[2.0.0] Braum Guide - Strong muscly ice man- Braum
Strong muscly ice man- Braum
Braum Build
Best Build Guide for Braum
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
You usually want to rush Zeke's Convergence or [Locket enchant] for the first skirmish for drake, I like to get [Mana crystal] as my starting item for more mana and i can stay in lane for longer before needing to recall for mana, [Zekes Convergence] synergises very well with braum if you ult after using [Braum:2], another item that works well with [braum2] is [Protectors vow] if your allys in range and you or they receive damage both will get a shield and movement speed,[Dead mans plate] gives a lot of armor and movement speed, Spirit Visage is great if enemy has a lot of AP champions and gives extra health and healing, Thornmail if they have a lot of AD, [Warmogs Armor] Just a lot of health and healing, Adaptive Helm more MR than Spirit Visage but less health and no AH
Braum Runes
Best Runes for Braum
Font of Life
Helps keeping your adc healthy
Extra damage on enemy
Loyalty Better sustainability
Pack Hunter Just extra MS
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Braum Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Blitzcranks a one trick pony, you can counter his [Rockets Grab] with [Stand Behind me] if he hooks your adc
How to play braum
During laning phase keep poking with Winter's Bite and protecting your adc with Stand Behind Me and Unbreakable save your Glacial Fissure for good fight engages or if enemy jungler is near your lane, if you see an opportunity to go all in with your adc/jungler dont hesitate and hit enemies early in the fight to activate Concussive Blows .
During mid game where u go depends on your team, if your team is still split up then stay with adc and be patient protect him, if your teams grouped in middle ready to fight for objectives then group with them and either iniate a fight or wait for someone else to, braums very tanky with Unbreakable a perfec time to use Glacial Fissure would be in early stages of a teamfight since the slow stays on the ground for a few seconds.
Late game doesnt change much expect that you try protect your carry (person with most gold/kills on your team) and support them so they can get more fed and win the game