[2.3] Soraka Guide - How to heal with Soraka. (Emerald experiences)

You need to have an ADC who knows how Soraka works. Else they are going to flame you as f.
Patch 2.3
July 25, 2021 10:57

How to heal with Soraka. (Emerald experiences)

Soraka is underrated so here a quick preview: The early game is weak. She has to stay back unless she continuously hits her Starcall. Later she can keep a whole team alive during team fights.


  • Strong in 2v2
  • Late game healing is busted
  • Possible to sustain Earlygame
  • Early poke dmg


  • Squishy and no mobility
  • Poor damage output
  • Medium - High skillcap
  • Relied on items and gold and good team

Soraka Build

Best Build Guide for Soraka

Core Items
Rod of Ages
Warmog's Armor
Redeeming Enchant
Full Build
Rod of Ages
Warmog's Armor
Redeeming Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
Starting items
Catalyst of Aeons
Blasting Wand
Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

The Rod of AgesRod of Ages is quite important because it gives you health mana and AP, which is needed on Soraka. Her Astral InfusionAstral Infusion scales with AP so in order to maximize you heal, Rod of AgesRod of Ages gives you the needed AP, while you go for Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity to be able to spam your Astral InfusionAstral Infusion  

Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor is extremly useful to keep you HP high. Astral InfusionAstral Infusion costs 10% of your max HP. So the passive of Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor heals you 5% of your max HP when you didn‘t took damage in the 5 past seconds. Note: Astral InfusionAstral Infusion does not count as damage and does not interrupt this passive.

As enchantment you will go for Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant to heal the whole team during teamfights or if you‘re dead.

As 3 item i want Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap to increase you healing even more. (At this point your max healing from Astral InfusionAstral Infusion can be 577 every 1.4 seconds (while having Baron Nashor buff). Without you should be at around 350-400.

The last wo items are not as important because most of the rounds you won‘t even get it to Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap . The order of those two is not important. Both of them provide more healing. You can get Athene's Unholy GrailAthene's Unholy Grail first if the ennemy team has a lot of AP damage. 

Soraka Runes

Best Runes for Soraka

Font of Life
Font of Life
Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Font of LifeFont of Life provides some extra healing for you and your teammates. It‘s good to get through the early game/laning phase.

WeaknessWeakness is a must. Your [soraka:1] slows the ennemy and by that they will get more damage while you heal yourself up.

Second WindSecond Wind and Manaflow BandManaflow Band allows you stay longer in lane and to keep your health up. 

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter


These runes are optional.

Summon AerySummon Aery can be useful if you think the ennemies will for sure go anti heal. In that case Summon AerySummon Aery provides both poke damage and shielding.

Gathering StormGathering Storm is only useful if you have a really easy matchup (or if you know your team doesn’t need you much in the earlygame) because your earlygeam get‘s harder. Therefore you will be even stronger in the later stages of the game.

Pack HunterPack Hunter is extremly useful to get more gold, but as often mentionned, you need a good ADC (and team). Else it will be worthless. And you‘ll have quite often mana problems which may be a critical factor during teamfights. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Salvation - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Astral Infusion
Astral Infusion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

GET MORE HEALING!!! It‘s good in the early game to get a onetime safe for your ADC combined with your ult
You need atleast some kind of mobility.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Astral Infusion

Hit the StarcallStarcall first because it gives yourself a regeneration. This regeneration also applies on allies you heal with your Astral InfusionAstral Infusion

This is one of the most important Combos of SorakaSoraka


If you have a matchup against champions who are reliying on their abilities(like Ezreal, maybe Evelynn), then get at level 3 EquinoxEquinox first and then continue as shown above. This alows you to block their abilities and by that they will sit there like a duck.

Astral Infusion

If you hit StarcallStarcall you can shoot EquinoxEquinox at them because the slow of StarcallStarcall makes it easier to root the ennemy with EquinoxEquinox . After this, you can heal your ally.

Soraka Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Every champion is a high threat. You don't want to take any damage, because else your Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor passive is interrupted and you lose health due to your Astral InfusionAstral Infusion and the damage of the ennemies. 


Early-Mid Game

In order to manage the Early Game, you have to hit your StarcallStarcall . This allows you to stay alive. right after hitting level 2, get Astral InfusionAstral Infusion and try to keep your ADC's health at 90% or above. When hitting leven three, you must decide if you need the mute from EquinoxEquinox or if you want to sustain more. If you need the mute effect, get it and then continue as normal. As soon as you can buy the Rod of AgesRod of Ages get it. The sooner the better, because it scales over time, giving you more mana, health and AP. 

Then look if your team is rather Early Game oriented. If so then go immediatly for [redeeming enchant] in order to heal the whole team during teamfights. Else you can go for Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor to keep yourself alive while you heal your teammates. 

Keep healing and getting items


Late Game

When you have Rod of AgesRod of Ages , Warmog's ArmorWarmog's Armor and Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant you may notice that you're running out of mana quite fast. Ask your jungle if he can help you getting blue buff. Once you have blue buff, the three items above and enough health, you can heal the whole team during teamfights without dying. You won't run out of mana or health. Sometimes it's hard to keep them alive but it's ok if someone dies, try your best and keep healing and hitting with StarcallStarcall and eventually EquinoxEquinox you'll deal some damage to the ennemies, disable their abilities, slow them and enhance your healing by hitting those. So stay safe in the backline, healing your team and winning the game. If some teammates get low health, use your WishWish . Everyone below 35% health will get 150% healing of WishWish (ex: instead of 360 they gain 480 health). 



When you see that someone of your team is low health and the ennemy is following him, use your WishWish ! you'll save him and in general heal the whole team. 

You may look sometimes on the map if it is really worth it or not, because once used, you have to wait 60-80 seconds before using it again. The opponent in your lane may use this to fight you and eventually kill you. So be carefull about it. 


Well... Thanks

Thanks for reading this far. This is my first guide I've ever made, so if there is any issue/mistake, don't flame me. 

Good luck and keep your team alive!

Look at the nice things other people said!
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