by SigmundFreund

[2.4] Jarvan Iv Guide - JARVAN THE VI TEAMMATE

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.4
August 05, 2021 16:09


A guide about Support Jarvan like he has never seen before. A Support that can do everything: healing, enchanting, roaming, tanking. Gaining ranking is not necessary included.


  • Unique pick, if you want to stand(ard) out
  • Very good versus enchanters
  • Easy to learn, but leaves room for improvement
  • Still relevant if you fall behind because of CC


  • Lacks damage later in game
  • Only mediocre tankyness, so another tank is often useful
  • People often assume you want to troll

Jarvan Iv Build

Best Build Guide for Jarvan Iv

Starting Items / First base
Amplifying Tome
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Aether Wisp
Core Items
Ardent Censer
Athene's Unholy Grail
Redeeming Enchant
Protector's Vow
Zeke's Convergence
Other viable items
Randuin's Omen
Force of Nature
Spirit Visage

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

General information:

In the following, I will list the best items from experience in my games. I will describe why I find them the best options and what makes them useful. I will use the term "cost efficient" a lot. That's because I am a really big advocate of building a set of items that gives the most value of stats, and not only gives my champion the stats that seem useful in general. Cost efficiency means that the item gives stats relatively to its cost. The stats are calculated with the stats and cost from the items that have the lowest price for that stat, also known as Tier 1 items. A Long SwordLong Sword would be 100% gold efficient, but in this case, you wouldn't use this stat. That's because it is the item from which the value is derived. An example of a really cost inefficient item would be   Winged MoonplateWinged Moonplate because it only gives you 5% movement speed for the cost of 400 gold. An example for a really cost efficient item would be Trinity ForceTrinity Force because for its price it gives you more stats than it costs to build and that's without the passive effects.

I encourage everyone reading this guide to think more about the items that they build and if they are worth it. I would also be happy to be corrected for the decisions I made in this guide because someone else finds a more useful build than mine. In the end, it's about the love of the game, and not about being the one who is always right.


I always start with an Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome . I guess another viable option would be Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal , but in my experience, the Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome gives you are really good head start for lane in terms of damage. Amp tome is in my experience the best item to start with. You not only get 25 AP from it but also start to get adaptive AP damage from the runes. Which means suddenly have 39 AP. I also tested it out with dummy bots. The bots have 100 armor, which is unrealistic for an early laning stage. But even here you can see 18 damage difference.

Damage with amplifying tome


Damage with ruby crystal


Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed could also be a good option if you struggle against certain matchups like BlitzcrankBlitzcrank . Because his hooks are easier to dodge with more movement speed and it's harder to poke him down you could go for boots and try to roam early. Then again, you lose AP early, which is the time where you want to be annoying the enemy ADC out of lane.

At the first backport you want enough gold for Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity . Why boots first? You may ask. The lucidity boots are extremely cost efficient and also provide you movement speed to roam around the map. Roaming is a key element of Jarvan the sixth member, which will be described more in detail in later parts.
If you have more or less than 1000 gold you can also buy Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed or components for your Ardent CenserArdent Censer like Aether WispAether Wisp or a ruby crystal for KindlegemKindlegem .
Sometimes you get to base late in the game and have enough gold for an instant Ardent CenserArdent Censer . This way you lose out on the ability to roam more effective, but gain more damage for fights in lane.


First of all, the sequence of the items is not that important. You can try to change them around if the situation requires it. Generally, though you get the most out of the item strengths if you buy them in this order. That means the two AP items first because they align with the time in the game where you want to play around your Demacian StandardDemacian Standard and the damage from it.

The first major item you want to finish is Ardent CenserArdent Censer . It is an extremely cost efficient item with 97%, which doesn't count the passive buff. This buff can proc at maximum two times per Demacian Standard. If you shield an ally with Aery the passive effect will be activated. This means another attack speed buff for your teammate on top of a damage buff. Also, it gives you movement speed to roam around the map more quickly. Lastly, it gives you 250 HP which benefits your build later when you start to build more resistances.

The second item you want to finish is Athene's Unholy GrailAthene's Unholy Grail . In contrast to Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo the healing activates on your Aery shield. The healing effect is good, but realistically a bonus that comes with this item. The AP and magic resist is the main factor why athene's fits good in your build.

After the first two items, you are usually at a point in the game where it's better for your team if you can tank more damage. That's also the point where Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant comes in handy. There are generally two situations when you want to use this item:

  1. You dive into the enemies heads first and cage the carries with your CataclysmCataclysm . Right after this you can active redeeming enchant on top of yourself to do more damage and also survive longer.
  2. You stand behind and wait for the enemies to dive on you. In this situation, you want to heal as many teammates as possible. Healing means the effect from Ardent CenserArdent Censer , but also lets them survive longer.

