by KeybladeEkko420

[2.2] Singed Guide - Singed Carry Guide - In-Depth Analysis

Videos coming soon! Feel free to add me on WildRift, my in-game name is KeybladeEkko420. I'm happy to talk about Singed-strats and play a few games with folks! Happy hunting.
Patch 2.2
April 27, 2021 18:05

Singed Carry Guide - In-Depth Analysis

This ain't your dad's Singed guide. Other build guides will tell you to build full tank, to sit in the frontlines soaking damage while, really, doing nothing for your team. They're wrong, and playing Singed that way won't carry games. Let's see how to CLIMB with SINGED!


  • Average 30k damage per game: Consistently get HIGHEST DAMAGE on the team!
  • Excel in teamfights through both damage and utility
  • Win lane, gank other lanes, counter jungle, split push, teamfight it all!
  • Actually solo carry with Singed!!


  • Until you get Rod of Ages, you are admittedly weak
  • Some matchups are tricky.
  • You'll carry so often people will ask you to make a guide to show how you do it

Singed Build

Best Build Guide for Singed

Full Build
Rod of Ages
Glorious Enchant
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rabadon's Deathcap
Liandry's Torment
Starting Item Order
Amplifying Tome
Blasting Wand
Ruby Crystal
Catalyst of Aeons
Rod of Ages
Tier2 Boots Options
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads
Boots of Swiftness

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


1-Rod of Ages: first item, always. Gives us HP, mana, and AP, a perfect combo of starting stats. Ideally you should have this completed between 3 and 4 minutes into the game to be "on pace".

Always start with the Amp Tome for damage, and get Blasting Wand immediately after the 2nd wave. Just back and get it, there's no point sitting around getting poked off of minions by your opponent. You'll be shocked how often you grab 2 waves, back for Blasting Wand, and return to lane to pick up an easy kill with Flash-Fling. Opponents don't respect your damage output at all!

Don't expect to stay in lane for long amounts of time before completing RoA. Just back and pick up pieces as needed. Pre-RoA is your weakest point in the whole game. Grab a wave or two, and back to buy more pieces. Repeat until it's completed. Most enemy laners have ways to poke you out, and sitting in lane greeding for minions will cause you more harm than good.

Note that when you complete the Catalyst Of Aeons portion of RoA your sustain increases substantially. But still, as soon as you can buy RoA, back and do so IMMEDIATELY. Remember, it takes 5 minutes after buying RoA for its stats to fully stack, and you want this to happen as early as possible. I can't tell you the number of times I stuck around on Blasting Wand/Catalyst for "one more wave" and regretted it. Get RoA asap, that's your priority.

2-Boots...mostly. We don't fully complete our boots just yet, but we want to get the first 2 tiers of boots here. Getting the move speed button is essential, not to mention the other stats based on our boots choice.

Which tier2 boots you choose is the one bit of our item build that changes from game to game, and there's essentially 3 options to choose from.

All things being equal, Plated Steelcaps are our best option. These are the armor boots, and our first choice. Not only will these help aid us against enemy AD threats, but it will significantly reduce incoming minion damage (which we will take a lot of due to poison strats).

IF the enemy team has significant AP threats, or multiple dangerous forms of hard CC, instead opt for Mercury Treads. These will give us MR and also reduce hard CC durations. See lots of stuns and roots on the enemy team? Grab Merc Treads. NOTE: knockups are a fixed duration, thus Merc Treads won't help you against these.

Finally, IF the enemy team has multiple dangerous slows, go with Boots of Swiftness. The notorious example is Nasus' Wither, although this alone may not warrant getting Swifties over Steelcaps. Basically, if the enemy has 2 or more heavy slows, these may be your best option. Otherwise, the tankier options above will do you better. Treat Swifties like a luxury that you can afford when the enemy's slows are scarier than their damage.

If you are unsure which to get immediately, it's okay to sit on tier1 boots for a little while and start building your next item instead. Sometimes this early in the game, you're unsure which enemy will be the biggest threat, so waiting to decide can be beneficial. You really want to make the right boot choice! When in doubt though, default to the Steelcaps.

