[2.1a] Singed Guide - Singed Baron/Support guide, with matchups.
Singed Baron/Support guide, with matchups.
Singed Build
Best Build Guide for Singed
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Singed has many possible starting items, and I want to talk about the ones I think are best. Boots are my personal choice, as you can get a cheese kill at level 1 or 2 with your movement speed from the active. Into lanes where you will be harassed, I'd recommend either Ruby Crystal , Cloth Armor , or Null-Magic Mantle . These are good into champions of their respective types, or Ruby Crystal works if you are not sure who is going Baron, or if they do lots of mixed damage.
Boots are a very important part of Singed , especially if you need to build them early. For your tier 2 boots, you should either go defensive into games where you will get bullied, by buying either Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads , or you can also go aggressive with Boots of Swiftness if you wanna go fast. For your full tier 3 boots, you have a few options. The 2 best options are either Protobelt Enchant or Glorious Enchant . Protobelt Enchant is really good if you opted not to take Flash, as it functions as a small dash to use Fling on people and catch them off guard. Glorious Enchant lets you run around a team fight really well, which is really the intention of playing Singed . You also may want to opt for Quicksilver Enchant , if the enemy team has a lot of crowd control.
This is my favorite build on Singed , because of the agency you have throughout the game.
Rod of Ages is an item that keeps you relevant throughout the entire game. The scaling AP, Mana, and Health make you a bit of a stat-stick, and the early first purchase of Catalyst of Aeons lets you stay in lane for a long time.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is Singed 's bread-and-butter item. This lets you and your team dominate team fights and the slow also lets you get some picks off with Poison Trail and Fling .
Dead Man's Plate has an insane passive on Singed as the movespeed not only lets you roam faster, it also lets you run around more in teamfights. The damage on basic attacks is also very useful to solo kill people. Can be swapped with Force of Nature or Abyssal Mask if need be.
Morellonomicon works well with Singed Poison Trail , as it constantly procs while you run around. This is also why Infinity Orb works well.
This is boring but is needed sometimes.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is Singed 's bread-and-butter item. This lets you and your team dominate team fights and the slow also lets you get some picks off with Poison Trail and Fling .
Dead Man's Plate has an insane passive on Singed as the movespeed not only lets you roam faster, it also lets you run around more in teamfights. The damage on basic attacks is also very useful to solo kill people. Can be swapped with Force of Nature or Abyssal Mask if need be.
Force of Nature is average on Singed , but can be a drop-in replacement for Dead Man's Plate if the enemy team has no AD. If you want some more damage, swap this for Abyssal Mask
Morellonomicon works well with Singed Poison Trail , as it constantly procs while you run around. This anti-heal is very important on tank singed, as you don't want people out healing what little damage you have.
Randuin's Omen means those scummy ADC players aren't able to play the game. The attack speed reduction is amazing because Rylai's Crystal Scepter lets you stick onto the ADC, while their attack speed is reduced.
There isn't much of note new item-wise, so just read the tank section for the items. Zeke's Convergence is taken because it procs on Insanity Potion , and it's very cheap.
Singed Runes
Best Runes for Singed
Runes on Singed are EXTREMELY flexible, no matter what you take you will almost never have a bad runepage. This is my favorite aggressive runepage for Singed . Conqueror allows you to use Fling into Poison Trail while harassing them with basic attacks. Once you have basic attacked them 3 times, your Conqueror is fully stacked. For your red rune, I like Gathering Storm. This lets Singed scale into a bit of a monster late-game, but you are a bit worse early. You also can run Triumph if you want to stay in a fight as long as possible, or Brutal if you want a bit more lane dominance. For your green runes, you want either Hunter Titan or Spirit Walker. Both of these make you a bit tankier, but Spirit Walker is better early (also should be taken into Darius or Nasus ). For your blue rune, you want to take Pathfinder. This lets you roam around the map really fast (especially when paired with Dead Man's Plate . Pack Hunter seems like a good choice, but it is often useless because you won't always be with your team, as Singed can splitpush well.
Aftershock is the only real keystone for tank singed. It procs on Fling , and once you have Rylai's Crystal Scepter you can almost always do the damage from aftershock. For your red rune, you take Brutal always. This is because brutal increases your base stats (more importantly base damage), and Singed doesn't build much AP in this build. For your green rune, you always want conditioning. This is because Singed is a late-game stat-stick, so you want scaling runes if you can sacrifice your early a little bit. Once you get Abyssal Mask and Dead Man's Plate , you will have lots of armor and magic resistance from conditioning, and brutal will keep you at least slightly relevant damage-wise. Pack Hunter is really good on tank Singed , and this is because you won't have much tenacity from runes, unlike in the bruiser runepage. Tank Singed also needs to be with a team to do much, so pack hunter will be useful.
This is a bit of a strange runepage but is very useful because all those insta-lock Garen and Akali 's force you to play support sometimes. You run aftershock because this is a tank playstyle, and you need to run weakness to get early kills with Fling . Loyalty is good in lane and out lane when roaming, as it means you can take a bit of a beating (which you will when playing support Singed ). Pack hunter is the obvious choice here because the rest of your runes are team-oriented, but you can also run pathfinder if you will roam more often.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
This is called a sky auto and is useful in many situations. Essentially, if you are locked onto the enemy champions and use Fling , mash your basic attack as fast as you can, and you will attack them while they are in the air. Best used when flinging your opponent into Poison Trail
This combo is deceptively hard, and needs setup to use. This is best done by putting Mega Adhesive on the back of your minion wave, and when your opponent walks up to farm minions, use Fling into the Mega Adhesive , and it will root them in your minions. This lets you basic attack them, and attack them with Poison Trail , so you get lots of free damage off.
This is mostly a reminder, but if you take conqueror, you need to basic attack people. Singed Poison Trail does not stack it well, so you might as well not have a keystone if you don't basic attack,
Singed Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
He runs. You run better. Consider an early Oblivion Orb or Morellonomicon to stop his healing. Take ignite.
Early game tips on Singed
Singed 's early game is surprisingly good, with the ability to easily get a level 2 kill with Fling plus ignite. Make sure to take early auto-attack battles vs picks like Nasus if they are offered, as if they chase (even a tiny bit), you win it. After this powerspike, you basically just need to farm and roam until midgame.
Midgame tips on Singed
Midgame Singed serves as a dominant teamfighter, and can often be the sole cause of winning the good ole' 10 person mid. You want to be in as many teamfights as possible, running lane to lane. If you can't do this for whatever reason, try to splitpush. Push in the waves into the tower, then attack the tower until you can proxy the next wave, clear the next wave then return to hitting the tower. This takes towers incredibly fast.
Lategame tips on singed
This is a question I have seen a lot, and the answer is you mostly don't. It's not good and is only good to clear a wave or 2 after killing your enemy laner.
This is a question I'll see often in champion selection. The answer is kinda. Singed is not a support all because of his Poison Trail . This ability is his best and most of his damage, but you can't use it well. This is why Singed support maxes Fling first because it allows for lots of utility. But this is a very good cheese pick when combined with certain ADCs, such as Miss Fortune or Jinx .