by Karizzu

[2.3] Pantheon Guide - Pantheon Support Season 2

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.3
June 25, 2021 13:03

Pantheon Support Season 2

Hello, I am summoner Karizzu and in this guide I want to share what I have learned while climbing the ranks with Pantheon as a support.

Pantheon Build

Best Build Guide for Pantheon

Starting Items
Long Sword
Plated Steelcaps
Bramble Vest
Core Items
Gargoyle Enchant
Black Cleaver
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Sterak's Gage
Death's Dance
Situational Items
Teleport Enchant
Mortal Reminder
Guardian Angel
Mercury's Treads

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

 Starting Items

Core Items

  • After you have bought the 3 starting items,  upgrade your boots into Gargoyle EnchantGargoyle Enchant . This is very important since you will be setting up most of the fights, diving under turrets, and soaking up most of the damage.
  • Next is to build Black CleaverBlack Cleaver . You can easily stack the passive up to 5 times with a simple Shield Vault with [pantheon:passive], AA, and Comet SpearComet Spear .
  • The ThornmailThornmail gives you a lot of armor, and anti-healing. This will force the enemy ADC to either ignore you as you dive in, or hit you at the cost of having [grievous wounds] and reflected damage. Either way, it's a win-win situation for support PantheonPantheon .
  • Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade gives you 10 Ability Haste. Every Ability Haste you can get is important to PantheonPantheon since you need to keep gaining presence on the map and in teamfights. Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade also gives you bonus movement speed which will allow you to go around the map easily.
  • Sterak's GageSterak's Gage is probably one of the best items for PantheonPantheon . It gives you 400 health for extra tankiness, 50% bonus AD, and a Lifeline passive to heighten your survivability even more.
  • Death's DanceDeath's Dance converts 30% of damage taken as bleed effect, gives you Ability Haste, AD, and Health, which are all very useful as you initiate fights for objectives and diving under turrets

Situational Items

  • You may Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant if you need to keep supporting the baron lane most of the time. PantheonPantheon 's [pantheon:ult] has limited range so it wouldn't be efficient to walk to Middle Lane for you to cast ultimate.
  • Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder is a good alternative for ThornmailThornmail if the enemy team consists of ranged and AP champions with high healing capacity.
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel gives additional AD and Armor, and a resurrection passive to keep you alive during teamfights.
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads is the go-to option if the enemy has hard cc champions like LeonaLeona and BraumBraum .

Pantheon Runes

Best Runes for Pantheon

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band
  • Take ConquerorConqueror for additional damage during combat. Gathering StormGathering Storm is much better than BrutalBrutal since [pantheon:ult] now gives 20% armor penetration.
  • Since you'll be diving a lot, you will be soaking up most of the damage and of course, losing health. Adaptive CarapaceAdaptive Carapace is a good choice since it gives you more defense when you reach below 50% of your health, which increases your survivability. Notice that I mention "survivability" a lot, that's because as a support you need to always be there for your team whenever a fight occurs.
  • Your build focuses on vitality and physical so there's no room for mana items. Take Manaflow BandManaflow Band since you'll be spamming a lot of your skills. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Mortal Will
Mortal Will - Passive
Comet Spear
Comet Spear
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Shield Vault
Shield Vault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Aegis Assault
Aegis Assault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Grand Starfall
Grand Starfall
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

for anti-healing and securing kills.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Mortal Will
Shield Vault
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Aegis Assault

A staple combo. This combo is very simple to execute and gives you a lot of value. 

Shield VaultShield Vault with Mortal WillMortal Will gives additional strikes, which means additional Mortal WillMortal Will and Black CleaverBlack Cleaver stack. AA + Comet SpearComet Spear fully stacks Mortal WillMortal Will which will empower your Aegis AssaultAegis Assault to block incoming attacks and give you a burst of movement speed.

Keep practicing this in Practice Mode so that you can perfectly execute the combo with cancel animation.

Shield Vault
Aegis Assault
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Auto Attack

This combo is great for all-in trades. Casting Aegis AssaultAegis Assault right after Shield VaultShield Vault disorients the enemy. Either they'll fight you with your Aegis AssaultAegis Assault on cast, or run away. Either way, you will have the upper hand because the enemy has no chance to trade once you cast Aegis AssaultAegis Assault since it blocks incoming damage.

Grand Starfall
Gargoyle Enchant
Shield Vault
Auto Attack
Comet Spear
Auto Attack
Aegis Assault

This final combo is simply Combo 1 with Grand StarfallGrand Starfall and Gargoyle EnchantGargoyle Enchant . Since you are an engage type of support, you need every defense that you can get. Activating the Gargoyle EnchantGargoyle Enchant gives you additional health based on the numbers of enemy nearby. This is very good for diving in crowded teamfights because you can get a lot of value with Grand StarfallGrand Starfall + Black CleaverBlack Cleaver passive, and Gargoyle EnchantGargoyle Enchant bonuses. Added with Aegis AssaultAegis Assault and the enemy will have a hard time killing you.

Pantheon Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Spam Comet SpearComet Spear to either force her to heal, or apply grievous wounds if you have Executioner's CallingExecutioner's Calling . Only cast Shield VaultShield Vault after she uses EquinoxEquinox


Asserting Map Dominance

This is the most important part of the guide to make PantheonPantheon support work.

Stay in lane until you get your Grand StarfallGrand Starfall . Once you reach level 5, simply change your direction towards your lane. Instead of going straight to Dragon Lane, walk towards between tier 1 and tier 2 turret in mid to check if there are any lanes that needs your support. Grand StarfallGrand Starfall is only semi-global but walking to Middle Lane utilizes that range limit. If there aren't any lanes that needs your support, simply go through the raptor -> bush behind red brambleback -> tribush. The reason for this pathing is to utilize your position,  if mid lane needs support, you can simply walk to the river. If your trinket is available, put it down on the Dragon's Pit. If you see the enemy jungler taking the scuttle crab, you can contest it or attempt to steal it.

But before you do all that, do not forget your adc and make sure to synergize with your team by communicating with them.

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