3-Morellonomicon. This is where our build really starts to diverge from the norm. This ain't a full-tank build, we are trying to carry games with our ludicrous damage. Most builds will have you build Rylais here, but we wait, for reasons detailed in our Rylais section. Instead, we opt for Morello's, the hidden beast of a high-damage Singed build.

What do we get off Morello's? Well first, we get AP and HP stats. Remember, our ult will give us armor/MR, so the HP is nice to have. More importantly than the raw stats though are 2 important factors: Magic Penetration and Grievous Wounds.

With MPen and Grievous Wounds, our damage instantly goes from "okay" to "melt your face off!". With only two items, RoA and Morello's, we are surprisingly beefy, both in the tank and the damage departments.

By this point in the game, we're already looking to group with our teammates to make some big plays. Trust me, they'll appreciate the Grievous Wounds you're bringing! Think about in a team fight how spreading your poison will cut the entire enemy team's healing while your teammates pile on the hurt.

When building the parts of Morello's, get 2 Amp Tomes if possible, then the 2nd tier parts. 2 Amp Tomes for 1000g is more damage than 1 Blasting Wand for 900g. The pre-buy shop won't recommend this, you need to manually go into the shop to get it.

4-Rylais Crystal Scepter. This item synergizes incredibly well with your smoke, so well that you're probably wondering why we waited this long to get it! The answer is somewhat complicated, and largely comes down to some meta-psychology of playing Singed. But first, let's look at what it gives you.

More HP, more AP, abilities apply a slow. Very nice. The stats are exactly what we want, and the slow will be a huge boon for catching out enemies and ESPECIALLY for teamfights. It synergizes so well with our smoke, it's like it was made for us! Sooo….why wait to get it?

Singed's damage comes almost entirely from your smoke. And the best way to have your opponents take damage from your smoke is to have them chase you through it. Ideally, you don't run to them, they run to you. It's Rule#1 of League: Don't Chase The Singed.

So there is a unique problem with Rylais. You buy it, and an enemy starts to chase you. They hit your smoke, get slowed, and go "ooh I don't like that, nevermind, I'm out" and stop chasing! That's no good, especially in the early game where we want to bait as many chases as possible! Basically, Rylais gives the opponent too long to think about their life choices. Getting Morello's as your 2nd item instead will burn them before they realize they messed up.

But, as we already noted, Rylais is quite good, and we get it now because at this stage in the game teamfights are the focus. Its massive power in a 5v5 is too great to wait any longer. Plus, when paired with Morello's, our smoke is now melting the enemy's healing AND keeping them slowed. In other words, anyone who touches your smoke gets served up to your teammates on a silver platter!

Ideally at this point in the game, you will finish Rylais AND your 3rd tier boots (Ninja's Glory enchantment) at the same time, preparing you to dominate teamfights. Think of it like this: RoA gives you the stats to finally be a real champion, tier2 boots + Morello's make you a wild menace, and Rylais + tier3 boots make you a teamfight carry. At this point in the game, you have every tool you need to blow the game wide open.

5-Rabadon's Deathcap. Woah! Rabadons, on a tank? You're crazy! I hear you saying it. Listen up. Every item we've bought so far has HP. Our Ult and boots give us all the resistances we'll need. We're already plenty tanky. And we already have enough AP to make great use of Rabadon's AP scaling. Time to lay down the hurt.

This is the point in the game where you win every engagement. Your poison will SHRED entire teamfights, and your Fling (which has surprisingly great AP scaling) will straight up nuke champions. Do it. Get Rabadons. Thank me later.

6-Liandry's Torment. Suggested builds put this as 3rd item, right after Rylais. It gives us more HP and AP, and provides even more shred to our poison. So why wait?

The answer here is simple, Liandry's power comes from percent MAX HP damage. In other words, it's a tank-killer item. If you buy it too early, you don't get your money's worth. You need to wait until the enemy is sufficiently tanky before it's worth. As a final item, it's wonderful. As an early item, Morello's straight up outclasses it every time.

Always buy the Haunting Guise portion first, never the Blasting Wand portion. But frankly, most games will be in the bag before you even get here.

Other Items

I've toyed with the idea of finishing builds with Void Staff as opposed to Liandry's. It's probably a decent option. However, against squishy targets, the difference between the two is negligible, and against tanks the MaxHP burn of Liandry's is superior for endgame. Try it if you like, but I'd only really recommend it if you're far ahead and clowning, and in those situations let's be honest, you could build any damage item you'd like and it'll turn out okay.

