by CoffeePrince

[2.1a] [CP] Top 10 Golden Rules Beginners Should Know

Patch 2.1a
March 14, 2021 22:28

[CP] Top 10 Golden Rules Beginners Should Know

Random tips and tricks which may have huge impact on your overall gameplay

Golden Rules

1. Do not practice in RANK GAME

I understand the excitement and eagerness to try a newly bought champion but please have mercy to yourself and to the teammates who will suffer from your predicament. There are several ways to test champions, you can start in PRACTICE MODE learn the abilities and get comfortable with it. Then proceed to CO-OP VS. AI, the intermediate bots is a good training ground and will definitely tell how noob you are to the champion you are using. After that do some NORMAL GAME, play with real players and if you think you are doing great with a couple of match ups then you are now ready to play in Rank Game.

2. Read Items, Runes, Spells and Skills Description

I remember in one of my rank match up, a teammate ask us what's the purpose of Grievous Wounds guys? And I was like, wuuut? Aren't you supposed to know that before playing in rank game? And of course as a good samaritan like me, I explain it and tell him/her to read those descriptions first before playing in game. When I got the invitation as an Alpha-Tester the first thing I did was to read them so that I can familiarize with terminologies or what's the purpose of this and that. This is a must do for beginners whether you played the PC version or you came from other moba. There are things in this game that only belongs to it and you gotta know them darling

3. Champions have designated Lanes for them

A lot of beginners specially those who haven't played the PC version yet doesn't know that lane specific champion is a serious matter in this game. There are 4 Lanes in Wild Rift namely Baron, Dragon, Mid and Jungle Lane. 

  • Dragon Lane is heavily role based because usually this is where ADC/Marksman and Support should go.
  • Baron Lane is usually Fighters/Tanks but there are Marksmen, Mages and Assassins too who can go to this lane
  • Mid Lane is for AP users or Mages/Hybrid-Mage
  • Jungle Lane typically for Assassins and Hybrid-Fighters but there are Tanks as well who can jungle

If you want to know which lane a champion should go? You can check my guide app Wild Rift Pocket Guide

4. Smite Spell is for Junglers Only

My gooodnessss. If you're playing an ADC/Marksman role and you pick Smite, oh please don't, don't make yourself the entire circus. We don't do that here.

5. Adjust your Item Builds

I've noticed in low rank games, players don't build magic resist even though the entire enemies are AP users. This is the reason why you must do the Number 2 Golden Rule. You should know what item could counter champions ranging from their abilities to their main source of damage whether it's critical damage, magic damage, attack speed or crowd controls. There are items available in the store that counter these specific traits. If you can do that, that's what sets you apart from beginners.

6. Objectives, Objectives, Objectives

I know I am guilty with this one as well (hehe) but we tend to prioritize killing enemies a lot that we forget this game doesn't just revolves to that. Prioritization is something a lot of beginners doesn't care about. I'm gonna list down some important objectives you need to put in your in your brain, ok?

  • Not as important and kinda risky to do but you can steal enemy jungle monster if available
  • Take down towers/turrets - This has a huge impact in mid to late game over map control
  • Kill Rift Scuttler - I know she cute but she needs to die
  • Kill them Dragons - They provide great stats
  • Kill Baron after winning a teamfight instead of going back to your lane or do jungle farm (Like hello? Baron deserves your love, kill him)
  • If given a chance, end the game as soon as possible. No need to elongate just to get more kills/assists and be the MVP after a match. Darling, Epic Comeback exist trust me it hurts a lot.

7. Last Hit Minions

Pretty simple rule but sometimes we fail to do. Being able to last hit minions means more golds and that can be rewarding in the long run. Don't do this if you are using Support Champion unless your ADC/Marksman is not around.

8. Know Who Can Counter Who

This actually requires a separate article but being able to know which champion could counter another champion is very important in rank game. For the meantime you can do Number 2 Golden Rule: Skill Description and study them

9. Learn to Adjust in Rank Game

We have this one favorite champion we always want to play but you have to understand that in champion selection phase, your turn is random. Sometimes you are last one to pick and it's toxic if you don't adjust the lane/role needed in your team composition. Most of the time you'll end up losing the game or if you win, lol those enemies are simply noobs.

10. Practice Role Versatility

Basically you won't have problem with Golden Rule No. 9 if you know how to play all roles and lane bound champions. This requires a lot of practice but it's part of the game

Follow me or else.......

Hello I'm CoffeePrince

I'm the developer of Wild Rift Pocket Guide and ML Pocket Guide. I love developing apps and creating guides or anything that I can contribute to the community specially helping beginners mastering their favorite champions and overall tips and tricks from the game.

Hey, I uploaded some High Elo Gameplays on my YouTube Channel already (Grandmaster to Challenger) and sometimes top players of their favorite champions and learn from them on how they execute things like item builds, runes, positioning, jungling, laning, zoning, poking, ganking or any gerund you can think of.

Quick Links:

Wild Rift Pocket Guide - If you like the app, darling you better give a review and star, I deserve it.

YouTube Channel - You can make me rich by subscribing to my channel for no reason hehe. 

Facebook Page - Send me a message if you have suggestion on my app or guides that I built here. Don't forget to like the page ok? Thanks

ign: coffeeprince#1771

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