by Cryselle

[2.6a] Kayle Guide - How to 1v9 as Kayle! - Baron Lane Guide

Patch 2.6a
February 11, 2022 16:44

How to 1v9 as Kayle! - Baron Lane Guide

Learn how to scale and take over games as Kayle in the baron lane with this in-depth guide! This guide will feature a few of Kayle's best builds alongside tips on how to 1v9 with Kayle!


  • Insane scaling
  • Strong ultimate
  • Ranged DPS
  • Supportive abilities


  • Low mobility
  • Squishy
  • Bad laning
  • Needs time

Kayle Build

Best Build Guide for Kayle

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
AP Core Items
Rod of Ages
Nashor's Tooth
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
AP Flex Items
Hextech Gunblade
Infinity Orb
Crystalline Reflector
Banshee's Veil
Wit's End
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Gluttonous Greaves
Stasis Enchant
Teleport Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
1v9 Kayle
Rod of Ages
Nashor's Tooth
Plated Steelcaps
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Guardian Angel
AD Kayle
Blade of the Ruined King
Wit's End
Gluttonous Greaves
Solari Chargeblade
Infinity Edge

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Items:

  • Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome . This is pretty much your only starting item as you want to have a damaging item that synergizes with majority of your kit and this is the best 500g item for that.
  • Long SwordLong Sword . Optionally you can start with a long sword to have stronger auto attacks, but this isn't conventional as you're weak early and do not stand to benefit from a small AD increase when farming. If you opt to start with this item it's likely because you are going the AD / Crit Kayle route.

AP Build:

  • Core
    • Rod of AgesRod of Ages . This item is crucial for a few reasons. First and foremost it enables the highest level of AP scaling in conjunction with the rest of Kayle's build path, increasing the value gained from Divine AscentDivine Ascent Radiant BlastRadiant Blast Celestial BlessingCelestial Blessing and Starfire SpellbladeStarfire Spellblade . It also allows Kayle to gain some tank stats in the form of HP. Lastly, the passive from this item allows Kayle to heal in combat which is beneficial in nearly every scenario as it greatly improves her dueling potential.
    • Nashor's ToothNashor's Tooth . The stats of this item are too strong on Kayle to pass up on. The attack speed, high amount of AP, and on-hit damage all synergize incredibly with her auto-attacking identity.
    • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap . Though this item is incredibly expensive, the raw stat boost it provides takes Kayle's late game to another level. Literally every part of Kayle's kit benefits from the stat increase this item adds.
    • Void StaffVoid Staff . The counterpart to deathcap, and sometimes bought before it, this item is vital if the enemy team begins to stack magic resist in an effort to mitigate Kayle's pressure. The 40% magic penetration alongside 70 AP is a huge spike into enemies that stack magic resist, and even without the enemy stacking magic resist it can be quite impressive as it allows you to shred opponent's base resistances to a meaningless number.

  • Utility
    • Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade . This item offers a very strong on hit passive alongside hybridized stats, and in an on-hit ap build that doesn't focus on stacking raw AP this item is likely a better first item than Rod of Ages. Additionally the vamp is very useful for Kayle as she can heal throughout a fight or off a wave with this item's passive vamp.
    • MorellonomiconMorellonomicon . Into teams with multiple healing threats that Kayle will have to deal with, or in situations where a support's anti-heal item would not suffice, morello is a good purchase. It helps cut down on healing from the enemy and offers a decent amount of AP.
    • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb . For an on-hit AP build this item is a fantastic last item. The unique passive lets Kayle stack execute damage on top of what Starfire SpellbladeStarfire Spellblade offers.

