by kassemzg11

[2.3] IN DEPTH Ezreal Guide (v2.3c)

Patch 2.3
July 14, 2021 02:14

IN DEPTH Ezreal Guide (v2.3c)

I hope this in depth guide of Ezreal will help you to choose the right items for him, learn when to take fights for an objective, visualize item spikes and make him more enjoyable to play. Everything takes time and practice...only Ezreal is ez


  • good blind pick/ first pick in ranked matches
  • one of the safest laning phases among ADCs
  • insane poke damage combined with his 3rd/E Skill makes him an annoying lane haresser and opponent in teamfights
  • low cooldown on his Q synergizes perfectly with his item choices


  • weak early game damage and waveclear potential
  • two skillshots (+ult skillshot) you need to master to fully utilze his potential

Ezreal Build

Best Build Guide for Ezreal

Before 5min
Sapphire Crystal
Tear of the Goddess
Must Haves
Trinity Force
Usual Build
Trinity Force
Stasis Enchant
Blade of the Ruined King
Mortal Reminder
Death's Dance
Against Full AD Teams
Iceborn Gauntlet
Stasis Enchant
Blade of the Ruined King
Mortal Reminder
Death's Dance
also viable
Quicksilver Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

  • Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal should always be your first item since Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess into ManamuneManamune into MuramanaMuramana is a key itemspike for EzrealEzreal . Building and especially         stacking it´s effect Mana Charge is therefore an essential part of your early game.
  • SheenSheen is a great low cost, high value item that synergizes well with your low cooldown skillshots Mystic ShotMystic Shot , Essence FluxEssence Flux which significantly increases your damage output       and builds into Trinity ForceTrinity Force later on.
  • ManamuneManamune and Trinity ForceTrinity Force are a MUST HAVE for the increase in mana and attack speed as well as the extra AD.
  • [Stasis Enchant] is a perfect item for moments when you are overextended or the enemy surprises you. Press and live an other day! Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves and                     Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity are both viable. Personally, I prefer Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity for the lower cooldowns.
  • Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King just adds valuable lifesteal plus combo damage potential in the mid to late stages of the game.
  • Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder will quite literally turn you into a power house. It increases your damage against tanks significantly while also reducing the enemy healing power.
  • [Death´s Dance] makes you almost unkillable, especially against burst damage, combined with [Stasis Enchant] + [Arcane Shift] + [Flash] the enemy will have a hard to impossible time trying to kill you

  • Go for Guardian AngelGuardian Angel if you need it because you still struggle to survive the first burst in a teamfight but you will loose out on the added lifesteal from [Death´s Dance]
  • If you prefer a kiting playstyle and face an attack power (AD) heavy composition Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet could be a good trade for either Trinity ForceTrinity Force or [Death´s Damce]. You would however only consider that to increase your sustainability with the added Armor. Maybe consider Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps in that scenario as well.
  • Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant can be a viable item against high CC teams keep in mind that it DOES NOT remove knockups however

Ezreal Runes

Best Runes for Ezreal

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth
  • ConquerorConqueror is the best choice in my opinion. Great synergy with the passive and really boosts your power in stretched out fights
  • Gathering StormGathering Storm is most likely the better choice because EzrealEzreal is a late game monster.
  • Hunter TitanHunter Titan is great for the added Tenacity (reduced duration for stuns etc.) and the extra HP is gladly taken
  • Sweet ToothSweet Tooth is my go to rune for the added sustain in lane + the extra gold never hurt anyone
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Second Wind
Second Wind
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

This variation with Hunter VampirismHunter Vampirism and Second WindSecond Wind adds some extra sustain for you to keep fighting but the first option exists for a reason.

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

ConquerorConqueror , Gathering StormGathering Storm , Bone PlatingBone Plating , Manaflow BandManaflow Band is a build I go for when I´m on my own and can´t rely on my support. Manaflow BandManaflow Band synergizes well with your MuramanaMuramana and Bone PlatingBone Plating helps against surprise combos

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Rising Spell Force
Rising Spell Force - Passive
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Essence Flux
Essence Flux
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Arcane Shift
Arcane Shift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

For egoists that want to stay alive. Good for 1v1 situations
In case your support doesn´t take it..... good for 2v2 and lane sustain
Potentially an option when facing high burst, combo champions (e.g Eve, Akali, Kata)
Yeah, get this 100% of the time.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Essence Flux
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack

Good to start a small trade from long range and come out on top

Rising Spell Force
Essence Flux
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack
Essence Flux
Auto Attack

Usually your attack sequence when in a fight

Trueshot Barrage

Use this combo to reposition your ultimate in case the enemy dares to move

Arcane Shift
Essence Flux
Auto Attack
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack

For a surprise engage or when your support suddenly pops of and stuns the enemy adc. Only if you know you won´t need to escape and secure the kill.

Trueshot Barrage

Not a combo but awesome for Baron steal attempts or to finish off an enemy

Ezreal Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

Miss FortuneMiss Fortune is quite annoying with her Double UpDouble Up but that´s about it. Try to avoid standing behind the minion she is trying to hit.

Her ult Bullet TimeBullet Time can be easily avoided with either [flash] or Arcane ShiftArcane Shift .

