by TheNotoriousMayonnaise

[2.1a] Akali Guide - Akali Baron Lane Guide

Patch 2.1a
March 14, 2021 22:28

Akali Baron Lane Guide

In this guide I'll go into detail on how to play Akali, especially on Baron Lane, on how to dominate the lane, and how to play during every phase of the game. Enjoy !

Akali Build

Best Build Guide for Akali

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
My Main Build
Hextech Gunblade
Infinity Orb
Lich Bane
Rabadon's Deathcap
Guardian Angel
Void Staff
Boots you want to buy
Gluttonous Greaves
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Situational items you might need
Liandry's Torment
Void Staff
Guardian Angel
Awakened Soulstealer
Useful Enchants
Stasis Enchant
Teleport Enchant
Glorious Enchant
Locket Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
First Recall
Hextech Revolver
Vampiric Scepter
Hextech Gunblade

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

I'll go into detail on each item in this section, why they are good, and why they are categorized the way they are.

Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome is the only item you need as a starting item. This helps your early game with your basic combo ( Five Point StrikeFive Point Strike - Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark ).

Now, let's focus on the main build:

  • Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade : this item is really good as it will scale really well with the game. First, its stats will boost your damage a bit, as +60AP and +30AD is nothing to sleep on. Its passive sustain is nice as +15% of omnivampirism is nothing to sleep on. As AkaliAkali is a high damage champion, you will be able to heal rapidly with this item. Its second effect is also nice as you want to burst down on ennemies quickly, and a 30 seconds cooldown is neither long nor too short. You should buy it at your first recall. However, things might not go as planned, so you might recall before you have enough gold to buy it. In this case, buy Hextech RevolverHextech Revolver in priority to Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter as its passive is the same as Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade . This item is a core item of Akali.
  • As the second item, I personally go for boots, but you might want to go for them as third item. More information on boots below.
  • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb : This item is fantastic. The additional max health is always nice to have, and +60AP is pretty good. Coupled with your previous item Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade , you have a +120AP which is super good. AkaliAkali is a champion that needs a lot of mobility to be effectively played, so +5% movement speed is super nice as well. Magic penetration is also nice to help you melt through bulkier ennemies. But, where Infinity OrbInfinity Orb shines the most is its last effect: you inflict +20% more damage in form of a critical hit against ennemies that have 35% or below of their maximum health. This goes especially well with your Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution as it inflicts maximum damage on ennemies with 35% or less of their max health. This is also a really good item when contesting objectives as you will be able to destroy ennemies with low health. This is a core item of Akali.
  • Lich BaneLich Bane : This item is a bit controversial. I have tested it a bit, and I personally like it. This item gives you multiple buffs, mana being useless to you, but +10 Ability Haste is super good to get your Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution and Shuriken FlipShuriken Flip as they are your main engages. It also gives +5% movement speed which boosts AkaliAkali 's mobility even more, which is crucial to her. The other effect is what makes this item so good in my opinion though. AkaliAkali 's abilities cooldown are pretty low (except her ultimate Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution ), which means you can proc it as much as possible. As you want to use your Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark as much as possible, this item will definitely be worth buying. With this item, your Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark inflict +75% of your AD + 50% of your AP as bonus magic damage. In term of values, you have +200AP at this point of time, which means you inflict 100 more damage + 75% of your AD, which is not bad either (even though you build full AP). This makes your Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark so much better.
  • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap : Remember, before you buy this item, you have +200AP. With it, you increase it by more than 50%. This item gives you an incredible powerspike that can help your turn the game around in case you lose, or great a gap so big between ennemy team and you that they most likely won't be able to catch up to you. This is a core item to AkaliAkali .
  • The last two items are situational, but I have put Guardian AngelGuardian Angel and Void StaffVoid Staff as they are mainly what you want.
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel : this item gives +45AD (which is useful for Lich BaneLich Bane 's effect) and +40 Armor (which is always great on a squishy champion such as AkaliAkali ). Its passive effect is nice in games where you find yourself dying a lot.
  • Void StaffVoid Staff : it is a great item to melt through tanks and ennemies that build magic resistance. 

