by Yuro

[1.1.0] Master Yi Guide - Master Yi Jungle Max Potential Guide

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 1.1.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Master Yi Jungle Max Potential Guide

This is a guide for those who want to receive the full potential of master yi in the jungle

Master Yi Build

Best Build Guide for Master Yi

Starting Items
Long Sword
Gluttonous Greaves
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads
Blade of the Ruined King
Gluttonous Greaves
Phantom Dancer
Infinity Edge
Death's Dance
Guardian Angel
Blade of the Ruined King
Gluttonous Greaves
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Black Cleaver
Mortal Reminder
Guardian Angel

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

For starting items, both Long Sword and Dagger are fine. One gives you more damage for your attacks and Q, the other lets you trigger double strike a little bit faster.

Boots are usually quite situational, however, Gluttonous Greaves is highly recommended.
They give you decent vamp (old life steal) and movement speed. This is highly important for Yi!
The ability to kite better and survive longer during fights has a high priority.
If the enemies are full AD or they have too much CC, it's worth to go Tabis (vs AD) / Mercs (vs CC+magic damage resistance).

Boots upgrades are not primarily important. Focus on the core item build first.
If you still want to upgrade or if you're full build:
Go QSS (Ionian Quick Silver) to cleanse any CC applied on you + gain movement speed for a short duration.

Core items are completely different from those in LoL, except deaths dance maybe.
No RageBlade, WitsEnd etc. here (yet).
So we look for core items that give most importantly Attack Speed and Damage, then Vamp, OnHit, etc.
The best-fitting item to start off with is BotRK since it gives AD, AtkSpd, Vamp, and OnHit. Perfect!
It also helps to clear the jungle faster due to the passive.

Vs heavy/full AP teams: Get Spirit Visage instead of Deaths Dance.
Vs multiple tanks: Go Tank shredding items (as above).

Master Yi Runes

Best Runes for Master Yi

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
As mentioned before, we want to have Damage and we want to survive longer in fights. Brutal gives AD and pen, Titan gives HP and Tenacity.

A rune that is important to have in mind during the game is Mastermind. Hehe!
It gives you %-True Damage that allows you to clear your jungle and turrets faster.
You earn extra gold and XP when taking objectives and again, turrets!

As mentioned at Smite before: Rift Herald is important!
You benefit from doing it, then from doing the tower as well!

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Double Strike
Double Strike - Passive
Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Wuju Style
Wuju Style
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Standard Summoner Spell for Yi in WildRift. See it as an assistance spell whenever you take it with you. It's primarily meant to help you out of difficult situations or to secure kills.
I personally prefer Ignite on Yi in WildRift too. It definitely is recommended for experienced Yi players who know matchups and their limits very well. You cannot put yourself in bad situations, since you cannot flash out anymore. Ignite: Early Game Power
Smite, of course. Blue Smite usually. In some cases you can go Red Smite, when you're sure that you will invade the enemy Jungle. Objectives are important, especially Rift Herald: Gold from Tower Platings + Pressure due to lost turret

Master Yi Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv
Lee Sin
Lee Sin
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
This is an easy matchup in the current evelynn state.
You can take ignite + red smite and go for invades in her jungle.
If you can't track her down well enough, place wards in her Blue/Red buff and invade when she is doing them and perhaps try to steal it with smite before going in on her.
Master Yi

Lane Matchups

What lane will have Priority (pressure due to power spike, most importantly in the early game)? Build your plan around scuttle contests with this given fact. What lane has CC (since you don't have any)? Gank the lane that has CC primarily (if the lane is not losing, however).

Master Yi


Reset whenever you cleared your jungle / got enough to buy a full item / after a successful gank with 1.5k+ gold. In the late game: It's less strict since you need to be there for fights and objectives due to the higher respawn timer.

Master Yi


You may ward the enemy Buff (where you expect him not to start) and get Oracle. That would be advisable in higher elo since your team will look on the map more often. After that, place wards aggressively only if you're ahead. Neutral (or defensive when at risk of being invaded), otherwise. Keep Oracle Lens ready whenever you want to do Ganks, Drake, Herald, Nash, (Invades), etc. It's not that easy to always have it whenever you need it, but not wasting it unneccessarily would be a good start.

Master Yi

Jungle Clear

Farm! Yes!! As a farm jungler: Farm>Objectives>Ganks in the early game. Watch the map to see the waves and HP bars etc. of your Laners. Derive opportunities to gank or predict your enemy jungle to gank because e.g. your Top Laner pushed to the enemy tower and is Half-HP. Until you have Ult: only gank if you definitely get something out of it (not only a flash)! Work a lot with baits, this won't be easy to get first. E.g. get a feeling for your enemy jungle movements (due to experience or/and vision) and surprise him in a bush by going all-in on him. Knowing the Summoner Spell cooldown of the enemies gives you a huge advantage not only in surprising them but also the ability of re-ganking a lane for free kills! Surprize them when they rotate especially during mid-game!

Master Yi

Invade (low priority)

I keep this short because you usually don't want to waste time on invades since you're focusing on farm. But if you're certain that your invades will be successful, then only do so if at least mid lane has priority. Meaning, they will move to help you before the enemy laner does. Invading in lower elo is not recommended since your lane might not come at all (out of experience).

Master Yi


Last but not least: Rift Herald and Baron! You get a lot out of focusing on objectives, and you should deny objectives whenever you can! Even if it means that you need to stop farming. In order to deny it, you either need to ward it or someone to ward it for you, since you usually want to have oracle lens or most preferably just do the objective whenever it's possible (Rift Herald - Top Priority). Look for wards there, and in the early game: Back off if there are any wards, they will come!

Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
Sweet guide man! Well done. You should add some [smart_replace] to item descriptions, makes it easier to read the build.
4 years ago
My Discord is неха#9008 You can add me for help if something is unclear about my guide or if you just want to get more tips!