by HellsDevil

[2.1] Challenger Darius Guide | Patch 2.1a

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage To the Moon Keanu Reeves
Patch 2.1
March 14, 2021 22:28

Challenger Darius Guide | Patch 2.1a

I've had a lot of people ask me to make a Darius guide because Darius is a champion that can hard carry a game on his own. I am a Challenger player and I've played a lot of Darius games. In this guide you will read how to build Darius and how to combo his abilities.

Darius Build

Best Build Guide for Darius

Starting Item
Long Sword
First teleport
Boots of Speed
Glorious Enchant
Core Items
Trinity Force
Sterak's Gage
Guardian Angel
Glorious Enchant
Situational Items
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen
Death's Dance
Black Cleaver
Adaptive Helm
Boots of Swiftness
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Teleport Enchant
Glorious Enchant
Stasis Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Item

First backport

  • SheenSheen is an amazing starting item if you just want more damage, get this if you are able to catch the enemy with just boots and just want a damage boost.
  • PhagePhage get PhagePhage instead of SheenSheen if you feel like you need movement speed to catch the enemy. PhagePhage is great against harder matchups as the movement speed helps you get away or maybe even catch them, it also grants you bonus hp.
  • Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant is also viable on Darius. You might think it is weird to start with a Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant but this item combined with Long SwordLong Sword is AMAZING against matchups that require a lot of movement speed to catch. I personally start with Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant when I am against GragasGragas and CamilleCamille for example because it allows me to catch them quite easily. You have to have a certain playstyle with Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant however, wait in bushes and catch the enemy and when they try to escape Flash + Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant turns you into superman and allows you to catch the enemy.

Core items

  • Trinity ForceTrinity Force is gonna be your first item in 95% of the games. This item provides you with a lot of stats which are all great for DariusDarius . After getting this item you will have a huge power spike as you will deal massive damage after using an ability and you will have a lot of attack speed. 
  • Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant is often going to be the Tier 3 boots that you buy. Always get this one unless you really need [stasis enchant] against champions like ZedZed or FizzFizz for example. Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant is also viable in case you want to split push but as I said Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant really fits DariusDarius playstyle and you should almost always build these boots.
  • Sterak's GageSterak's Gage is always a great second item on Darius as it provides you with a shield when you go below 35% hp. This fits DariusDarius kit perfectly as he wants to stay alive for as long as possible to get up his [darius:passive] stacks.
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel is an amazing item for DariusDarius . This item is great as the stats are amazing (+45 Attack damage and +40 armor) and it provides you with a passive that is incredibly powerful in the late game. Always get Guardian AngelGuardian Angel as your third or fourth item. You either go for Sterak's GageSterak's Gage as your second item or Guardian AngelGuardian Angel it really is about personal preference. Give both a try as your second item and see what works best for you!

Situational items: 

  • Spirit VisageSpirit Visage is great against a lot of Ability power as it provides you with Magic resistance. On top of that, it increases all healing you receive by 30% so if you have healing champions like JannaJanna or SonaSona for example in your team then this item is amazing. It also increases the healing you receive when you hit DecimateDecimate
  • Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen is an amazing late-game item against enemies with a lot of critical damage. Get this item if the enemy ADC is hard carrying the game with critical damage as it will allow you to tank way more damage and buy you and your team a lot of time.
  • Death's DanceDeath's Dance is an amazing item to get (can even be bought as your second item) if you want to play VERY aggressively. This item is meant for sustainability as it converts 30% of the incoming damage into bleed that deals damage to you over time. On top of that, it gives you bonus health, attack damage and 10% lifesteal. The point of building this item on DariusDarius is to keep fighting and keep sustaining the fight with the lifesteal and the passive Death's DanceDeath's Dance provides. Get this into matchups that want to be in your face like MalphiteMalphite or Dr. MundoDr. Mundo for example. This item is bad against matchups that are mobile like CamilleCamille .
  • Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is a VERY situational item. When you are against an enemy comp with a lot of tanks like OlafOlaf , AlistarAlistar , Dr. MundoDr. Mundo for example Black CleaverBlack Cleaver will do wonders as it will increase your damage against tanks with armor. It is rarely worth buying Black CleaverBlack Cleaver first over Trinity ForceTrinity Force , only do it if you see a lot of tanks that are likely gonna build armor in the enemy team.
  • Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm is a great defense item against champions that deal subsequent damage with the same ability over and over again. An example would be KennenKennen Ultimate ability which deals 6 chunks of damage over 3 seconds, Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm will help you tank this damage. So get this item if an enemy is destroying you with subsequent damage from abilities. To really make you understand when Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm is a good item I will give you another example. Aurelion SolAurelion Sol deals subsequent damage if the stars hit you. If the Aurelion SolAurelion Sol is giving you a hard time you can buy Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm to reduce subsequent damage taken from the stars that go around Aurelion SolAurelion Sol .


  • Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness are very useful against matchups that have slows or matchups that are hard to catch up to. I only go for Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness if I need the bonus movement speed throughout the whole game. It is great for snowballing as you can keep chasing the enemy down. Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads are always going to be a better choice except for a snowballing scenario.
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads are the boots I often choose to go for. Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads contribute towards mobility too as it grants you tenacity. Get these boots if the enemies have a lot of CC (crowd control) as it will allow you to chase and escape more effectively.
  • [ninja tabi] are AMAZING if the enemy has a lack of magic damage or if the enemy just has a lot of attack damage. Get [ninja tabi] if you know that you will be taking attack damage mostly throughout the game. [ninja tabi] gives you armor and it decreases incoming damage from basic attacks by 15%. This is obviously HUGE if they deal attack damage mostly.

Darius Runes

Best Runes for Darius

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Conquerer: Conquerer is amazing as it allows you to stack up damage during a fight (like your passive) and deal more damage. This is especially good on Darius because you can combo your abilities to get the stacks very fast! You'll want to use this rune unless you have a hard match-up in your lane and feel like you really need Fleet footwork to survive.

Triumph: Triumph is amazing when you play Darius aggressively, it really rewards diving in and getting a kill in the backline. Triumph will heal you when you kill an enemy and if you have full Noxian might stacks then every millisecond that you get extra will count massively in a team fight.

Hunter titan: This rune pairs perfectly with the aggressive playstyle that this rune page contributes to. As it says, whenever you kill an enemy you get bonus HP and bonus tenacity. Hunter titan is especially good if the enemy has a lot of CC (crowd control) because it grants you tenacity.

Pack hunter: Take pack hunter if you feel like you don't need the bonus healing you get from sweeth tooth. This rune will grant you 2% bonus movement speed while near allied champions which might not seem like a lot but it can truly make the difference in a fight. You might be able to barely hit the enemy with ApprehendApprehend and get a free kill because of Pack hunter.

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Second Wind
Second Wind
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

Fleet footwork: Only take this rune if you have a tough match-up in your lane. You can use Fleet footwork to heal up but you can also use it aggressively. You can for example proc the Fleet footwork on a minion in your lane and use the bonus movement speed you get to hook in your enemy with ApprehendApprehend .

Brutal: So this rune page is for games where you have a really hard matchup. Brutal will help you trade with the enemy as it provides you with 7AD and 2% armor penetration throughout the whole game. 

Regeneration: Use this rune if you need the hp regeneration in the lane. If you are against an annoying champion like GragasGragas or WukongWukong that DariusDarius struggles against then Regeneration will be your best friend.

Spirit walker: You can also use Spirit walker as the 3rd rune, use this rune if you are against a comp that has a lot of slows. Spirit walker is only good against slows and not any other forms of cc. So spirit walker is great against OlafOlaf or JannaJanna for example.

Sweet tooth: You'll want to use sweet tooth if you have a hard matchup as it provides you with bonus healing and bonus gold when you take the honey fruit.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Hemorrhage - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Crippling Strike
Crippling Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Noxian Guillotine
Noxian Guillotine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take flash
Always take Ignite unless you really need the bonus movement speed from Ghost.
Take Ghost if you have a hard-to-catch matchup or if you need movement speed in general in your game. I recommend ghost if you are against champions like Gragas or Vayne for example. Ghost will help you chase them down.

Darius Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

When laning against a TryndamereTryndamere pay attention to his fury bar. If it is really high he will deal more damage as he has an increased chance of dealing critical damage to you. You usually win 1v1s vs TryndamereTryndamere unless he has full stacks of his passive and engages on you.

The way that you can easily kill TryndamereTryndamere even though he uses his ultimate is to stack up 5 stacks of your HemorrhageHemorrhage and ignite him when his ultimate finishes. The combined damage of these two will kill him.


Tips and Tricks on Darius

I made a YouTube video where I explain how you can effectively use DariusDarius abilities in different situations. I also explain all the combo's that you can do with DariusDarius . Check out the video below!

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3 years ago
Nice guide! Very well explained 👏👏👏
3 years ago
Good. Very good guide! I learned a lot of tips. Thank you man!
3 years ago
Wow, not sure how I didn't see this guide earlier but this is a very well made guide! You should make some more of these! Really well done :D
3 years ago
Really helpful, thanks!