Let's now talk about boots:

  • You will either buy Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves / Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity or [ninja tabi]/ Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads
  • Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves : as you deal a lot of damage, having +8% of vampirism is super good, especially coupled with Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade , giving a wooping +23% vampirism. On such AkaliAkali , this is fantastic to sustain a lot if you find you need that.
  • Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity : it is a great item if you find yourself having [akali:ult] on cooldown when you need it. It is also a nice item for your Twilight ShroudTwilight Shroud which has an average cooldown.
  • [ninja tabi]: buy these if the ennemy team has a lot of AD champions, or if they have champions that can burst a lot, such as ZedZed . This will make you way more tanky as AkaliAkali is really squishy.
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads : these can be bought in similar conditions as [ninja tabi], if you face a team with a lot of AP champions, or if you face a team with a lot of Crowd Control (keep in mind this item doesn't help when you are airborne, so it is useless to buy when facing a WukongWukong for instance). This is a great item against KennenKennen has he deals both AP and has a lot of CC.

In most of your games, you will adapt your build to whatever composition your team has, and to the ennemy team. In that regard, here are a couple items are that super useful for [Akali):

  • [Liandry's torment]: this item used to be a core item on AkaliAkali as it was really, really good. Now, I personally see it as situational, as it is really good against any champions that have a lot of HP. If the champion you lane against has a lot of health (such as MalphiteMalphite , Dr. MundoDr. Mundo or WukongWukong for instance), you should consider buying this item. Bonus points if the ennemy support/jungler/both are tanks as well. This will destroy the ennemy team in these situations.
  • As I've said, Void StaffVoid Staff is great against ennemies that build magic resistance.
  • MorellonomiconMorellonomicon : this is a great item against champions that have a lot of sustain such as Dr. MundoDr. Mundo , or against champions that have healing supports such as SonaSona , SorakaSoraka , or NamiNami . If the ennemy team buys items such as BloodthirsterBloodthirster or Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade , this item will help you cut down their sustain. It also gives a nice +15 magic penetration, +300 max health and +70 AP which are nothing to sleep on.
  • Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer : this item is good if you plan to roam to farm kills and you see yourself use Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution a lot. I personally don't buy it though.

Let's take a look at the different enchants you might need:

  • [Stasis enchant]: instant buy when there are champions like ZedZed , FizzFizz or KatarinaKatarina as this will completely shutdown their ultimates. It is also a great item overall to buy you some time in a team fight you are about to die in. It is also really good if you used the first activation of your [akali:ult] and you need to wait a bit to disengage with the second activation.
  • Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant : really good to splitpush, prevent an opponent from splitpushing, or to join a fight quickly. It is slept on !
  • Glorious EnchantGlorious Enchant : really situational: if you need to catchup to an opponent, you can buy this, but it will be really rare to do so. Most often than not, you will want to buy Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant or [stasis enchant] over this.
  • [locket enchant): if your team does a lot of teamfights, this can be really good to help you and your team to survive longer.
  • [Quicksilver enchant]: if the ennemy team has a lot of CC, or have a lot of movement speed reduction (with champions such as NasusNasus or AsheAshe ) this item will help you escape or catchup to them.

Akali Runes

Best Runes for Akali

Second Wind
Second Wind
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

This is the main rune build I use. 

  • I personally prefer Conqueror over Fleet Footwork but it boils down to the player. Fleet Footwork is great against ennemies that poke a lot, to have as much sustain as possible while waiting for a moment to trade.
  • Brutal is in my opinion the superior rune as you will face a lot of tanks. Hunter Vampirism or Triumph can also be used but I prefer Brutal.
  • Regeneration is good on champions that do  not use Mana at all, such as AkaliAkali because it will always heal you. It gives you 2% of your missing health every 3 seconds. This means it procs 400 times in a 20 minutes long game, healing you quite a bit. If you face teams that have a lot of slows, such as NasusNasus or AsheAshe , you should consider Spirit Walker as this will make the matchups far smoother. For harder early matchups such as FioraFiora , Backbone can also be useful.
  • Sweet Tooth is excellent as you are a squishy champion. It gives you more health and +60 gold every time you take  a fruit. You should take fruits from the river and from other lanes when you roam to maximize your gold income. Hunter Genius is also great to reduce your cooldown for your abilities, especially your Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution .

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Assassin's Mark
Assassin's Mark - Passive
Five Point Strike
Five Point Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Twilight Shroud
Twilight Shroud
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Shuriken Flip
Shuriken Flip
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Perfect Execution
Perfect Execution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take flash.
Ignite is really good in early trades as it can secure you a kill.
Against harder matchups (such as Zed), or matchups that poke a lot, you might want to take this instead of Ignite.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Five Point Strike
Assassin's Mark

Combo #1 is the most basic combo on Akali: using your first ability at max range to then hit the opponent with the passive will deal a ton of damage, especially in early game.

Perfect Execution
Shuriken Flip
Five Point Strike
Shuriken Flip
Assassin's Mark
Twilight Shroud
Perfect Execution

Combo #2 is your all-in, 1v1 combo. You want to engage with your ultimate to have its second activation as soon as possible. You want to use your first ability right during your third ability's animation to hit the opponent at the same time (this requires some training !). In your shroud, you can do Combo #1 up to three times.

Shuriken Flip
Shuriken Flip
Assassin's Mark
Perfect Execution
Assassin's Mark
Twilight Shroud
Perfect Execution

Combo #3 is more teamfight oriented. You want to pick on opponents that are alone, a bit separated from the group, to mark them with your Third, to then go with this combo. In your shroud, you can maximize Combo #1.

Shuriken Flip
Five Point Strike
Assassin's Mark
Shuriken Flip
Assassin's Mark

Combo #4 is great for really short trades (this takes around 5 seconds maximum to execute and deals a ton of damage !). It can be performed starting at level 2. The general idea is to use your Third to mark the opponent and use your First during 3rd's animation. Then, you Auto attack, followed by your 3 (2nd activation) to reproc your passive. You then flash out to have your empowered Auto Attack, which you use to kill the opponent. You can use Ignite if you didn't finish the opponent.

Akali Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

She has a bad early game, while yours is pretty good. Beware of her Tactical SweepTactical Sweep (sweeper attack) as she can slow you down, which she could use to follow up with her Precision ProtocolPrecision Protocol (deals true damage), poking quite a lot. If she uses her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumThe Hextech Ultimatum to trap you, you can use your Twilight ShroudTwilight Shroud to hide, or even [Stasis Enchant]. In case you use your [akali:2], she will most likely use her Tactical SweepTactical Sweep .


Akali Mentality

So you are playing Akali. Her power ceiling caps with your ability to play her. When you play her, know your limits at all times. She is really squishy, weak to any form of crowd control, and she has no real crowd control herself. However, you have one of the best burst in the game, an awesome mobility, and one of the best 1v1 potential. You should play safe in most early games, as pokes can hurt you really bad. Avoid getting poked. If you go all out, you might secure a kill. When playing Akali, think of safety over anything. "What will happen if I engage this fight now?" is a question you have to ask yourself. Your ultimate cooldown is really long, so keep it in mind when using it.

Once you hit Level 5, you will be able to roam around the map.  As a baron laner, you will usually be on your own, but you will also be able to help out the midlane too, by doing a successful gank.


Objectives: what do I do?

As you are in the Baron lane, you are the one the furthest from the Dragon Pit. However, if an infernal dragon spawns and you jungler and/or midlaner struggles, you should back and help your team take the objective. For the other dragons, it wouldn't impact you much, though if you can secure an objective, it is always welcome for your team.

Taking your lane's tower is also a great way to create a gold gap between you and your ennemy laner.

You should ping your jungler to do Herald, and you should help them as well as it is a great way to get gold.


Only your Five Point StrikeFive Point Strike and Shuriken FlipShuriken Flip deal damage to monsters. Also, your Five Point StrikeFive Point Strike consumes a ton of energy. With this in mind, it can be better to buy time for your team to kill an objective by facing the ennemy team in a 2/3v1, by poking with Shuriken FlipShuriken Flip and using your Twilight ShroudTwilight Shroud . Ennemies won't try to force a fight against you if you are fed as you would easily kill them. However, this does force you to be extremely safe in such a situation, because you are extremely squishy. If an opponent would go overboard, kill without hesitation, but never be greedy.


Mobility over anything

Akali has such mobility that very few champions possess. Use it to your advantage. You can use your 3rd Shuriken FlipShuriken Flip to go over walls. Same with your Perfect ExecutionPerfect Execution 's second activation. You can get away from most fights, especially if you bought Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant . With this in mind, you can use Flash to close the distance between you and your opponent, to then go all in with your ultimate is a great tool to get a kill, whether you are in lane, or ganking.

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