  • Defense
    • Crystalline ReflectorCrystalline Reflector . Into heavy AD enemy comps where Kayle may need to survive some damage in order to dish out her damage, this item can be strong. I would only recommend it if you were to pair it with the resolve rune ConditioningConditioning .
    • Banshee's VeilBanshee's Veil . This item, more so than an enchant like Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant , allows you to ignore some CC from the enemy. As a squishy champion that has to get into range to auto-attack, that is a massive benefit to have. In games where the spellshield passive is valuable, consider taking this over a damaging item. After all, the longer you're alive - the more damage you can do.
    • Wit's EndWit's End . This item isn't just a defensive item because of how well its on-hit damage passive & stats synergize with Kayle, but it does offer some decent defensive stats. So while I will not recommend this as the primary magic resist item, in fact Banshee's VeilBanshee's Veil would be better for that, I will say that this item is extrodinary in situations where magic resist is appreciated but not vital to your survival.
    • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel . There will be games where the revive passive is beneficial and there will also be games where it is wasted. Regardless of how a game pans out, this item is not just useful because of its revive passive. The armor as well as the AD it provides lets it act as a pseudo-offensive armor item, akin to how wit's end functions as an offensive magic resist item. So, if you feel you can take advantage of the passive - and you value the armor + extra AD (which is always valuable to Kayle) - then this item can be very strong as a late item.

AD Build:

  • Core
    • Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King . The on-hit passive, on-hit damage, attack-speed increase, and lifesteal are all valuable stats for Kayle. Considering no item offers so many useful things in one package, this is the defacto core item on AD Kayle.
    • Solari ChargebladeSolari Chargeblade . Kayle benefits from stacking Crit throughout the rest of her AD build, and thus we arrive at Solari Chargeblade - an item that offers the highest amount of Crit, a healthy helping of attack-speed, and on-hit damage. This item synergizes incredibly well with Kayle's auto attack playstyle and increases the effectiveness of her AD variants through the massive Crit boost it provides.

  • Utility
    • BloodthirsterBloodthirster . A very strong crit item for the AD variant of Kayle. This item allows Kayle to heal throughout a fight while providing a sizeable amount of AD and Crit, making her auto attacks significantly stronger.
    • Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge . Similar to bloodthirster, but without the added value of healing, an Infinity Edge pushes Kayle's damage to an incredible dimension as it increases her Critical Strike damage alongside providing a massive amount of AD and Crit.

  • Defense
    • Wit's EndWit's End . The item's passive on-hit damage alongside the attack speed steroid are very strong offensively and in matchups where magic resist is needed this item can offer that. It's not a pure defensive item, but it has a strong mix of defensive and offensive value.
    • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel . The revive passive cannot be understated, even if there are games where it feels wasted, and the additional armor as well as AD are strong on Kayle. If you plan to use this as your only armor item, which is likely, and you would stand to benefit from a lot of armor - I recommend taking one of the resolve runes ConditioningConditioning or Adaptive CarapaceAdaptive Carapace .
    • Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer . This item is more or less purely for situations where you need a second [barrier] in order to survive burst. This item provides a sizeable shield when you are taken down to low health, allowing you to survive some situations you wouldn't otherwise. Furthermore, it's not terribly offensively thanks to the raw CRIT % & attack speed increase it provides.

Boots & Enchantments:

  • Boots
    • Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps . Taken into heavy AD comps, or into teams with a strong AD threat.
    • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads . Taken into heavy AP comps, or into teams with a strong AP threat(s), or into teams with heavy CC and some AP damage.
    • Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves . Taken when you need to be able to outsustain people in fights, or when the extra sustain would be more valuable than tank stats.

  • Enchantments
    • [stasis enchant]. If you need to be able to survive burst, this is the enchantment of choice.
    • Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant . If you're in a game where you are setup to side lane & split push this item may be of value.
    • Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant . Into comps where Mecury's Treads or Banshee's Veil are not enough this item may be desirable.

Kayle Runes

Best Runes for Kayle

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

The runes above are intended to be used in lanes where Kayle can scale relatively safely with minimal harassment as she farms. With that being said these runes are not intended to serve as a stock standard rune page. Depending on the matchup changes may be warranted. Always take ConquerorConqueror for your primary keystone. Kayle is a champion that relies on stacking auto attacks and this is the keystone that best synergizes with that playstyle.

There are other keystones you could consider but none of them synergize as well with Kayle's kit and taking any other keystone rune would come at great cost to Kayle's ability to late game hyper carry.


