by UnReliableNuke

[2.0.0] Ezreal Guide - Ez Ezreal

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.0.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Ez Ezreal

Its gonna be GGEZ with Ez.

Ezreal Build

Best Build Guide for Ezreal

Starting Items
Sapphire Crystal
Tear of the Goddess
Caulfield's Warhammer
Gluttonous Greaves
Against Tanks/Compositions with high amount of heal
Trinity Force
Death's Dance
Blade of the Ruined King
Mortal Reminder
Quicksilver Enchant
Iceborn Gauntlet
Death's Dance
Blade of the Ruined King
Mortal Reminder
Quicksilver Enchant
Against Assasin Comps
Iceborn Gauntlet
Death's Dance
Blade of the Ruined King
Guardian Angel
Stasis Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Start Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal against most team comps. This lets you get Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess faster, letting you stack it sooner which means that you will hit MuramanaMuramana faster.

Then go onto boots - Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves preferably but you can build Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity too for that CDR which will also let you spam your skills more often.

Build Trinity ForceTrinity Force / Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet next and remember to build SheenSheen first out of all the components as SheenSheen is a good item spike.

You can replace Trinity ForceTrinity Force with Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet if you are playing against high damage AD comps or if you are playing from behind i.e. the enemy team is more fed than you.

The reason you want to go Muramana and a Sheen item every game is because they both interact with your Mystic ShotMystic Shot . Each Mystic ShotMystic Shot you send out is proccing the muramana and sheen which means some massive damage.

I have provided the early game build path in the starting items section.

Then move on to Death's DanceDeath's Dance for extra survivability.

You can build Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King and Last WhisperLast Whisper against tanky comps. Last WhisperLast Whisper is also useful against compositions that arent very tanky but have lots of sustain like Xin Zhao as it has Grievous Wounds. If you are building it for the Anti-Heal then you should obviously build Executioner's CallingExecutioner's Calling first.

Against AD assassins build Guardian AngelGuardian Angel and/or build [Ionian Statis] instead of [Ionian QuicksIlver ].

Against AP assassin's the same is suggested as Guardian AngelGuardian Angel 's passive and the AD it provides at that price is too good to pass on.

With the recent nerfs, Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity is shaping up to be a great alternative as it really makes up for the longer [ezreal:3]  cd.

Ezreal Runes

Best Runes for Ezreal

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Conqueror gives a lot of damage and you cant pass up on it. Gathering Storm is a good scaling rune, providing you about 20 AD at 20 minutes, Triumph and Ravenous Hunter can be considered but they aren't really that good. Hunter Titan gives an extra 100 HP and 20% tenacity at full stacks which is good. With manaflow band you will quite literally never run out of mana which is great for you. There is also the bonus that it actually adds to your muramana damage. Sweet Tooth is good against lanes like Miss Fortune.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Rising Spell Force
Rising Spell Force - Passive
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Essence Flux
Essence Flux
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Arcane Shift
Arcane Shift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

All the time. Flash is the best spell in the game hands down and you never wanna give it up.
Not as good as heal but it is decent in situations where you think you can kill the enemy laner.
Good for hard/opressive matchups.
Better than heal at some levels but I would still prefer heal over this.

Ezreal Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
She isn't inherently dangerous but she can wave clear extremely well with her [kaisa:1] which leaves you vulnerable to taking bad trades in lane.

Pros and Cons


- A lot of damage

- Great scaling

- Insane mobility

- Long range

- Hybrid Damage

- Much tankier than normal ADC's since he can build part tanks.

- Fast at killing turrets

- Safe pick


- Lack of cc

- Weak early game


Abilities Explained

S1 - This is your main damage source and poke in lane. Use it for cs'ing if you're getting zoned.
S2 - Another poking tool that can be utilized with your Auto and Q.

S3 - Your escape tool and follow up skill. Make sure not to directly engage with this skill most of the time and try to hold onto it as much as you cant.

