by derpghost

[2.3] Ziggs Guide - Ziggs: Blastin' Makes Me Feel Good

Patch 2.3
July 07, 2021 03:05

Ziggs: Blastin' Makes Me Feel Good

Hello! I'm Derpghost, a Plat player that mains Ziggs, here to spread the joy of explosive yordles. This build routinely gets me a truckload of assists and the honor of 'Most Damage Inflicted.', and I hope to spread it's terror across all of Wild Rift.


  • Deal bucketloads of damage.
  • Turrets crumble before you.
  • Bring hell to every teamfight from the backline.


  • Made entirely of wet paper bags.
  • Earlygame is very dangerous.
  • Escape options are few.

Ziggs Build

Best Build Guide for Ziggs

Starting Items
Rod of Ages
Liandry's Torment
Quicksilver Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Luden's Echo
Void Staff
Core Items
Rod of Ages
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Luden's Echo

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

The key items of this build, to me, are Rod of AgesRod of Ages , Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment , and Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap . Especially Liandry's. These three items cover your three Ziggs needs: A bit of extra health, a mana boost, and enough damage to send the enemy team running. 

Rod's important to pick up as early as possible to start getting Veteran stacks, and Liandry's is a great second pickup; that % health DOT really racks up thanks to the constant amount of firepower Ziggs can put out and the movement-hindering effects of Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge and Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield . Deathcap is self-explanatory; a sheer AP boost is a sheer AP boost. Luden's Echo works wonders later-game, if you time how you use it well.
For Boot enchantments, Stasis is the popular recommendation, but I prefer Mercury; that added boost to escape CC and be able to book it out of an enemy's gank is great for survivability while having a relatively low cooldown. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is generally the way to go; Ziggs likes to be able to toss out his abilities as often as possible.
After picking up his core items and boots, Ziggs can work well with a handful of other Magic item choices; Infinity OrbInfinity Orb is good for finishing off runners, something Ziggs is weak at. Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer can let him use his ult even more often, which is always nice. Void StaffVoid Staff is good lategame to keep up his damage output against foes who built magic resist, and Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter 's slow helps a little in teamfights, chasedowns, and proccing that extra Liandry's damage. 

Ziggs Runes

Best Runes for Ziggs

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

This runeset is the go-to for any aspiring Ziggs. Summon AerySummon Aery is both good for that extra chip of damage and for helping your teammates from the backline. BrutalBrutal is great for that extra bit of penetration and early-game damage edge, though Gathering StormGathering Storm is also a solid option. Bone PlatingBone Plating is a godsend for surviving getting dived and combo'd on. Manaflow BandManaflow Band is self explanatory; Ziggs loves any drop of mana he can get to keep up the wave of firepower.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Short Fuse
Short Fuse - Passive
Bouncing Bomb
Bouncing Bomb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Satchel Charge
Satchel Charge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Hexplosive Minefield
Hexplosive Minefield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Mega Inferno Bomb
Mega Inferno Bomb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Take it. Please. You need Flash.
A solid pick for the heal. The speed boost is nice, too.
Good if you're quick on the draw against sudden ganks or takeouts like a Zed, Jinx, or Fizz ult.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Short Fuse
Bouncing Bomb
Hexplosive Minefield
Short Fuse

An odd thing about Ziggs is his lack of a proper combo setup; there is no recommended order to toss out his abilities, as they don't chain off of each other unless you are either very skilled, or very lucky. (I.E. using Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge to knock someone into Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield ).
However, something very important to remember is Short FuseShort Fuse . Always, always use that empowered attack before you start throwing out other abilities whenever you can, so that you can use it again faster. Vital boost for lanepushing.

Ziggs Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol

Annie's PyromaniaPyromania is spooky, but only if you don't play carefully. They lack the range to do any super consistent damage, and even the dreaded Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers stun is thwarted with a good Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge . Still, be wary of Molten ShieldMolten Shield chipping you down, and any Annie worth her salt can still try and flash-stun you.