Offensive rune choices

1.) BrutalBrutal (Standard)

  • In many matchus you wil be taking this rune as it affords penetration, flat AP, and some ability to trade back early.

2.) Gathering StormGathering Storm (Conditional)

  • Into matchups where you will be given time to scale, Gathering Storm is optimal as it provides the highest potential DPS for Kayle.

3.) Hunter VampirismHunter Vampirism (Rare)

  • An alternative to Gathering Storm's late game value and Brutal's early game consistency is Hunter Vampirism. The healing is very nice and the rune has scaling elements with its ability to offer additional AP & Vamp. While there aren't many matchups where this is worth considering, it can be treated as a middle ground between Brutal and Gathering Storm, with additional appeal because of its sustain.


Sustain baesd rune choices

1.) Hunter TitanHunter Titan (Standard)

  • This is your go-to rune if you're able to play the lane relatively safely, and if the enemy has enough - or strong enough - CC to warrant wanting the extra tenacity and health.

2.) ConditioningConditioning (Conditional)

  • This isn't a common rune choice, however, if you're into a lane & enemy team comp that give you time to scale, this is a fantastic alternative to Hunter Titan. If you don't value the extra tenacity offered by Hunter Titan, but want stronger combat stats, Conditioning offers a lot of defensive stats over time.

3.) Adaptive CarapaceAdaptive Carapace (Conditional)

  • This rune offers strong defensive stats at all stages of the game, mitigating damage from all-ins or from opponents in a team fight. Given that the rune doesn't deal with one situation, but multiple, it can be taken into nearly every matchup. It is worth noting, however, that this rune does come at a cost when compared to the other options of Conditioning and Hunter Titan. This rune loses to Conditioning in the late game and does not provide a valuable stat like tenacity that's granted by Hunter Titan.

4.) Second WindSecond Wind (Rare)

  •  Though Kayle is not likely to be poked out post Level 5 there are some matchups that warrant considering this rune's passive healing. Kennen, Teemo, and Malphite are all champs that can aggressively harass Kayle before Level 5 and continue to poke her out after she's obtained her ultimate.

5.) Bone PlatingBone Plating (Rare)

  • Into champions that look to trade aggressively with short bursts or all-in throughout the lane, like Renekton or Darius, this rune should be considered as it offers increased surivability in those situations.


Utility based rune choices

1.) Sweet ToothSweet Tooth (Standard)

  • This is the only inspiration rune you will be taking as it helps shore up Kayle's abysmal early game while providing some extra gold. The utility offered by other inspiration runes is just not as useful for Kayle's playstyle.
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

This is the premier "Late Game" variation of Kayle's runes. Explanation of Rune choices can be found under Rune Set #1.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Divine Ascent
Divine Ascent - Passive
Radiant Blast
Radiant Blast
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Celestial Blessing
Celestial Blessing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Starfire Spellblade
Starfire Spellblade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Divine Judgment
Divine Judgment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Mandatory every game.
Your premier combat summoner, this offers strong protection at all stages of the game.
This offers more defensive utility against a single threat, might be useful in niche matchups.
Into immobile teams that can't burst you this is a more offensive option.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Divine Judgment

Because Kayle's Ultimate has a cast time you can flash to ensure it lands on the right target(s).

Starfire Spellblade
Auto Attack

This will be your bread & butter combo as Kayle's E enables an instantenous auto attack reset.

Radiant Blast
Starfire Spellblade
Auto Attack

This is Kayle's primary burst combo. Kayle's Q shreds resistances and when it is followed up by an E & an auto from your E's auto attack reset, she is able to output surprisingly high DPS.

Starfire Spellblade
Radiant Blast
Celestial Blessing

This is a trading combo that allows Kayle to kite back aggressively, which is especially useful for Kayle in her weak early laning phase. The slow from her Q alongside the movement speed from her W enables Kayle to create significant distance between herself and whoever she is trading with. It's also worth noting that this combo is your best trade pre-5 as Kayle's E is a ranged attack.

Divine Judgment
Radiant Blast
Starfire Spellblade
Auto Attack

This is about as close as you can get to an all-in combo with Kayle. You prep your Ultimate and then flash before it is about to hit, using your Q, E, and E auto attack reset to output as much DPS as you possibly can. This combo is a melding of Combo #1 & Combo #3.

