Our place to post all the hot stuff!


  • Champion Release: Renekton
    Champion Release: Renekton
    The latest addition to the Wild Rift Roster is Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands. Renekton is a Baron Lane Fighter and excels in bullying a lane with his oppressive kit. Renekton ist definitely going to be an interesting Champion to experiment with!
  • Wild Rift Patch 2.2b - Rundown
    Wild Rift Patch 2.2b - Rundown
    Patch 2.2b is all about toning down champions that are currently dominating the meta and buffing marksmen. Aside fo that the patch also contains exciting item and rune changes and is overall a good shot in balancing.
  • Champion Release: Rammus
    Champion Release: Rammus
    Yesterday Riot Games brought us a fresh new champion: Rammus, the Armordillo. With the addition of Rammus, Wild Rift is expanding their jungle roster and we are very curious how the little meatball is going to stirr up the meta!
  • Wild Rift Replays x wildriftguides.gg
    Wild Rift Replays x wildriftguides.gg
    Wild Rift Replays is a hot an upcoming YouTube channel that is focused on uploading High-Elo Wild-Rift replays for you to learn how to utilize all your favorite champions to their maximum extent.
  • Omlet Arcade x wildriftguides.gg
    Omlet Arcade x wildriftguides.gg
    We are super excited to announce that we are partnering up with Omlet Arcade, the largest mobile gaming and livestreaming community. Expect exclusive content, giveaways and much more and check out the awesome things we are doing together!
  • Let's celebrate 2 months of wildriftguides.gg!
    Let's celebrate 2 months of wildriftguides.gg!
    Hey you all, let's celebrate! <3 wildriftguides.gg is not only two months old, but we also hit the 500 members mark on discord! All that is left to say is: **Thank you**. Also join in our giveaway!
  • Combos now available!
    Combos now available!
    "Useless Alistar!". Those were the last words the ADC typed furiously in chat before he afk'd. Situations like these are finally a thing of the past. Combos are now available for your guides. Read this article in order to learn how to fully embrace them!
  • Player Ranks now available
    Player Ranks now available
    We all need to flex from time to time, therefore part two of giving more exposure to guide writers is live. Every registered user can now show off their ingame rank and show everyone how far they have gotten on the rift!
  • Patch 2.1 hit the Wild Rift!
    Patch 2.1 hit the Wild Rift!
    Riot Games brought us the latest major patch 2.1 for Wild Rift! Not only do we get the botlane duo Xayah and Rakan, we also get spectator mode and balancing updates for the Yordles and much more. Check it out!
  • Diamond Lulu guide by Excoundrel
    Diamond Lulu guide by Excoundrel
    Lulu Jinx combo has been dominating high elo in Wild Rift recently, with Jinx scaling and the protection Lulu provides it has quickly become one of the best Dragon lane combos to climb with.
  • Write Guides, Win Skins!
    Write Guides, Win Skins!
    Welcome to Wild Rift Guides! For our launch party, we prepared a special contest, where you can win 3 skins of your choice. Check the post!