Usually it´s not worth using Arcane ShiftArcane Shift to dash out of her Make It RainMake It Rain


Early Game Laning Phase

Buy Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal right away and start spamming Mystic ShotMystic Shot to stack your mana charge. You will need 700stacks to evolve ManamuneManamune into MuramanaMuramana . So always use your abilities when you have the chance.

Start by helping out your jungler with their red buff. It´s always worth it to keep their spirit up and make them gank your lane later in the game. Nothing i worse than a tilted jungler! Only make sure you reach your lane before the first enemy minion dies. You will sometimes need to use your Mystic ShotMystic Shot in order to last hit it, so make sure you have it ready. 

Being on the bottom also means that the enemy team probably didn´t help their jungler out so be aware of any bushes. There might be an angry AlistarAlistar waiting inside. Throw in a Mystic ShotMystic Shot if you want to check a bush.

Your laning phase should be pretty simple when you follow these rules:

  1.  Stay safe, utilze your range abilities Mystic ShotMystic Shot and Essence FluxEssence Flux
  2.  Don´t use your Arcane ShiftArcane Shift to engage it´s usually not a good idea

If you just started with EzrealEzreal you might want to use Mystic ShotMystic Shot with the autoaim setting but definetly try to practice the skillshot. When you gained enough money or stacked up your Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal recall to the fountain and buy a Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess . Keep stacking up your mana charge. If you lack vital damage in lane, consider buying a SheenSheen as well. Make sure you get your ManamuneManamune before the first Drake though.


First Drake Fight

So you stacked up ManamuneManamune and run to the Drake. Don´t forget to push out your lane before major objectives (drakes, herald, baron or switching to an other lane). So now that you got your first item, you might feel strong but you will probably still loose against equally killed players. Make sure to take your chances and poke out the enemy before the fight starts. Always good to have the upper hand before you get into a 5v5.

Keep in mind that drakes got nerfed and it´s not always wise to go for them anymore. If you can get a free turret and your team doesn´t take the fight as well. Get the turret. Only force the drake fight if the following conditions are met: 

  • It´s the Mountain Drake, probably the most important one to get. Less for your own team but rather to deny the enemy that extra shield. It will seriously hurt your damage, especially your poke when they get the mountain drake.
  • The enemy jungler is a ShyvanaShyvana or your jungler is a ShyvanaShyvana , her kit requires the drakes. Especially the Inferno Drake gives ShyvanaShyvana a strong boost in damage.
  • If you face a JinxJinx it´s probably worth getting the Ocean Drake to deny the lifesteal and become stronger against her in longer fights.

After the Drake fight you will either recall and start building your Trinity ForceTrinity Force or return to your lane. Most times it´s wiser to recall because money in your pocket won´t help winning games.


Mid Game

Two options:

  • So now you have to ask yourself how cooperative your team is. If you play with friends it´s probably a good idea to switch lanes. You go to Baron Lane and your Top Laner goes to Dragon Lane. You would do this to get the upper hand at the upcoming Herald fight. When it comes to the Herald it´s important to say, that he is basically one free turret. However....if you won´t get the first turret by capturing the herald and use him afterwards, it´s usually not worth it.Try to get the first turret. Most of the times the turret where the baron laner is currently at will fall first. So most likely you won´t be the one doing that task. If you however have the chance to capture a first turret for free or trade it for the Herald. It´s always Turret > Herald.

  • In most cases After the first two objectives have been captured (Drake, Turret or Herald) you will return to your lane and farm up. Keep track of your jungler and help him out if he starts a fight nearby. Try to get the turret in your lane. Once the first turret has fallen, either push to the second turret (make sure the place wards in the jungle to prevent being ganked and keep track of the enemy jungler)

Once two turrets fall on either side it´s usually time for teamfights. By now you should have MuramanaMuramana , Trinity ForceTrinity Force and [stasis enchant]


Teamfights and Late Game

When it comes to teamfights keep in mind that Wild Rift isn´t a deathmatch game. Win objectives, not get as much kills as possible. So keep that in mind and consider if a fight is worth taking or not.

If a fight is worth taking, make sure to push out your lane before the fight this ensures that in the case of the enemy team dying you already have minions pressed against their turrets. But even in the case you loose the teamfight it will make sure the enemy team won´t immediatly get a turret or even two.

So ALWAYS ask yourself: Is this fight worth taking or could we do something more important?

Keep in mind though that Wild Rift is a 5vs5 game. So even when you know what to do, your team might not. Sometimes it´s better to take a bad team decision than making a good call yourself and have your team end up dying.

By now you should have MuramanaMuramana , Trinity ForceTrinity Force ,[stasis enchant], Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King

When it comes to teamfights in this stage of the game, you will probably win most matchups if you farmed up well. Stay in the backline, use your Arcane ShiftArcane Shift defensive and kite. Only use your Arcane ShiftArcane Shift in very specific situations: you need to cross a wall or else you will die, you slept and your team already engaged without you (most times still not worth it), to dodge an important skillshot like Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow , Rocket GrabRocket Grab etc.

Never loose hope with EzrealEzreal . There is always a chance for a comeback!

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