The item Protector's VowProtector's Vow marks the time of the game where you start to be the frontline engage of your team. This item is quite interesting because it interacts really well with the other items in your build. It is relatively cost eficient, but also gives you all the stats you need: health, armor, and ability haste. The part which makes it really good for this build is it's passive. Your teammates receive a shield if they are near you and take damage. This makes it good in situations like the second use of Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant noted above. But also, interestingly, the shielding benefits from bonus health and ability power. Two things we already built before. So at this point, you are really squeezing the effectiveness out of your items.

Your next item will be Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence . I also have to note that most of my games never reach the point where I get to finish Zeke's. It is one item I added to the build because it allows you to be tankier while also giving your teammates more damage with its passive effect. This item could probably also be built before Protector's VowProtector's Vow . The reason for this would be because it's generally more useful in League of Legends to build combat items earlier and defensive items later. Then again, I usually never get to the point where I finish Zeke's before the game ends, and in my experience Protector's VowProtector's Vow is a very useful item. In my opinion Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence is an item that rounds the build really well with armor and magic resist. I am also happy to be corrected on this part and if a reader finds a more useful build path or item instead.


With the last item, you want a cost efficient item that preferably also gives you HP. The item Protector's VowProtector's Vow scales with bonus HP, so that's why getting more health is a good idea. Also with more HP, you benefit more from the resistances from the other items.
Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen is a really good cost efficient item. It also lets you dive onto the AD carry, because of the passive that reduces critical strike damage.
If you want more magic resist the best option would be Spirit VisageSpirit Visage . Again, because it is relatively cost efficient. But also because it gives you more healing from Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant .
Other options would be ThornmailThornmail or Force of NatureForce of Nature . Thornmail has a cost efficiency of  90.77 and also gives your team Grievous Wounds, which is a really valuable stat to have in your team. Also because you usually try to stick onto the enemies with your ult they cant avoid attacking you, which makes the Grievous Wounds effect very useful. Force of Nature is 80.41% cost efficient without passive effects. It is an okay option, but you also don't really need the movement speed effects this late into the game. Your abilities are on a relatively low cooldown which allows you to move around quickly in fights. In later stages of the game, it is also usually not necessary to move around the map quickly, because roaming doesn't have that much of an impact as earlier. 

Jarvan Iv Runes

Best Runes for Jarvan Iv

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Aery is really the core component of this Support Jarvan. It works because "Healing, shielding, or buffing an ally signals Aery to dash to them", and Jarvans Demacian StandardDemacian Standard counts as a buff. This rune has two tasks:

  1. Poking enemies during laning phase. The damage from Aery is quite nice during laning phase. It can proc if you hit enemies with Demacian StandardDemacian Standard but it can also proc on Dragon StrikeDragon Strike .
  2. Shielding allies during the whole game. The interaction with Jarvans Demacian Standard is really interesting. You can get up to 2 Aery shields on allies if they are near the flag. The shield is strong enough the tank around one auto-attack, or at least part of it, which allows your ADC to trade more effectively.

Brutal is a good rune for poking during laning phase. As noted in the item section of this guide, in combination with Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome you get 39 AP at level 1. In my opinion, the best option, because it lets you be more oppressive in the lane.

Adaptive Carapace is part of the newest rune change in Wild Rift. In my opinion, it's a really good rune for laning phase. It lets you be more tanky which means that you can survive engages longer. It is generally a good rune to take, but even better if you lane against 2 AD champions or the main damage comes from one champion. This could apply in situations like when you are against a Blitzcrank or a Pantheon Support.

Second Wind is the rune I've been waiting for in Wild Rift. I haven't tried it much, but in theory, it's a really good rune to take if the enemy lane has the potential to poke you much.

Bone Plating another good option if you want to survive heavy all-ins during laning phase. A good use for it would be against a Tristana Alistar lane.

Hunter Titan in the current state is an okay rune. Fully stacked it gives you 400 gold worth of health. The bonus HP also benefits Protector's VowProtector's Vow . The tenacity also acts as a slow reduction, on top of other CC reduction, which is way better than Spirit Walker. The downside is that you have to stack it with kills or assists. In comporaison with other runes in this tree, it's a worse option in my opinion. The stats you get from other options are more valuable.