Kayle Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

Essentially Darius lite because he can't get on top of you, which he needs to do in order to kill you. Avoid his Decisive StrikeDecisive Strike , avoid getting chunked out by JudgmentJudgment , and try not to tank Demacian JusticeDemacian Justice . If you can do all of that you will be fine and outscale him. Even though Garen can heal your poke with PerseverancePerseverance , you can also bully him post 5 with your range + Starfire SpellbladeStarfire Spellblade . Play the early lane safe, respect his chase down - even if it's telegraphed - and outscale him with time. As long as you you don't force this lane you will be fine.


Early & Mid Game

Pre-level 5

Goal: Your job is simply to survive. Assuming you are going the standard AP build path suggested in this build (1v9 AP Build), you want to maximize as much farm as you can before Level 5 in order to get to a Blasting WandBlasting Wand , Catalyst of AeonsCatalyst of Aeons , or an outright Rod of AgesRod of Ages on your first back. You want to have bought Rod of AgesRod of Ages by 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the game.

Managing the Wave: What you need to do in order to meet that timer is you need to last hit. Do not push the wave towards your opponent's turret as fast as you can, you lack the range, poke, and disengage to survive majority of the cast if they decide to fight you in it. If you push the wave towards their tower they have more incentive to fight you - and good players will. Let the wave come to you, farm what you can, and if your opposing laner isn't a terrible matchup - work your way towards a freeze as you level up. If you have fewer minions than the opponent, and they cannot crash their wave into your tower, you might be able to pull a freeze by maintaining the practice of last hitting their minions. A freeze is accomplished when the minion wave sits at your tower and doesn't push out. It's not easy to do this, but even if you can't attain a frozen wave state - you can work your way towards a wave that slowly pushes out, getting larger and larger, making it harder for your opponent to fight you. When a wave won't freeze, but it can push out slowly, you want to - after a certain point - try and crash the wave by using your abilities and auto attacks to clear the opposing wave as fast as possible. If you can push out a slow pushing wave into the enemy turret, your opponent will be forced to farm that wave - and have difficulty doing so. The best way to clear a wave fast, pre 5, is to utilize your auto reset from Starfire SpellbladeStarfire Spellblade .

Combat: Now if your opponent does engage you, use your auto + Starfire SpellbladeStarfire Spellblade + auto to trade early. If you have access to Celestial BlessingCelestial Blessing use the speed up to run. If you have access to Radiant BlastRadiant Blast use the slow on it to disengage. If you have to fight, and cannot disengage, or if you want to fight, try to do so when your wave is larger - and when you are closer to your turret. In lower ELOs players will naturally push into you, giving you the opportunity to take somewhat favorable trades early.

Avoiding Ganks: In top lane there are a few areas worth warding. At level 1, if you feel your opposing laner might attempt to cheese you in a brush - walk out to the brush closest to your tower and attempt to ward the end of their brush. If you start near the tower and wait for the wave to come to you, avoiding any reasonable chance of being cheesed, you can then save your ward for the brush on your side of the river. This ward will let you help scout for the enemy jungler, defensively. Now if you obtain a push in the lane and are able to get a wave towards your opponent's turret, you can actually take aggressive vision by warding your opponent's side of the river, or even the buff near their turret (which is extremely deep aggressive vision). Being able to track the jungler via your vision and that which is provided by your team mates will make it a lot easier to avoid dying to ganks.


4:00 - First Dragon

6:00 - First Rift Herald

10:00 - Baron Nashor

Depending on what side of the map you are on, you want to secure priority in your lane around a specific objective timer by pushing a wave out that your opponent has to clear so that you can potentially go and roam to the objective to help your team mates. If you are on the opposite side of the objective, especially pre-5, do not bother with trying to gain lane priority. If you cannot gain lane priority at any point in the game, and are permanently weak-side, then try your best to secure some vision near the closest objective around its spawn point. More often than not you will be weakside as Kayle as it takes a while for your wave clear & damage to come online.

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