by Erturns

[2.4] Lee Sin guide

Patch 2.4
August 09, 2021 08:27

Lee Sin guide

Guide for beginners and atvants players. Sorry for my bad english.

Lee Sin Build

Best Build Guide for Lee Sin

Starting Items
Long Sword
Core Items
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Guardian Angel
Adaptive Helm
Normal Build
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Stasis Enchant
Guardian Angel
Randuin's Omen
Death's Dance
Atack Items you can build
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
Duskblade of Draktharr
Black Cleaver
Mortal Reminder
Death's Dance
Defens items you can run
Spirit Visage
Dead Man's Plate
Sterak's Gage
Randuin's Omen
Adaptive Helm

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting item:

You start with a Long SwordLong Sword for the fastes junge clear.

Core Item:

You start with an Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade because it gives you more movement speet, damage and flat armor prenetration which let you kill squishi targets better.

As next you build Trinity ForceTrinity Force . Trinity force is just overall nice. It gives you more atack damage and atack speet. You also get more movement speet and health.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel is nice because you get more atack damage which is got and you get ofcourse the reviev.

Normal build:

You start with Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade into Trinity ForceTrinity Force . As mext you build the boots you want. Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves is nice because more lifesteal helps you in the jungle. If you play against a lot of cc ore magic damage i would build Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads . You can also build Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps if you play againts a lot of phisical damage because it gives you more armor.

Afterwarts you can decide if you want to get your boot enchant ore Guardian AngelGuardian Angel . If you decide to build you enchant first you have multepel options. You can build [stasis enchant] if you want to go more agrassiv ore you can build Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant if you play against a lot of cc. Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant is also an option if you are behind and just want to splitt push. The [locket enchant] is also nice if your support havn't build one yet.

If you decide you go with Guardian AngelGuardian Angel first buy your boot enchant anfterwards.

As next you want to have a tank item. Here you have a lot of options and you have to build against the enemy team comp. Sterak's GageSterak's Gage is always a nive choice becaus you get more damage and you get a nice shild if you get low in life. Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate is also nice beccause you get more movement speet and more armor. If you play agains a lot of physikal damage ThornmailThornmail is a really nice joice because you get more armor and damage reflect. Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen is also a relly got joice. It gives you more armor and you take less damage from crits. If you take damage your enemy also gets less damage. Agains a lot of magic damage you can get Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm to just have more magic resi.

As next i like Death's DanceDeath's Dance because it gives you more damage and life steal. But the real reasson is the passive because it provents you from burst damage. You could also buy another tank item if your team is really squishy. You can also buy Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder if your enemys have a lot of armor.

Lee Sin Runes

Best Runes for Lee Sin

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Bone Plating
Bone Plating

The first rune set is the best one. You can play ElectrocuteElectrocute instead of   ConquerorConqueror but i woulnd really recomend it.

You can also play TriumphTriumph instead of BrutalBrutal . BrutalBrutal is nice because it gives you more damage and armore pen. TriumphTriumph is also nice because it heals you by 10% if you kill an opponent.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Flurry - Passive
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Tempest / Cripple
Tempest / Cripple
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dragon's Rage
Dragon's Rage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Really? Neet no explenation.
Just the best second speel. You just have the most opetunitys with this


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Tempest / Cripple
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Dragon's Rage
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Your basic gank combo

Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
Dragon's Rage

The normal insec. You have to use your flash immediatly after you ult to get behind your opponent before the animation is over. Really good to kick enemys in your team ore under your Tower.

Lee Sin Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Master Yi
Master Yi
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv

You just compleatly destroy him earlly game. Try to counter jungle a lot and gank a lot.

Lee Sin

First clear.

You have a lot of options for your first clear. Lee Sin is one of the champions with the most possible first clear. Look at the enemy junglear. How is your Matchup? Can you fight him at the scuttel? Do you want to invate? How are your lanes?  Are they winning? If you locket at all of that points you can plan your first clear. You always want to reach lvl 3 for the scuttel. Here are a few possible first clear:

Normal Red Buff clear:

You start at the Red Buff. Try to ger your laner to help you. Afterwarts you want to clear: Raptors-Wolfs-Scuttel. After this you have 2 Options. You can clear your Blue Buff and your Grump ore you can gank a lane. If you know that the enemy jungler in nor going to contest you than you can also do your Blue Buff before you do scuttel. Afer you did scuutel you then want to get the enemy crugs. Then you can gank a lane.