Lastly, for the Inspiration tree, there are multiple viable options. Pathfinder, Hunter - Genius, and Pack Hunters are all good choices. Personally, I prefer Pack Hunter the most, because your goal is to get your team ahead by roaming. At maximum, your team can receive 500 gold from this rune, and it also leaves you with a 2% movement speed buff which is a nice stat all around the game. Pathfinder is also a good choice for roaming around the map. I usually don't take it because I value the gold for my team more than the movement speed.

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Second Wind
Second Wind
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

This runepage I would recommend if you are afraid that you could die in lane. It lets you sustain more damage and stay healthy.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Martial Cadence
Martial Cadence - Passive
Dragon Strike
Dragon Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Golden Aegis
Golden Aegis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Demacian Standard
Demacian Standard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Stable summoner spell. Allows you to reposition your knockup. Also you can dive in with your abilities, cage the enemy and get out with flash.
I try to always pick ignite as second summoner spell. It allows you to go in and assassinate the enemy AD Carry in lane.
Could be good against heavy burst enemies.
Could be good in combination with ardent Ardent Censer and Athene's Unholy Grail. But you miss out on damage. You don't want to fill the role of an enchanter too much. But it could be a viable option. Haven't tried it too much.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Demacian Standard
Demacian Standard
Auto Attack
Golden Aegis
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

You might be wondering why I put Demacian StandardDemacian Standard after Demacian StandardDemacian Standard . The reason for this is that you can click Demacian Standard again to drag to it if you have Dragon StrikeDragon Strike ready. So if you hit a good Standard try to follow it up by tapping Demacian StandardDemacian Standard again instead of trying to maneuver your finger around the screen. After you drag yourself to the enemy attack them with one auto-attack. After this, the knockup time usually stops, which is a good time for activating Golden AegisGolden Aegis and slowing.

Demacian Standard
Demacian Standard

This is a combo which allows you to bridge a very long distance. You want to get closer with double tapping Demacian StandardDemacian Standard and engage on the immobile enemy carry with CataclysmCataclysm

Demacian Standard
Demacian Standard

This is a combo that allows you to reposition your knockup. Try to practice it in the practice tool so you get a hang of it.

Jarvan Iv Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

  • Can easily be poked down with Demacian StandardDemacian Standard
  • Her disengage isn't that strong as other supports
  • Try to be the first one that engages
  • She eventually outscales you
Jarvan Iv


Martial CadenceMartial Cadence :
The first attack against an enemy deals bonus Physical Damage equal to 8% of their current Health (6 second cooldown per unique enemy). 

Good for extra damage after you engage. Becomes more useless for support Jarvan the longer the game goes.

Dragon StrikeDragon Strike :
Extends Jarvan IV's lance, dealing 90 Physical Damage (90+ 130% of bonus AD) and reducing the Armor of enemies hit by 10% for 3 seconds. If the lance contacts a Demacian Standard it will pull Jarvan IV to the Demacian Standard's location, knocking up enemies in his path for 0.75 seconds.

During laning phase there are 2 uses for this ability:

  1. Poking the enemies to do damage and proc Aery
  2. Engage with Demacian StandardDemacian Standard

If you want to poke the enemy be aware that hitting the ability near the flag drags you in.

Another benefit of Dragon Strike is that it reduces the armor of enemies. This value gets higher when you rank it up. This is really good if you want your ADC to do more damage on tanks. Then you can hit them with the ability without combining it with Demacian StandardDemacian Standard .

At rank 1 it has a 9-second cooldown. So you don't want to waste it and miss a good opportunity for an engage.

Golden AegisGolden Aegis :
Unleashes a regal aura that slows surrounding enemies by 20% for 2 seconds and grants a Shield that absorbs 65 damage for 5 seconds. Absorbs 2.1% of max HP, more damage for each nearby enemy champion.

Golden Aegis is the ability that lets you be tankier, while also providing CC. At the current patch, it doesn't give you a good shield, but it lets you take a little bit more damage. It also is a good way to shield yourself from damage like Ignite, which would kill you.

Demacian StandardDemacian Standard :
Passive: Gains 15% Attackspeed.
Active: Throws a Demacian Standard that deals 80 Magic damage (80+ 80% of AP) and remains in place for 8 seconds, granting nearby ally champions 15% Attackspeed.

Tapping this ability while near a Demacian Standard will cast Dragon Strike towards it. 

This ability is AP Support Jarvans' most important ability. You play around it. When the flag is on cooldown you play more carefully. When it is ready you play more aggressively. 