S4 - Great finisher. Your Q will make sure that you get it back fast so dont hold onto it much. You can snipe people when they're running away. You can provide support to other lanes, steal kills from them or finish off the enemy laner if your laner failed to completely kill them and they escaped with 100 HP. Hence paying attention to the map is a must. Using ult on a large group of enemies also means that you can instantly stack your passive.


Tips and Tricks

In Game

  • Use your S1's while walking back to lane. You dont need to hit anyone, just keep using it to stack manamune.
  • Use S2-S3-S1 to make maximum use of the cool down reduction inbuilt in ezreal's S1. S1-S2-S3 means that you arent gonna benefit much from that 1.5 second CDR in his S1.
  • Remember to weave in aa's between your skillshots. 
  • Use your S3 for kiting rather than just jumping into the middle of the fight.
  • Detonating  Essence Flux with an ability fully refunds the cost of that ability and restores 60 mana.
  • Every ability or basic autoattack consume  Essence Flux.
  • You can use  Essence Flux also on towers.
  • Arcane Shift got auto-aiming to detonate  Essence Flux

Team Fighting with Ez

 When it comes to team-fighting as an ADC, there is one golden rule which is the most basic team-fighting rule of all, and yet makes you an infinitely better team-fighter if you start following it; attack whoever's closest to you. If you stand at the back, behind your frontline, and just auto-attack whichever enemy is absolutely closest to you, you have the best possible positioning, as you'll only be in focus range of whoever's diving you, or whoever you're attacking. It's recommended in general to take down the enemy carries before the tanks, but as the ADC if you try to attack a carry then you're in range of every single member of the enemy team, and if they all focus you then you'll go down in under a second. By keeping your distance and attacking just whatever's closest, you'll be hardest to kill, and can therefore output maximum DPS by just staying alive and being able to auto-attack all fight long. The only time you should attack the enemy team's carries is when there's no other enemies standing between you and them, or if they are horribly positioned.


Pesky Assassins

Pesky Assasins

But sometimes you need to turn the safety notch up another level and straight up walk away from someone that could be a threat to you. For example, if you're playing vs  Zed, you cannot be one of the ones trying to focus him down while he still has enough cooldowns and HP to be a threat. Even if he's the only person in range of you, and you have 3-4 team-mates around you, you still can't be auto-attacking him until the threat he presents has been neutralized ( Death Mark goes on CD, or he gets so low that he'd die before he could burst you. All the skill and mechanics in the world won't stop him bursting you down in half a second if he gets near enough. And you not only need to stay out of his  Death Mark range, you also have to account for the extra distance he can cover with  Living Shadow,  Youmuu's Ghostblade and  Flash, and how quickly they can help him close the gap.

When you're playing against  Zed and you see him running in your direction, you stay as far the f**k away from him as you can get. Don't help your team kill him, that's not your job. The assassin's job is to kill you, your job is to not die to him, and your team's job is to protect you from assassins by killing them. If the assassin commits their cooldowns onto someone else when they realize they can't get to you, that's when it's safe for you to walk back into the fight. Or if the assassin gets CC'd and blown up uselessly before they get to do anything, then it's also safe!

Thank you for reading this guide. If you enjoyed it, do leave a like and a comment.


Realize your strengths.

With EzrealEzreal you can poke half the enemies HP out before you actually go in. Use that to your advantage. Don't go jumping into fights and realize/accept the fact that you have the best self peel tool Essence FluxEssence Flux in the whole game. Add on the fact that you can build partly like a tank and get away with it, which means that you should be dying very little in lategame as compared to other champions. 

Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
Still learning how to use this champion. Thanks for the guide !
4 years ago
Good article, learned some stuff. Thanks! would like to see some more thoughts about matchups especially against supports (because I assume all other ADC's are easy to play around) but thanks!
4 years ago
Thanks for helping out, I was actually looking for an Ezreal guide. Cheers!
4 years ago
What do you think on running Kleptomancy on him? Especially since he can proc it easily and use all of possible actives.
4 years ago
Kleptomancy in general is pretty bad since it has a 25 second CD. It can be useful at times but the consistency of Conqueror is preferred.