by Hyorr

[2.4] Ezreal Guide - Kleptomaniac.

Patch 2.4
August 13, 2021 03:21


Ezreal is a bot lane ADC who prefers casting skills instead of auto attacking, making him unique in Wild Rift's ADC roster. However that's the difference between trash Ezreal and Ezreal's OTP. Time to learn how to abuse him into high ELO.


  • Has one of the best ultimate in the game that also all round purpose.
  • Best blink ability in the game.
  • Scale well into mid-late game.


  • Skill shot reliant.
  • Long cooldown.
  • Hard to comeback from deficit.

Ezreal Build

Best Build Guide for Ezreal

Starting Items
Sapphire Crystal
first recall 3:15
Tear of the Goddess
3 core classic items
Trinity Force
Death's Dance
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Teleport Enchant
3 core "blue ezreal" items
Iceborn Gauntlet
Frozen Heart
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Teleport Enchant
Blade of the Ruined King
Mortal Reminder
Maw of Malmortius
Guardian Angel
Abyssal Mask

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

So EzrealEzreal loves to casting abilities left and right, so your first core item for both classic EzrealEzreal and "Blue" EzrealEzreal is ManamuneManamune . easy to stack bonus mana, and also giving you AD boost that every AD poke champ need.

After your ManamuneManamune is complete you have to make a decision here, either you going with classic build or you're going to go use "Blue" EzrealEzreal itemization. both of them are useful, depending on situation and also your item preference. "Blue Ezreal" build is coming from Summoner's Rift with the buff of Divine Sunder (which is sad that item is not for Wild Rift, yet)  and all of the core items in that itemization have blue color.

Classic EzrealBlue Ezreal
You're new to EzrealEzreal and want to deal more damage than others using the spell blade bonus plus auto attack damage + attack speed from Trinity ForceTrinity Force  You're bored with Classic EzrealEzreal build and also want to kite them hard, with a lot of ability haste, plus the slow using Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet
You're more to duel, want to 1 vs 1 or snag some easy kills around the rift.You're more to team fight, helping your teammate with a slow auto attack cc plus being around you make your enemy's auto attack slower.
However be careful, you're more susceptible to ganks because low armor.Be aware that your damage won't be enough to carry your team.

After making these decision, time to hit your situational items.

  • Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King / Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder are two items that work together against high HP high armor and also high sustain champ such as DariusDarius or GarenGaren . it also works great on Blue EzrealEzreal build to close out some damage problems.
  • Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius is good magic resist item for ADC. very underrated item in Wild Rift. the lifegrip aspect of this item demands you to fight back.
  • Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask is another good magic resist item for you who like to close against your enemy plus boosting your teammate AP damage, remember, every ability in EzrealEzreal kit are magic damage, so it's also helping your damage too.
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel is most likely be useful to you than for other ADC as you can escape with Arcane ShiftArcane Shift . worth your 3,4k gold. however, if you're think GA is item that make you INT (intentional feeding) more, i would like to introduce you to Death's DanceDeath's Dance .

Ezreal Runes

Best Runes for Ezreal

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

ConquerorConqueror is the only viable keystone to EzrealEzreal so do not try to change anything.

TriumphTriumph is good for EzrealEzreal because he need sustain on take down, and also extra damage if the enemy is on 35% HP

Hunter TitanHunter Titan is good because you will FULL SEND your ultimate around the world and if it is a kill or an assist you will extra HP and also tenacity. very beneficial. SO KEEP SEND IT.

Manaflow BandManaflow Band can be traded with Hunter GeniusHunter Genius or Sweet ToothSweet Tooth or even better, MastermindMastermind . perhaps you can snipe some drake with your ultimate, [ezreal:ult] ? 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Rising Spell Force
Rising Spell Force - Passive
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Essence Flux
Essence Flux
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Arcane Shift
Arcane Shift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

another escape, or engagement tool
use this if your support won't use heal.
this is optional if heal has been taken by your support.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Essence Flux
Arcane Shift
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack
Mystic Shot

This is your trading combo. 

Trueshot Barrage
Arcane Shift
Essence Flux
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack
Mystic Shot
Auto Attack
Essence Flux
Mystic Shot
Arcane Shift

this is your all in combo at level 5. first usage of your Arcane ShiftArcane Shift is engagement, but if you're low or already finished your target, the second usage of Arcane ShiftArcane Shift is disengage.

Ezreal Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

easy to kite as she has no dash ability, not much damage if you able to dodge her Make It RainMake It Rain into Bullet TimeBullet Time however keep an eye on her Double UpDouble Up early on.


Ezreal's Best Sup

LuxLux Ah, the EzrealEzreal one and only love, but LuxLux doesn't give a damn about EzrealEzreal .
LuxLux can provide a root and slow that make landing your combo easier, not only that, you guys can combo both of your Final SparkFinal Spark and Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage for easy snipe.
BraumBraum As mama said before, stand before BraumBraum
BraumBraum is one of perfect candidate of EzrealEzreal support as Concussive BlowsConcussive Blows can be easily triggered as Rising Spell ForceRising Spell Force stacking up.
LeonaLeona My favourite lesbian, trust me, worth your time.
SunlightSunlight + Essence FluxEssence Flux + Mystic ShotMystic Shot will deal insane amount of damage, sadly there's zero support that want to play LeonaLeona
OriannaOrianna Okay, this one i need to really explain myself.
Command: ShockwaveCommand: Shockwave in solo queue usually a whiff ultimate as sometime it doesn't hit anyone, however Command: ProtectCommand: Protect into you can be useful for you and OriannaOrianna as she can land her ultimate without need to aiming, and also you get protected by The Ball itself using Command: ProtectCommand: Protect

Trust me, it's worth your time to learn OriannaOrianna support.

Early - Mid Game

Your objective are : 

  • Getting your first core item, ManamuneManamune before you're going to fight in dragon pit.
  • Not to die twice in the early game.
  • Able to get your lane pushed (lane prio) before dragon fight

Your secondary objective are :

  • Getting first blood.
  • Getting one armor plat in your lane turret.

EzrealEzreal is quite annoying for your opponent bot lane as you can escape easily with your Arcane ShiftArcane Shift however you need to keep an eye on your mana, your cooldown and your positioning for securing your farm. keep last hitting with your Mystic ShotMystic Shot and stacking the sweet Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess as you will need it evolved into MuramanaMuramana as soon as possible.

EzrealEzreal loves to brawl early as he able to fight early on with trade combo mentioned early on. try to keep hitting your abilities and last hitting with your abilities and auto attack. if you able to find one chance to go aggressive, go immediately as you able to escape with Arcane ShiftArcane Shift


Late Game

Your objective are :

  • Deal a ton of damage.
  • Survive team fight.
  • Win the game.

Your secondary objective is : snipe Baron Nasor or Elder Dragon with your abilities.

What you need to do is try to survive and deal a ton of damage as you are the ADC, a.k.a the carry of the team, you need to be aggressive and also be mindful on usage of Arcane ShiftArcane Shift and positioning. once again, keep landing your abilities, especially your Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage and keep your distance, and win the game. if need to back dooring, do it, as EzrealEzreal able to use Essence FluxEssence Flux on turrets and deal a ton of damage on turrets.

good luck, have fun!

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