I've said it already, but to reiterate: we are not building a tank Singed. It may seem tempting at times to substitute one of the above items for a tankier option, such as Spirit's Visage or Randuin's Omen. I assure you, the damage falloff is severe, and the tank bonuses are not worth it. You survive off your movement and your innate tankiness. If you are sitting around long enough for these full-tank items to matter, you aren't spreading your poison enough, and thus are not having a big enough impact for your team.

As a brief aside, there is a specific item I see Singed's build all the time, one which seems like it'd be a good choice, but in actuality has incredibly poor synergy. That item is Abyssal Mask. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy this! People see that it has good stats and reduces enemy MR, and go "perfect!" Wrong! First off, you already got a Catalyst item via RoA, you don't need a second one. Second and more importantly, the MR-shred effect of Abyssal Mask only applies while you are within a set range of the opponent. Due to how spreading your smoke works, you will often be too far away from your opponent for this effect to function. Don't. Buy. It. Ever.

Singed Runes

Best Runes for Singed

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Second Wind
Second Wind
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

1-Aery: this is the best damaging rune for Singed, due to its long range. Smoke will proc Aery often from a safe distance, and every bit of damage counts! Plus getting swag fadeaway kills off poison+Aery is incredibly satisfying while also keeping you quite safe.

--why not Aftershock? Aftershock's delay on its effect makes it highly unreliable for Singed. You won't be standing next to enemies long enough for it to proc reliably throughout all stages of the game.

--why not Grasp of the Undying? Grasp is admittedly decent, if you are going for a tank Singed. But this isn't our goal! If you wanted a tank Singed this is better than Aftershock, but again, not our goal.

--why not Fleet Footwork? Fleet seems tempting due to its movement speed synergy, however the Aery damage will proc easier and more often throughout all stages of the game.

2-Hunter-Vampirism: kill enemies to gain stacking AD/AP and more importantly spell vamp and lifesteal. The spell vamp is the key reason for this rune over the more standard Brutal/Gathering Storm runes, as regen-ing off your smoke will provide ludicrous amounts of self healing, especially while Ultimate is active.

3-Regeneration: similar to Vampirism rune, Regen will give us much needed sustain, especially in the early phases of the game while we wait for our build to come online.

--why not Backbone/Conditioning runes? Remember, our ultimate will give us plenty of these defensive stats. Regen will prove much more useful for early laning, and when paired with Ult/Vampirism/Catalyst will keep us quite healthy.

--why not Hunter-Titan? While this would admittedly be better by endgame, it is unneeded due to the HP we will gain through items, and Regen's usefulness in laning phase, our weakest period of the game, is far greater.

4-Pack Hunter: gaining mov speed while near allies pairs with our passive and mov speed steroids quite well for extra zoomies. Plus it'll give your teammates a bit of extra gold, but even without this it's still the best final rune choice.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Noxious Slipstream
Noxious Slipstream - Passive
Poison Trail
Poison Trail
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Mega Adhesive
Mega Adhesive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Insanity Potion
Insanity Potion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take Ghost. Mobility is our best friend. Between summs, Ult, and boots, that's FOUR mobility buttons, not to mention our passive! Use Ghost to sprint through teamfights, catch fleeing enemies, or escape dangerous situations.
Always take Flash. Mobility is our best friend. Between summs, Ult, and boots, that's FOUR mobility buttons, not to mention our passive! Use Flash to leap walls to escape or chase enemies. Flash+Fling is highly potent through all phases of the game!


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack

You can get an auto in immediately after activating Fling, before they get thrown away from you. Use this tech on every single Fling. Make it 2nd nature.


The surprise engage. Good for laning, duels, skirmishes, and team fights. Bait an opponent close to tower and Flash-Fling them for an easy kill.

Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
Glorious Enchant

"I'm coming in hot!"

Activate all 3 of these right before you enter large teamfights. Ghost can be used as well if you desperately need the extra zooms. However, it's generally better to save Ghost for a mid-fight burst of speed.

NOTE: When entering large teamfights like this, it's ideal to come in from a flanking position. Come through the jungle, and hit the enemy backline first. Glorious slows the backline, Fling finishes them. Then clean up the rest.

