by DumbNoobHuman

[4.3] A Baron Lane Jax Guide!

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Added Items, deleted all matchups since they are all outdated.
Patch 4.3
December 10, 2023 01:09

A Baron Lane Jax Guide!

Not everything, but basic things you need to know when starting to play Jax!

Jax Build

Best Build Guide for Jax

Starting Items
Long Sword
Ruby Crystal
Sheen items (choose 1)
Trinity Force
Divine Sunderer
Example Build
Divine Sunderer
Stasis Enchant
Blade of the Ruined King
Death's Dance
Wit's End
Guardian Angel

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items



You always need a sheen item, so choose between Divine SundererDivine Sunderer or Trinity ForceTrinity Force . I always prefer Divine SundererDivine Sunderer , unless the enemies are all squishy then get Trinity ForceTrinity Force but even then, Divine SundererDivine Sunderer remains a good option in such situations.


For the Enchantments, It's free of your choice as I think it depends more on your playstyle. But I alternate between Gargoyle, Stasis, and Quicksilver.


  • Death's DanceDeath's Dance is good if you need armor.
  • Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King good sustained damage item, popularly bought, but not mandatory.
  • Sterak's GageSterak's Gage Makes Jax can survive bursts while offering a huge amount of AD.
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel . Revive and armor, nice. Also don't forget to replace it with other items while on cooldown.
  • Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is used to shred armor. Good when facing many champions that build a lot of armor, and the ability haste can be juicy for Jax too.
  • Wit's EndWit's End is your go-to item against AP threats.
  • RiftmakerRiftmaker is usable for getting omnivamp, something that Jax likes because he does both physical and magic damage.
  • Nashor's ToothNashor's Tooth offers a huge amount of attack speed and ability haste, and also some more magic damage on your auto-attacks similar to Wit's EndWit's End .
  • Frozen HeartFrozen Heart is an alternative option to death's dance if you need more armor, losing some AD but in return, you have more mana, armor, and ability haste.
  • Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen against 2 or more crit threats, or if one of them is really fed.
  • [chempunk chainsword] for anti-heal.
  • ThornmailThornmail for anti-heal for solely AD threats, can be bought instead of Chempunk if they have fed ADC for example.
  • Force of NatureForce of Nature is best second MR item if the enemies are mostly AP.
  • Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius is also a contender for force of nature. This item is more offensive than Force of NatureForce of Nature , build it when you are more confident.
  • HullbreakerHullbreaker for taking down turrets early while also boosting your 1v1 power with the resistance it provides.
  • [amaranth's twinguard] allows you to become a supertank in the late game while also still dealing a lot of damage.


  • Sunfire AegisSunfire Aegis is niche. Mostly bought it for the HP and the damage it provides.
  • Spirit VisageSpirit Visage for teammates who heal a lot and if the enemies are all mostly AP.
  • Mantle of the Twelfth HourMantle of the Twelfth Hour is an alternative for Sterak's GageSterak's Gage if you want to be more defensive and is still a good purchase against hybrid compositions if you don't know what to buy next.
  • Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask keeps your mana full and is purchased against AP threats. But still not as notable as other options here.
  • Crystalline ReflectorCrystalline Reflector is a magic armor item, that surprisingly offers a good amount of defense but still, compared to Death's Dance and Frozen Heart, this item doesn't offer Jax any ability haste at all.

Jax Runes

Best Runes for Jax

Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

Please note that the runes above are not matchup-specific and are just solid choices, as you should change them depending on the matchup. Choose between ConquerorConqueror , Grasp of the UndyingGrasp of the Undying , and Lethal TempoLethal Tempo .

The runes format in this site is still outdated as of 12/10, so here are the characteristics set you can use:

Domination (less recommended)

1st Tree: Sudden Impact

2nd Tree: All options are fine here.

3rd Tree: All options are fine here.

Precision (Recommended)

1st Tree: Brutal, Triumph.

2nd Tree: Last Stand

3rd Tree: All options are fine here, depending on your matchup.

Resolve (Recommended)

1st Tree: Nullifying Orb, Courage of the Collosus.

2nd Tree: Second Wind, Bone Plating.

3rd Tree: Overgrowth, Perseverance

Inspiration (Fair)

1st Tree: Sweet Tooth. the others are usable but more niche.

2nd Tree: Transcendence. The others are usable but more niche.

3rd Tree: Demolish. The others are usable but more niche. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Relentless Assault
Relentless Assault - Passive
Leap Strike
Leap Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Counter Strike
Counter Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Grandmaster's Might
Grandmaster's Might
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take this every time along with the other situational spell.
Defensive Option.
Offensive option.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Counter Strike
Leap Strike
Auto Attack
Counter Strike

A typical gap-close combo for Jax. 

Use your Counter StrikeCounter Strike then jump to your enemy with your Leap StrikeLeap Strike . Sometimes you can do use Counter StrikeCounter Strike after using Leap StrikeLeap Strike if you are not sure. Do an auto-attack and reset it quickly with you EmpowerEmpower . After that, quickly recast your Counter StrikeCounter Strike to end it to stun your enemies, or if they are still in your area of Counter StrikeCounter Strike , just wait until the duration comes off, and then back off, if it's in the early game.

Leap Strike
Auto Attack

This is a "poke" combo for Jax. Even better to do this if you are using Grasp of the Undying.

Jax Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Extremely disgusting matchup. She will try to look to use her CondemnCondemn to you on a wall if possible and then all-ins you. Try to use your Counter StrikeCounter Strike ASAP when she did that. After that, you can try to all-in her back, but it is better to all in her after when she used her CondemnCondemn , she immediately used her TumbleTumble . Take second wind or hunter-titan.


Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Amazing guide man, match-up wise I wanted to say Singed is one of the hardest match-up for Jax. Jax can't all-in in this match-up and has to look for plays in other parts of the map.
3 years ago
Thx man,you really helped me,keep going :)
3 years ago
Nice guide, but i wanted to ask : against an ap (gragas,akali etc) is it worth to build jax ap(with nashor tooth and lichbane) or to build him hybrid(with hextech) or should i still build ad with mr?
3 years ago
And It's kinda troll, so maybe try it in lower ranks. If you really wanna try it then i just recommend you to add abyssal mask on your build.
3 years ago
Well, I know that AP gives you more mr on your ult but I still recommend you to build hybrid with some defensive items because Jax is really vulnerable to cc which most AP champions have.
3 years ago
Wow, really detailed guide. You can see that a lot of effort was put into this! Thank you very much!!
3 years ago
Thanks! I just want to clarify that do you agree with the matchups because I would love to know your opinion^^