The cooldown on the icon only comes on when the flag disappears (which means you have to wait 8 seconds), or if you dash to it with Dragon StrikeDragon Strike . So in some situations, when it's safe to use, you might want to just dash to the flash to show the cooldown timer. That's because with a certain ability haste number the cooldown of Demacian Standard is lower than its duration. This means at exactly 40 Ability Haste you have a 7.9 seconds cooldown on Demacian StandardDemacian Standard . You usually reach 45 Ability Haste at 3 items and Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity .

During laning phase, you want to pick one enemy champion and poke them down. Usually, the best option is the enemy AD Carry. That's because he is the one who wants to get gold and items. And if you can prevent him from that, and maybe even get your own AD Carry a kill then you are successful.

A really good trick for hitting more flags is to turn on Portrait Lock. This way you usually have no problems hitting the poke. Try to hit the enemy champions when they are going for minions. If you are against an enchanter champion wait for them to use their shield and then go for the poke. If you are against a BlitzcrankBlitzcrank you have to be really careful, because using your Demacian StandardDemacian Standard also means losing your disengage tool.

Portrait Lock makes hitting the flag really easy
Generally, the damage of Demacian Standard becomes more useless in the later stages of the game, and the potential to dive into enemies becomes more relevant. Keep that in mind so you don't try to use it to poke champions with it if your damage doesn't make a difference on the kill potential.


CataclysmCataclysm :
Heroically leaps to an enemy champion, dealing 200 Physical Damage (200+ 170% of bonus AD) to nearby enemies and creating an arena of impassable terrain around them for 3.5 seconds.
Cast again to collapse the terrain.

Jarvan Iv

Lane Partners

To be done.

Jarvan Iv

Laning Phase

To be done.

Jarvan Iv


Roaming is one of the most important skills to master if you want to play a strong Jarvan Support. With a good-timed roam you can get your teammates ahead while also not giving up safety for your AD Carry. Jarvans 3rd Ability Demacian StandardDemacian Standard in combination with his Dragon StrikeDragon Strike gives you damage potential and also CC for ganks. The rune Pack HunterPack Hunter is a good way to put even more gold into your teammates pockets and get them the lead to win their lane.

When to roam?
There are several important moments when it's best to roam. Generally, you want to time a gank when your ADC is safe while you also have the highest chance for a kill. So when is your ADC safe? Try these checkpoints:

  • My Lanepartner is going back.
  • The enemy Botlane/Dragon lane is about to go back
  • My AD Carry is dead
  • The wave is crashed under the enemy turret and about to bounce back. (This works really well if you have a mobile lane partner that can farm from a distance - like Ezreal)

These are some really good situations for you to roam. So for example, if you get to kill the enemy support and push the wave in the next step for your AD Carry would be to get turret plates or go back. If you also know where the enemy jungle could approximately be then you have some free time on your hands. This would be a good moment to roam to the middle lane or go for some deep wards in the jungle.

Jarvan Iv


To be done.

Jarvan Iv

Why AP Support Jarvan?

This is the part where I give you my reasons why you could consider trying AP Support Jarvan.

In my opinion, bot lane Support Champions can get boring if you play them too much. Some of them have a fixed playstyle, like enchanter Supports, and leave very little room to improvise. That was the situation I found myself in. I wanted to try something new that I could have fun with but also could win some games with. At the time of writing this guide Wild Rift is relatively new and the meta changes quickly. I wanted a fun off-meta pick that I could try from time to time. Jarvan Support is the perfect champion for this mindset. The items and the runes may change, but the playstyle should stay the same. Once you figured out how to play Support AP Jarvan then you have some fun games ahead of you. If you want to win with this pick my advice would be to learn how champions interact with each other in this game. That why it's such a good pick in my opinion, because it gives you the opportunity to learn more about the game and not only about one champion. You have the option to roam, to all-in or to stay with your carry and wait for enemy assassins to come in. 

Hopefully, I see myself facing a Jarvan Support one day :)

Jarvan Iv


All the gameplay footage is from ranked games at Emerald Rank, which I am currently.

Look at the nice things other people said!
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2 years ago
Neat, but I feel like its t00 weak late game. Very epic th0ugh. I'm als0 a fell0w Jarvan supp0rt player, but I have a different build.
3 years ago
I love ur idea tbh
3 years ago
I'm diamond BTW. Idk why this website is not uploading my new rank. Sadge
3 years ago
What te actual heck. I tried it and it actually work. My adc is jinx. Obviously this build is good with attack speed adc. U can also play this with caster adc but u buy staff of flowing waters first
3 years ago
Thats a really good idea. Might include it in a later update, thanks :) Also glad u liked it