General Strategy

Ziggs has two main aspects that define his playstyle. He is fragile, and he is very good at outputting damage from long range. Ziggs is at his best when he's behind the charge; surrounded by teammates, hiding behind them as he lobs bombs onto the enemy from the edges. To get caught out, ganked, or focused as a Ziggs is to perish quickly. Out without a bang, which is a terrible fate. He suffers from not being able to escape combat easily; Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge is an okay option, able to launch you over walls and decent distances while knocking the enemy back, but a botched or panicked placement can make it useless or even seal your fate to be smashed by that Darius over there.
 When Ziggs is safe, however, whether under a turret or behind a teammate, he is a nightmare. Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb is spammable as hell, and Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge and Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield are great CC and AOEs. It's hard as hell to push turret on a Ziggs who knows what they're doing, and it's even harder to defend a turret from one. Let's get a bit in-depth, shall we?


Laning Phase Tips

Ziggs is a master of the lane; there are few other champs quite so good at both defending a turret, and shredding one to rubble when given the chance. However, Ziggs is also very weak indeed in the earlygame. So how does one little yordle survive the harsh world of midlaning, with nothing to their name but large amounts of heavy explosives?

1. Play It Safe.

This is *incredibly* important. Ward the river as often as possible. Don't try to push turret before it's defenses lower. Never too get close to the enemy midlaner. An uncautious Ziggs is a Ziggs who feeds. If you think you're in an unsafe position, keep your Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge ready to use as an escape. Never chase for kills, either; Ziggs sucks at it and you'll just find yourself walking into danger.

2. Conserve Mana.

It's veeeery tempting to toss all your abilities out constantly at the enemy midlaner and at minion waves, but with Ziggs, mana is a precious resource. Until you pick up Rod of AgesRod of Ages and get some of those sweet Veteran stacks, be sparing with your abilities and how you use them, moreso Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge and Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield then Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb . Use Bouncing Bomb and Short FuseShort Fuse to waveclear and chip at the enemy, and reserve your other two abilities for escape options unless you're guaranteed to hit the champion with them. Heading back early because you ran out of mana gives your foe a chance to get the edge.

3. Try Not To Roam

I know, I know, the Midlaner is supposed to roam and help out in Top and Bot lanes after a bit. Ziggs, however, really, really needs gold, and trekking through river to try and hop in on a fight is also not playing it safe. Until you get Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment , try to stick around and farm instead of roaming, with the exceptions of dragons or maybe rift herald. Do, however, take advantage of Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb 's stupid huge range to blast at ongoing fights where you can without stepping too far away from safety. 


Teamfight Phase Tips

Now this is the good part. Ziggs, when it comes down to it, does not care about kills. What he cares about is dealing so much damage the enemy turns tail and runs before they get close to the fight.

1. Don't Touch Em With A Ten Foot Pole.

Zigg's main advantage in a fight is his range; you have no business getting within melee range of an enemy, ever. Short FuseShort Fuse deals good damage, but don't sacrifice your safety to land it unless the enemy is clearly preoccupied. Satchel Charge and Minefield are great for keeping anyone who looks ready to stab you away, and just spam Bouncing Bomb constantly.

2. CC The Hell Out Of Them.

Zigg's capacity for crowd control is oft overlooked, but his 2 and 3 are powerful stuff. Use them without hesitation to keep enemies off turrets, allies, and epic monsters, to throw wrenches in their positioning, and to keep racking up that sweet sweet Damage. Remember that Satchel Charge can hang around for a second or two before exploding; it's a good deterrent to keeping someone off a particular spot if you don't detonate it right away.

3. Atomize Turrets.

If you aren't joining on a turret push, then you aren't using your Ziggs power to full capacity. You are a siege's worst enemy. Remember to toss around your 1 and 3 to recharge Short FuseShort Fuse faster when trying to mow down a turret, and place your Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge a little bit before the turret hits the 'can be instantly wrecked' threshold to blast it as soon as possible. If you think you can be sneaky about it, use the jungle as a route to get to low-health turrets and obliterate them with your 2 without having to push that lane solo.

4. Use Your Ult.

Ziggs' Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb is powerful. Very powerful. When should you use it? Literally every chance you get and you think you can hit somebody. Tossing it in a teamfight is a surefire way to turn the tides of the battle. It's also, if you're good at predicting movements, a great finisher on recalling foes. Or even just a way to scare the enemy team off a spot for a second.

5. Stay With Your Pals

With the exception of the aforementioned 'sneak up and bust up low health turrets', Ziggs should not be traveling alone, ever. Stay with the team, or in a tight spot where your inhibitor turrets got destroyed and it's risky to leave the nexus alone, stay back and defend. No matter how much damage Ziggs can do, he can't really win a trade with no backup and no turret. You are a force multiplier, but on your own you might as well be bait.

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