by jerbq

[2.4b] Braum Guide - Climb as Braum

Please be aware that the meta is ALWAYS changing. The information provided is appropriate for Patch 2.4d and I hope to evolve it overtime. If I haven't updated this guide with the latest patch, please be aware that some information could be outdated.
Patch 2.4b
September 29, 2021 17:20

Climb as Braum

My in-depth guide to Braum after 500+ games in solo queue. Braum is an incredible champion with lots of CC, able to turn a losing fight into a winning one with his powerful ultimate and his iconic passive.


  • Excellent protection for your carries
  • Easily setup CC for your team
  • All round great for each phase of the game


  • Forced into safe mode against enchanter supports
  • Requires confidence in being up close and personal for passive to work effectively

Braum Build

Best Build Guide for Braum

Starting Items
Boots of Speed
Core Items
Redeeming Enchant
Zeke's Convergence
Protector's Vow
Abyssal Mask
Randuin's Omen

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


As a tank, Braum has an extremely situational build with many different items being viable on him.

When you first start the game, purchase Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed with your 500g. This will put you in a great position for the first Dragon fight, as you will only need 1000g for the enchantment. Purchase either:

In this current meta, I believe that Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant (Redemption) is far surperior over [Locket Enchant]. You will be able to purchase Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant before the first Dragon fight starts. This will give you an extra heal and zoning damage against the enemy. If the meta does change and [Locket Enchant] becomes viable again, this would be a great pickup if the enemy has a lot of AOE damage (i.e KatarinaKatarina , KennenKennen ).


I believe that Braum has two core items that can be useful against ANY composition. Here is a description of both of them:

Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence : This is a great first item on Braum. When it comes to teamfights, Braum's ultimate is a powerful tool to CC and zone the enemy champions. You will be engaging with this ultimate A LOT. Therefore, the effect's of Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence will be very beneficial to your ADC. Additionally, Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence provides great stats for both armor and magic resistance to help you be more aggressive in lane.

Protector's VowProtector's Vow : This item can be purchased as a second item or as a first IF you're struggling in lane. This item will help protect your ADC in the laning phase, giving them a shield and Braum some additional armor to sustain in lane. 


These next item's are completely situational and can work for and against different compositions. Here are the items I believe are viable on Braum:

Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen : This is a great item on Braum. A lot of ADCs are benefiting heavily now with the addition of Solari ChargebladeSolari Chargeblade and other crit chance items. Therefore, giving Braum the extra protection in team fights is a MUST. Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen will also decrease the attack speed of enemy champions by 15%, making this a great item against champions like JinxJinx , TristanaTristana and YasuoYasuo .

Bramble VestBramble Vest / ThornmailThornmail : After you have purchased Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence , an early Bramble VestBramble Vest can be a great strategy. The item only costs 1000g and gives 30 Armor, but ALSO gives Braum some protection and anti heal against champions that look to life steal in teamfights. I would not recommend fully upgrading this to ThornmailThornmail as a second item, but rather forcus on other Tier 3 items and leave upgrading the Bramble VestBramble Vest till last.

Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask : If the enemy team has an AP carry that is speeding ahead, the Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask can be great as a second or third item. Additionally, Abyssal Mask can also be purchased early if you have double AP on your team, such as an AP top, jungle or mid laner. The Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask buffs your allies to do 15% more magic damage, gifting your allies that extra boost if they're ahead.

Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate : If the enemy has a lot of AD damage but NOT focusing on crit damage, Dead Man's PlateDead Man's Plate is a great pickup. It buffs Braum with extra health and armor, but also enables Braum to get closer to the enemy with extra movement speed.

Force of NatureForce of Nature : Force of NatureForce of Nature is a good item if you aren't looking for extra buffs of the Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask (i.e if you only have one AP champion, your AP damage is weak). Force of NatureForce of Nature provides more health and slightly less magic resistance than the Abyssal MaskAbyssal Mask . This item also provides some extra movement speed, making it a great item against champion's like TeemoTeemo who look to slow with his ultimate and deal magic damage in the process.

Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet : ONLY get this item if you are building lots of armor. Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet becomes better with the more armor you build, making it a good item to pickup against a composition that has A LOT of AD damage. Only build Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet in select situations (heavy enemy AD composition, ally team looking to snowball).

Braum Runes

Best Runes for Braum

Font of Life
Font of Life
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Currently, Font of LifeFont of Life is the best key rune to run on Braum. Font of LifeFont of Life provides excellent sustain in the laning phase especially, but is also great in teamfights too. Braum's first ability is the best spell to start Font of LifeFont of Life . As soon as your allies attack, Font of LifeFont of Life will provide you and your teammates with small healing benefits.

Weakness: This is only Red rune you should be running on Braum.

LoyaltyLoyalty : LoyaltyLoyalty is incredibly powerful right now. The additional armor and magic resit might not be great mid/late game, however, the benefits early game will help you survive in lane a lot longer.

Pack HunterPack Hunter : This is the standard for the Blue rune on Braum. This will give you an extra speed boost to get to your allies and use Braum's second ability and potentially proc Protector's Vow Protector's VowProtector's Vow if your ally has already started to engage.

PathfinderPathfinder : You could run PathfinderPathfinder as opposed to Pack HunterPack Hunter but it is risky. Only run this Rune if you're planning to roam a lot. It will give you extra movement speed in the river when roaming to mid lane.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Concussive Blows
Concussive Blows - Passive
Winter's Bite
Winter's Bite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Stand Behind Me
Stand Behind Me
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Glacial Fissure
Glacial Fissure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

In the current meta, you will find 99% of Supports running heal. This provides team fight and laning sustain.
Only take exhaust over heal IF the enemy team is looking to burst down your teammates OR your ally has taken heal.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Winter's Bite
Glacial Fissure
Concussive Blows
Auto Attack

Always engage with either your Q/1 Winter's BiteWinter's Bite or Braum's ultimate Glacial FissureGlacial Fissure . After this, you want to look to apply your passive Concussive BlowsConcussive Blows onto as many opponents as possible and prioritise the enemy carry.

Braum Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Braum is an excellent champion to pick against Ezreal. A lot of Ezreal's spells such as his Q/1 Mystic ShotMystic Shot and Ezreal's ultimate Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage can be blocked by Braum's E/3 UnbreakableUnbreakable . Braum's E/3 UnbreakableUnbreakable will block the first spell or attack that hits it, spelling bad news for any Ezreal players.



Thank you for reading my first ever guide for a champion in Wild Rift. If you have any feedback or thoughts, please let me know in the comments below. If you have any further questions about Braum, please feel free to reachout to me on Twitter. My DMs are open and I love to talk about all things Wild Rift, so don't be afraid to send me message over at @jerbq_tv.

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