Singed Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


It doesn't get any easier than this.

This is the lane that Singed plays the most like a "normal" champ. Freeze waves on Nasus when possible, or shove them into tower when you need to back or roam.

Any time Nasus is coming to Q a minion, drop a tiny bit of smoke just in front of your own minion. He now has to eat your damage to get his precious Q stacks. Rinse and repeat. When you have a large wave of your own minions, Fling him into them and trade, you win this.

Beware Wither. That slow cripples you hard. Bait it out, retreat, then go back in to Fling and trade. Consider buying Swifties if the enemy team has at least one other slow.

When he Ults, you can trade a little bit, but back off quick. His Ult is stronger than yours while it's active, but doesn't last as long. Let your Ult heal you up, and finish him off when his Ult ends.

You have much better roam and teamfight potential than him. While he's sitting in lane Q-ing, go help your team. Pick up some kills, then come back and catch your wave. You clear waves so much faster, you nullify his split push power.

When you see a Nasus matchup, smile. You got a free lane.



Is Proxying A Thing?

Yes, but no.

For the uninitiated, proxy farming means farming behind the enemy towers, generally between their tier1 and tier2 towers. The advantage is that you secure a full wave for yourself, while forcing your opponent to choose between farming under their tower or chasing you while sacrificing minions and tower health.  Additionally, you draw attention to yourself from the enemy jungler, midlaner, and even support! You're essentially putting a target on your back to relieve pressure from other parts of the map.

Proxying in WildRift is much higher risk than on PC LoL, due to the smaller map size, and double/triple-proxying in base is right out due to the Nexus' tower range. But this doesn't mean a standard single-proxy can't be rewarding!

If you are going for a proxy, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you must know where the enemy are, and where they could come from. If the enemy jungler shows himself on the other side of the map, you're probably safe. If they're MIA, you have to assume they're about to jump out at you. Secondly, don't proxy without your mobility buttons up and ready. Ideally you have them all up, but at a bare mimum, you need Ult and a summoner spell to attempt it safely.

The easiest way to initiate a proxy is to shove your minions into the enemy tower, then run through while minions are taking tower aggro. Make sure you turn smoke off before doing this! Otherwise you risk drawing the turret aggro, which ends in a death.

Early Game Strats

Sometimes, doing a single wave of level 1 proxy can give your team a big early game advantage, and let you scout out your opponents matchup knowledge. As soon as the game starts, buy your Amp Tome and make a run towards the enemy jungle. If you're top, walk through tri-bush, drop a ward by red buff, and proxy one wave. If you're bot, drop a ward on blue buff, and then proxy one wave.

In either case, go in assuming you will have to burn both Ghost and Flash to escape. If the enemy laner chases you, congrats, they lost their first wave while you got yours! Easy gold lead! If the jungler comes as well, get out quick with your life. You delayed their start, chalk that up as a win. Know your escape paths well.

Assuming you proxyd wave 1 and survived, go grab the Honeyfruit under your tower. It spawns right as wave #2 walks by it. Get the heal, farm wave 2 quickly, and back for the Blasting Wand. You're now coming back to lane with a gold lead, item lead, and full health, while your enemy is damaged from chasing you, and still on their starting item!

Entering Teamfights

Here is a look at how an ideal teamfight starts for you. You're either in a side lane farming, or in the jungle stealing an enemy blue or red buff. You see the teams starting to group, likely around mid lane, dragon, or baron pit. Start moving towards the back of the fight, taking jungle routes that are least likely to be warded. Ping to your teammates that you're On Your Way, and to Engage the Enemy! Turn on smoke, turn on Ult, and turn on Glorious enchantment (Ghost as well if you're arriving late).

Come out of the jungle quick, and identify the closest squishy threat. Usually a marksman or mage. Sprint to them to pop Glorious, and throw Goo on the mobile targets. Run through the teamfight, procing your passive on as many targets as possible and spreading your poison throughout the fight. Fling a squishy to your team to kill, or nuke them yourself. At this point, the fight is all but won, and you've created enough chaos that all you have to do is play cleanup! GG.

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Awesome build! Really like it. Can u add more matchups? For example malaphite and etc. Some videos would be great too.