by SilverNova

[2.3] Fiora Guide - Top Duelist Fiora

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.3
July 12, 2021 10:54

Top Duelist Fiora

A detailed guide on how to play Fiora as a duelist in the top lane

Fiora Build

Best Build Guide for Fiora

Starting Items
Long Sword
Boots of Speed
first purchase
Boots of Speed
Duelist (bruiser/ad)
Trinity Force
Blade of the Ruined King
Teleport Enchant
Guardian Angel
Sterak's Gage
Death's Dance
fighter (tankier)
Trinity Force
Black Cleaver
Teleport Enchant
Frozen Mallet
Sterak's Gage
Gluttonous Greaves
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
flexible items
Maw of Malmortius
Mortal Reminder
Spirit Visage
Quicksilver Enchant
Stasis Enchant
Youmuu's Ghostblade

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Items

  • Long SwordLong Sword to help you last hit which you will later build into Trinity Force.
  • Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed against annoying match ups like Malphite or Nasus.

First Purchase

  • PhagePhage as a first item towards trinity because it gives ad/health which you need the most
  • StingerStinger is the second item towards trinity because it gives attack speed which you need more than mana from sheen
  • SheenSheen as the final item towards trinity
  • Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed before/after trinity if you didn't buy it as first item

Duelist (Bruiser/AD)

  • Trinity ForceTrinity Force gives you extra damage upon using abilities ( LungeLunge ) and hitting enemies. Plus it gives you movement speed which makes it easier to kite. On top of that it somewhat makes you stronger all-around as it grants stats in all attributes which Fiora can take use of.
  • Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King is a good purchase as most of your matchups are somewhat tanky. This allows you to shred through them even quicker. You can replace this with Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius if you are facing an ap champion like full ap malphite or rush Sterak's GageSterak's Gage for more sustain against e.g. Darius and Garen who can one-shot you with thier ultimates
  • Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant is the only useful enchantment for fiora as she is a splitpusher and this allows her to do so while using teleport to get into fights after taking down turrets
  • [guardian's angel] is a must have as a fourth item as it grants you ad, survivability (passive) and armour against enemy champions. If you are really ahead you can skip GA and buy a flexible item instead.
  • Sterak's GageSterak's Gage for more sustain against e.g. Darius and Garen who can one-shot you with thier ultimates. Also gives you more damage and makes you a bit bulkier.
  • Death's DanceDeath's Dance is the berry of the cake. Gives you lifesteal and allows you to live longer in fights. If you have gotten to this stage of the game, DD is a must have.

Fighter (Tankier)

  • Trinity ForceTrinity Force gives you extra damage upon using abilities ( LungeLunge ) and hitting enemies. Plus it gives you movement speed which makes it easier to kite. On top of that it somewhat makes you stronger all-around as it grants stats in all attributes which Fiora can take use of.
  • Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is bought as a second item because of the stats that it gives. It allows you to shred through tanks, while keeping you bulky and getting you that extra damage
  • Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant is the only useful enchantment for fiora as she is a splitpusher and this allows her to do so while using teleport to get into fights after taking down turrets
  • BloodthirsterBloodthirster will let you have a lot of health, as you take advantage of it when using LungeLunge , BladeworkBladework and when you proc your vitals with Duelist's DanceDuelist's Dance .
  • Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet gives you a lot of health, but you will primarily be buying it for the passive which will slow down your enemies when you land a LungeLunge
  • Sterak's GageSterak's Gage gets you health, damage and a big shield when you get below 35% health, which is very useful as it buys you time to heal back with BT.


  • [gluttoneous greaves] as default boots
  • [ninja tabi] if the enemy has a lot of AD or champions with high attack speed (E.g. Yasuo, Master Yi, Ashe)
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads if the enemy has a lot of crowd control (CC) or AP Mages (E.g. Lux, Jax, Ahri)

Flexible Items

  • Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius against heavy ap like malphite, lux, etc
  • Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder if the enemy team has a lot of tanks with armour and you need more penetration or heal reduction (Mundo, Amumu, Malphite)
  • Spirit VisageSpirit Visage is bought against heavy ap, but if you need more sustain and health rather than damage. More defensive compared to Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius
  • Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant is useful against laners like Jax, Garen, Tryndamere & Nasus who can slow, silence or stun you. Otherwise don't take it.
  • [stasis enchant] is a nice purchase against a team of assassins (Akali, Zed, Fizz, etc)
  • Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade is bought for faster roaming and returns to lane. Can be bought if you get ahead by many kills.

Fiora Runes

Best Runes for Fiora

Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Default runes. Take these if you are a beginner and don't know how to adapt to matchups.

For advanced players, replace brutal with champion if you think you won't die or hunter vampyrism for more sustain (lifesteal)

Backbone can be replaced with spirit walker for more health in the early game

Mastermind can only be replaced with sweet tooth if you have a really really hard matchup. Otherwise go with mastermind for more gold when splitpushing

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Duelist's Dance
Duelist's Dance - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Grand Challenge
Grand Challenge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take flash
Ignite for extra kill pressure

Fiora Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

He is immobile and builds health, which you counter with Duelist's DanceDuelist's Dance . Jump on him and shove your sword up his bum-bums. Buy Executioner's CallingExecutioner's Calling early.



Duelist's Dance reveals a vital on enemy champions in one of the four directions, attacking the champion from the vital's direction proc's it dealing percentage maximum health true damage, heals and gives  Fiora a movement speed buff. It is the main source of damage from her kit, with most if not all of her abilities being centered around this ability. ( LungeLunge for easier proc on vitals,   BladeworkBladework for slows and auto attack reset, an   Grand ChallengeGrand Challenge which reveals four of these passives.)

Before you jump in to start a trade, make sure the vital is aimed towards you. If it is behind an enemy, it will be very hard to hit it and therefore it is smarter to wait for it to disappear and wait for a new vital..

Lunge causes you to dash and deal damage a nearby target with a priority on vitals and low health enemies. It also applies on-hit effects.

Can be usedto jump over walls - See next section

Riposte has a small cast time during which it negates all damage (other than turret shots) and crowd control. After the cast time, Fiora launches a projectile which will stop when it hits a target causing them to get reduced movement and attack speed. If she dodges any CC, the projectile instead stuns the target.

Should be used to dodge an ability that deals most damage rather than CC. E.g. better to use it against Final SparkFinal Spark instead of Light BindingLight Binding

Bladework will cause Fiora to attack (use to reset attacks with AA-E-AA). Her next two attacks have 60% extra attack speed. The first attack applies a 30% slow for 1 second but it can not critically strike. The second attack always critically strikes for 170% damage.

Good to use alongside Grand ChallengeGrand Challenge to quickly hit all vitals while slowing your enemy.

Fiora reveals 4 vitals on an enemy champion for 8 seconds, granting her movement speed while being nearby. If all four vitals are destroyed or if the enemy dies, Fiora and nearby allies heal. This heal stays for between 2 to 5 seconds depending on how many vitals were destroyed.

To quickly destroy all vitals, use - AA + BladeworkBladework + LungeLunge + BladeworkBladework


Jumping over Walls

This is a map by Azurean#7855 which shows which walls you can and can't jump over in League of Legends.

While it isn't the same as Wild Rift, it is very very similar.

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Wouldn't be grasp of the undying be a better rune for Fiora since q can proc it?
3 years ago
You are right. This guide is slightly outdated. I've changed the runes though.
3 years ago
Match up with Darius is missing
3 years ago
I am a simple man, I see grandmaster make a guide, I trust, I click.
3 years ago
I would say you could jump over a lot more walls as Fiora compared to PC because the walls are thinner due to the smaller map.