by Lukipop

[2.3] Senna Guide - Banish the darkness! Senna support guide

Patch 2.3
July 11, 2021 07:26

Banish the darkness! Senna support guide

Learn how to itemize, properly use her skills, and help Senna carry the big gun all the way to a victory screen.


  • Has incredible carry potential as a support in terms of damage.
  • Becomes a monster late game.
  • Can farm faster then other supports, as each soul she collects grants bonus gold.
  • Global ult.
  • Cool in-game effects :)


  • Very squishy.
  • Has rather long cooldowns.
  • Weak against engage comps, as they can enter her mist or burst her down quick.
  • Heavily relies on collecting souls, and will remain weak in later stages if not enough are collected.
  • Has to carry a gun that's heavier then your mom XD

Senna Build

Best Build Guide for Senna

Starting Items
Boots of Speed
Core Items
Boots of Swiftness
Frozen Mallet
Rapid Firecannon
Duskblade of Draktharr
Tank killer
Black Cleaver
Mortal Reminder
The squishy killer
Infinity Edge

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

During the early game, SennaSenna 's range is shorter then my... well, very short. I would take Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed first since it will allow you to get in and out of poke range quicker, allowing you to collect souls from enemies more safely. 

Core items for SennaSenna are Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet , Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon and [duskblade of darktharr], along with Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness as the next boots. Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet will make all your attacks slow enemies, allowing you and your team to catch up to them quicker. Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon willl allow you to have MASSIVE range once you stack up enough souls, and [duskblade of darktharr] combined with yout third skill is basically a new improved attack each time you enter or re-enter the mist. 

Next items should really depend on the situation. If the enemy is very tanky, I would take Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder along with Black CleaverBlack Cleaver to reduce all that armor. If the enemy is very squishy, you could take Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge for a lot of damage with ManamuneManamune for more AD and the double damage passive. If you do decide to build manamune, try bulding it early as this is a stacking item and will take time to fully upgrade.

Senna Runes

Best Runes for Senna

Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying

When it comes to playing SennaSenna , runes can be very diverse, and let me explain each section and why they are.

For your main rune, I'd take either Grasp of the UndyingGrasp of the Undying or ConquerorConqueror . The first one will help you deal a little more damage while keeping you healthy, and since her first skill applies on-hit effects, this rune can be triggered with it as well. The second rune is better if you want to be the true carry of your team, as all of SennaSenna 's abilities scale with BONUS AD and it will give you adaptive bonus damage once fully stacked. 

Domination rune will be either BrutalBrutal or WeaknessWeakness . The first rune is more damage for yourself, while the second one, combined with Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet , will also you to trigger the bonus damage each time you basic attack an enemy.

Resolve rune will be LoyaltyLoyalty . You are playing a support, so this is important. 

As for the last one,most people would take Pack HunterPack Hunter , but I believe that PathfinderPathfinder is actually better. I know, your playing support and not jungle, but you must understand that collecting souls is one of the most important things to do, and if you take pathfinder, you'll be able to roam from lane to lane quicker, collecting all these souls from the minions your team is either killing or just leaving behind. Also this rune, combined with [senna:3] will also allow you to move and ward more safely in later stages of the game, as you will be very fast and hard to catch. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Absolution - Passive
Piercing Darkness
Piercing Darkness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Last Embrace
Last Embrace
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curse Of The Black Mist
Curse Of The Black Mist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dawning Shadow
Dawning Shadow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Come on, you guys are smart and know this is the best spell to ever exist. Take it.
Good for all-in champions (all-in champions are champions that without their ults, become as useful as a guitar without strings. Kennen and Katarina are a good example).
Good against non-burst damage comps, and also effective in laning phase to get yourself out in a pinch.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

This will be a basic combo to collect a soul during laning phase. You can also use a basic attack first before Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness , so long as you hit both within 4 seconds. 

Last Embrace
Piercing Darkness
Dawning Shadow

Keep your team safe and your enemies stuck with this teamfight combo. Root your enemies with Last EmbraceLast Embrace and when your team go in for the engage,follow up with Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness and then Dawning ShadowDawning Shadow to protect them!

Senna Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


He is rather easy to bullt throughout the whole laning phase.


Overcome the darkness

1. Unlike NasusNasus , you don't need ONLY minions and monsters to stack souls. Remember to poke enemies and collect souls from them as well, especially during laning phase.

2. Curse Of The Black MistCurse Of The Black Mist will speed both you and your teammates. Use this to roam and get them around the map faster. 

3. Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness will heal and damage at the same time, so make sure to position yourself behind your teammates to have both effects. 

4. Last EmbraceLast Embrace will automatically go off if the target hit is killed. Finishing off a low health minion that's near an enemy champion will help you root them instantly.

5.Don't forget your flashlight, as the darkness can be scary sometimes...

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