is Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (Yeah like the streamer ratirl, i know that)
With 4 years League (peaking Master 117lp) and 3 years Arena of Valor (peak EU #21) experience i'm now trying
to help player improving their knowledge in Wild Rift with guides, cheat-sheets and someday with coaching sessions.

This time assisted by ZourWR, former Onmiyoji Global #2 | Wild Rift Top 20 player and the current jungler for SNG Esports. Check his streams and videos out!
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/zourmoba
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVoBACeQ8P2Njdweqrc_CQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/ZourWR

Currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports (https://teamsingularity.com/) .
Analyst for Hexis Esports. https://www.hexis-esports.de/
Community Coach on the official Wild Rift Discord Server. https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa

Former Head/Coach of Andy PvPHD.
(2nd Place Wild Rift Competetive Monthly https://liquipedia.net/wildrift/Wild_Rift_Competitive/Monthly/EUNA/1 / 2nd Place JGDIFF Tournament)

If you liked this guide, have something to critizice or if you want more, leave a like and comment down below.

Aurelion Sol


Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
Hello Levi, thanks for the guide it helped me a lot. But can u also play him as a support cause his ult can knock away enemies from your adc? Dear your greatest Fanboy Discord: Suchti#7142
3 years ago
Sure, you need Rylai's first and Font of Life + Weakness for Runes. Heal + Flash or Smite + Flash.