by Coneglianum


Patch 2.3
June 03, 2021 07:55


Due to item changes, Ezreal has climbed at the top of ADC meta. Let's see how we can build him with the new items, rune settings and much more.


  • Ezreal right now is one of the most powerful ADCs and a very good blind pick if you don't know enemy ADC.
  • His 3rd skill, Arcane Shift, is one of the most powerful blink abilities in the entire game, and thanks to that, Ezreal is able to reposition himself during fights, or to avoid enemy cc.
  • He's one of the most oppressive ADCs in laning phase due to his infinite poke potential.


  • Ezreal doesn't have much waveclear and suffers a lot from it, more than other ADCs, if enemy team has the Baron's Hand buff.
  • He has to continuously manage his cooldowns in order to deal damage and staying in a good position to do that.
  • He's particularly weak against "tanky" compositions.

Ezreal Build

Best Build Guide for Ezreal

starting item
Sapphire Crystal
first recall / variant
Tear of the Goddess
Executioner's Calling
core items
Trinity Force
boots & upgrades
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Stasis Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
full build example
Trinity Force
Quicksilver Enchant
Guardian Angel
Mortal Reminder
Death's Dance
situational items
Mortal Reminder
Death's Dance
Maw of Malmortius
Blade of the Ruined King

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Thanks to the item change, Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal is now the best starting item for EzrealEzreal , being capable now to stack mana from the very first seconds.

For the first recall, you can buy Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess and a SheenSheen to power up your autoattacks after you use Mystic ShotMystic Shot or any other ability. If you have against you Dr. MundoDr. Mundo or enchanters in your lane like LuluLulu , SorakaSoraka , NamiNami (and similar), you can buy Executioner's CallingExecutioner's Calling instead. Doing that, you will slow down a bit your build but that item can give you that Grievous Wounds necessary to kill a target with your team.

ManamuneManamune (transformed in MuramanaMuramana at 700 stacks) and Trinity ForceTrinity Force are the core items for Ezreal, giving him a huge powerspike when these 2 items are bought. I personally suggest rushing Trinity ForceTrinity Force after you bought Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess . Thanks to this, you can continue stacking your mana having your attacks powered up by Trinity Force.

As boots, I suggest Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity to further spam your skills and having back your summoner spells in less time, and you can evolve them in [stasis enchant] or Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant depending on cases.

To enhance EzrealEzreal 's survivability, you can buy Guardian AngelGuardian Angel as your 3rd item. It'll permit you to revive if you get killed, gives you some armor and some AD.

Last two items are kinda situational, you can buy them in order of what you need. Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder is useful if you have to negate sustain from enchanters, lifesteal or self-sustain (like Dr. MundoDr. Mundo or GragasGragas ). If you don't need Grievous Wounds, you can buy Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius if enemy composition has a lot of AP champions to deal with, [death dance] if you want sustain, ability haste and damage mitigation or perhaps a Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King if you want to deal more easily with enemy tanks, thanks to item's passive.

Ezreal Runes

Best Runes for Ezreal

Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

This is the rune set I personally use. Conqueror is right now the best main rune on EzrealEzreal ; Champion rune can be risky but if you don't die, your damage will be really high even with only MuramanaMuramana and Trinity ForceTrinity Force ; considering that the support is always with you, Loyalty can be good to give both armor and MR to you and your support, and in teamfights, your closest ally. Sweet Tooth is useful to heal both in laning phase for the extra gold and the extra healing even in the late game.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Rising Spell Force
Rising Spell Force - Passive
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Essence Flux
Essence Flux
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Arcane Shift
Arcane Shift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Absolutely necessary.
The shield is stronger than Heal and it's immune to Grievous Wounds that Ignite applies.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Essence Flux
Mystic Shot

This is the basic combo that deals the maximum damage on Ezreal. Make sure to hit Essence FluxEssence Flux and Mystic ShotMystic Shot on enemy marksman or mage to do a lot of damage on them, and later make them recall or execute them with Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage . In both cases, they'll lose resources overall, and you'll gain advantage on that.

Essence Flux
Arcane Shift

This is another basic combo you can do starting from level 3. This can be a very aggressive move to do but this combo has a 100% hit rate thanks to Arcane ShiftArcane Shift 's passive. I don't suggest it if AsheAshe is against you.

Essence Flux
Arcane Shift
Mystic Shot

That's a bit harder combo to do, but if you have a good aim, that's gonna work for sure in your favour. Basically after the Essence FluxEssence Flux - Arcane ShiftArcane Shift combo, you try to land a Mystic ShotMystic Shot to further damage your opponent.

Mystic Shot
Essence Flux
Arcane Shift
Mystic Shot
Trueshot Barrage

If you hit all this, it can be a 100-0 combo. Ezreal's skillshots deals a lot of damage, and at level 5 Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage is one of the most powerful ults in the game.

Ezreal Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Having more range and burst potential than JinxJinx ,Ezreal is a very good choice against her, expecially in laning phase. Try to poke her with everything you got, and don't let her snowball or she'll oneshot you in late game, even without Get Excited!Get Excited! .



Stay tuned for more ADC guides ^^

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3 years ago
Really incomplete guide, I suggest you go through the xScogna channel and watch the guide made by him 3 months ago, it will help you
3 years ago
It's a decent guide but there are few matchups. I think it's passable,but i suggest you to check out xscogna video about him to get more info about ezreal. It really helped me and it will help u