by Lukipop

[2.3] Give them sunburns! - Leona guide

Patch 2.3
July 02, 2021 20:26

Give them sunburns! - Leona guide

Learn how to master and itemize the burning sun that is Leona - the ultimate squishy-killer tank


  • Incredibly good against squishy champions because of her passive.
  • Her cooldowns are very short, meaning that she can keep CCing enemies without relying on her ult so much.
  • Can do decent damage on her own.
  • Pretty easy to pick up for the first time.
  • Has awesome in game effects :)


  • Has no damage reduction abilities, leaving her vulnerable to Physical and Magical PEN items.
  • Lacks disengage - likely to die if plans go wrong
  • Weak against other tanks - passive becomes quite useless.
  • Weak game until level 3.

Leona Build

Best Build Guide for Leona

Starting Items
Boots of Speed
Cloth Armor
Core Items
Plated Steelcaps
Redeeming Enchant
Frozen Heart
Abyssal Mask
Sunfire Aegis
Depending on the situation
Zeke's Convergence
Randuin's Omen
Force of Nature
Iceborn Gauntlet

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

When starting out, its actually best for you to take Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed first, as this will allow you to apply pressure and move around the map more easily during early game. The only case in which I reccommend taking Cloth ArmorCloth Armor first is if the enemy has a healer support on the team, such as SorakaSoraka or SonaSona , as it will allow you to rush Bramble VestBramble Vest early on in the game while offering more damage on your engages.

Since EclipseEclipse is an ability that gets stronger and makes LeonaLeona tankier with the more AR and MR that she gets, items such as ThornmailThornmail and Frozen HeartFrozen Heart are great picks, since they offer A LOT of bonus AR to stack this ability. For MR, a must item is Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask , since it will amplify the damage from your SunlightSunlight and any AP that your team might have. 

Depending on the situation, different items will take priority. If your adc could use a boost for his attacks, take Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence . If you have a lot of critical hits to block, take Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen . If the enemy has a lot of AP, take Force of NatureForce of Nature . Taking an item such as Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet will sometimes be quite good, as it will make each cast of Shield Of DaybreakShield Of Daybreak create a slowing zone as well.

Boots will vary depending on the situation. Take Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps for basic attack damage reduction, or Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads if the enemy has a lot of CC.

P.S: you know I love redemption, so I would take it as well :)

Leona Runes

Best Runes for Leona

Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

These runes are what you will see on most tanks, and for good reason. But there is a reason why I think AftershockAftershock is a rune that should ALWAYS be on LeonaLeona : AftershockAftershock gives you bonus AR and MR when you CC an enemy, and LeonaLeona 's second skill gives more AR and MR the more AR and MR you have - in short, this ability will stack heavily with AftershockAftershock and will give you INSANE boosts to your defense!

And ya know, WeaknessWeakness to help your team do more damage, LoyaltyLoyalty for more defense for you and your ally, and Pack HunterPack Hunter for easier snowballing.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Sunlight - Passive
Shield Of Daybreak
Shield Of Daybreak
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Zenith Blade
Zenith Blade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Solar Flare
Solar Flare
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Best summoner spell. Take it.
Good when it comes to stopping all-in champions in their tracks.
Good against comps that lack burst damage or anti-heal.
I'm not a big fan of ignite, but if the enemy support is a healer - this battle spell can be effective. Its also incredibly potent if your early game damage is good, as you can get a kill or two in lane and snowball from there.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Shield Of Daybreak
Auto Attack

Since Shield Of DaybreakShield Of Daybreak is considered a basic attack and also canceles the animation, this combo will be used to quickly destroy wards or damage turrets.

Zenith Blade
Shield Of Daybreak
Solar Flare

This will be a single-target burst combo. With the help of your team, you can unleash all your CC abilities to finish off a squishy enemy and turn his screen grey before he has a chance to blink.

Solar Flare
Zenith Blade
Shield Of Daybreak

You can also use Solar FlareSolar Flare to start fights from far away. Just make sure your team is ready to follow up, otherwise you will be left in a very akward position with no ult to use.

Leona Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Master Yi
Master Yi

NamiNami 's CC abilities take time to cast, and its very hard to do so when there is a huge bulky-ass LeonaLeona sitting on top of you.


How to make the sun rise

1. Remember that Shield Of DaybreakShield Of Daybreak is considered a basic attack, and a quick combo can quickly take down freshly places wards.

2. Zenith BladeZenith Blade will root and take you to the LAST enemy hit. Don't be afraid to use it on a lot of enemies, so long as you hit that squishy hiding behind them.

3. EclipseEclipse will double its duration when hitting ANY kind of enemy unit - minions are included. Use them to extend the effects if you cannot hit an enemy champion.

4.Try to not use your abilities on tanks unless absolutely neccesery. Remember that hitting enemies with any ability marks them with SunlightSunlight , which helps your teammates take them down quicker.

5.Using Solar FlareSolar Flare to slow can sometimes also be just as useful. don't be too obsessed with hitting enemies using its center.

6. Remember to put on sunscreen - if you are the enemy! 

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