Lvl 2 Gank:

This rute is one of the complicates. You will clear Red Buff do your Raptors and Gank mit lane at lvl 2. Don't always do that clear. If the enemy mid laner is squishy like ori ore Ahri and you have a strong mid laner with some cc like Tf ore Ahri you can do this clear. I like calling it out so say at the start of the game that you will gang mid at lvl 2 so that your mid laner knows that your comming. After you have ganket the mid lane you have a few options. The safest one is just do the blue side scuttel. Afte3r this you can clear blue buff and grump to reach lvl 5 ore you can gang a lane. You can also do two more risky thinks. You can also do red side scuttel ore even invate the enemy jungler at there buff.


Don't Invate every game. You can only Invate if you  play against something like Master Yi who is really weak early game.You have 3 different opentunetys if you want to Invate. You can Invate at lvl 1 ore lvl 2. I like lvl 2 more because Lee Sin is really strong at lvl 2. If you want to Invate at lvl 1 go to the Buff where the Enemy is not starting. Clear it and try to get even more creeps. If you want to Invate at lvl 2 You clear the Buff on the same side where you want to Invate, so If you want to Invate the enemy Blue buff you clear your Red Buff and go to the enemy blue Buff. There you have to options. You can try to get the Buff as fast as possible ore wait in the bush for the Enemy.If you want to wait you really neet to know if you can kill the enemy. Don't forget that the enemy team can have warts and fight you if you want to invate.

Blue Buff clear:

I would only do a blue blue Buff clear if you want to contest the enemy jungler at the scuttel because you know you can beat him like Master Yi. Other wise the red buff clear is normally better.If you are able to get the scuttel at the red buff side i woulnd't gank because the lane already saw you at the scuttel fight. I would just try to get the other scuttel so that the enemy jungler is already behind.Then you can gang which ever lane you want.

Lee Sin

Blue ore Red smite?

In my opetunety red smite is normally better because you deal more damage and you reduse the enemy damage. Blue smite will slow the enemy. You narmally don't neet the slownes efect because you have 2 jumps a slow and a knock back.

Lee Sin



FlurryFlurry is pretty simple. The only think it does is  when ever you are using an abillity your next two auto atacks will do more damage and restore energy. This isn't a difficult ability but when ever you clear out a creep you want to time your auto atacks with your abilitys so you deal more damage. The second activatink of your abilitys also counts.


Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeSonic Wave / Resonating Strike Is not complicatet the only think which you have to think about is that the less hp the enemy has the more damage deals your Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeSonic Wave / Resonating Strike . If you are already close to an enemy wait a littel bit before you use it a second time just incase the enemy juses it flash so you can get close to an enemy again. a tip if you want to gank jump close to the enemy with you [lee sen:2.] and then use your Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeSonic Wave / Resonating Strike just so that you always hit your Sonic Wave / Resonating StrikeSonic Wave / Resonating Strike .


SafeguardSafeguard is a jump. If you jump on top of an enemy with your SafeguardSafeguard you gain a littel shild. If you use your SafeguardSafeguard again your next auto atack will life steell a littel bit and will deal true damage.


Tempest / CrippleTempest / Cripple is a hit on the ground with lee sin's fist. You will deal damage and if you hit an enemy ore an creep you can activate your Tempest / CrippleTempest / Cripple a second time. This time you will slow all enemys in around your and you reveal all enemys in bushes.


Dragon's RageDragon's Rage is a kick wich will knockback a enemy away. If the knock backet enemy hits an other enemy that enemy will also be knocket up.

Lee Sin


This is not my video but it shows the basic lee sin conmos really well.

Lee Sin


Don't be afrait of playing Lee Sin. At the begining you may get beaten but if you can play him i will promise you there is nothing more fun and rewarding.

Don't forget that you are very strong early game and fall of really badly. That means that you really have to rely on your early game.

If you are a head don't forget to gang a lot and don't farm to much. Once you are a heat you really neet to carry your leet over to the lanes.

If you have a mid laner which neets a lot of mana like Ori you can give him your Blue Buff because you don't neet Mana. In the late game you can also give your red buff to your Adc because you are not strong in the late game.

Don't be afrait of watching guides. It helpt me a lot watching guides.

Lee Sin


If you utelise youre passive right you can burst down the drake relativly fast. If the enemys jungler jumps in the dragon pit to steel the drake just ult him away so he isn't in range to smite.  The drakes are super important. Espessely the first drake is really imprtant because you are super strong at min. 4. The drakes are super Important to stabelise your late and mid game.

Here an info what every drake gives you and how important they are.

Infernal Drake: More Damage

Ocean Drake: More Lifesteal

Cloud Drake: More Movementspeet 

Earth Drake: More Life

Keep in mind that the Elder Drake is verry important. It gives you the normall passive of the drakek and it doppels every passive of the drakes your team already has.

Lee Sin

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The jungler has a lot of

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