[2.3] Irelia Guide - Dance With Thier Ranks
- High Outplay Potential
- Can 1v9
- Strong Early - Mid Game
- High Carry Potential
- Highly Possible To Fall Of If Behind
- High Skill Cap
- Immobile [Has No Escape Tools]
- Prone To CC
Irelia Build
Best Build Guide for Irelia
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
So with Irelia you want to itemize around items with AD [Attack Damage] and HP Items. Remember your going toplane and will be dealing with Bruisers [Champions which build armor as well as damage items] and Tanks [Champions which build only armor items] , so you don't want to go a glass canon build as you'll have no sustain so here how we itemize:
- Long Sword : Gives you AD which is a good start and plus can be build into tons of items so always take this as a starting item.
- Blade of the Ruined King : One of the best items on Irelia , has insane damage and sustain plus gives you attack speed and also slows your opponent with its passive, rush this every game.
- Trinity Force : A Complete Item that provides all the thing Irelia needs, Health - Check, AD - Check, Attack Speed - Check, Ability Haste - Check, Movement Speed - Check.
- Sterak's Gage : Really Good Item, especially in teamfights where Irelia can get burst down so it protects by providing a shield and tenacity which is pretty amazing.
- Gluttonous Greaves : Take this if you need a bit of sustain.
- Plated Steelcaps : Take this into matchups where you think you'll get poked down like for example into Fiora or if the opposition team have AD Dealers like for example you could take into a comp containing Darius , Yasuo , Lee Sin , Jhin , Braum .
- [Stasis Enchant] : Get this if you are getting targeted down, so as you get targeted you can simply negate it.
- Quicksilver Enchant : Go this if the enemy comp has tons off CC [Crowd Control], especially good if your are getting ganked by some hard CC junglers like Evelynn , Rammus
- Teleport Enchant : Usefull if you are in sidelanes and want to join teamfights from far away, also helpful if you are splitpushing.
Irelia Runes
Best Runes for Irelia
Typical standard, works in almost every matchup, We find Conqueror the best suitable keystone because it provides additional damage plus is extremely easy to proc on Irelia , Brutal for bit more damage especially early on as ur very strong and you can snowball lead, Bone Plating so that u don't get burst down and [hunter genus] so that you can spam abilities more often.
Sustain Build By Replacing Bone Plating with Second Wind and plus you get full value of Second Wind cause your meleen and we replace Hunter Genius with [sweeth tooth] for more sustain as well as some gold.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Basic Combo
Use your Bladesurge on minions so u get the reset and stack up your passive Ionian Fervor and burst your opponent.
Pre lvl 5 All In Combo
Standard all in combo, you stack up Conqueror so you get more damage, also a tip is that to stack up your passive [irelia:passive] so u get much more damage.
Post Level 5 All In Combo
Irelia Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You can kill him easily early on just make sure to get ur passive Ionian Fervor stacked up and get Executioner's Calling early on.