[2.4b] Master Yi Guide - A guide to Master yi
A guide to Master yi
- Very strong at late
- Can easily annihilate enemy adc
- Weak in cc
- Lacks in ganking potential
Master Yi Build
Best Build Guide for Master Yi

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This build is focused on cd resetting so that master yi can always use the 1st skill or 3rd to maximize the damage output whilst surviving because or the Deaths Dance and Guardian Angel.
Navori quickblades- This item is very good since master yi rely's more on auto attacking while also dealing lots of crit damage(reduces the cooldown of non ultimate skill).
Solari Chargeblade and Infinity Edge- This items works well with Navori quickblades since it gives crit chances and damage.
The three items are for survivability
Mercury's treads for cc
Death's Dance for delaying damage taken
And guardian angel for reviving
Master Yi Runes
Best Runes for Master Yi

Conqueror- With Master Yi's very high attack speed and abilities that can hit the enemies you will find that getting stacks for Conqueror can happy every quickly which allows him to get more damage on the enemies.
Brutal- This helps out Master Yi in the early game get that extra bit of damage when clearing the jungle and when fighting vs enemies.
Hunter titan- With Master Yi, you will be in a lot of fights running down and attacking the enemies and getting plenty of takedowns. This allows Master Yi to get a bit more health with each takedown to make him that little bit extra tanky.
Hunter genius- With Master Yi, you want your abilities to be up and available as much as possible to deal as much damage as you can. Hunter Genius will give you ability haste when you get unique takedowns on enemies.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The build i showed you is focused on reducing cooldown so you can spam your first skill

Jungle pathing
With Master Yi, he doesn't have the best 1 vs 1 potential vs other junglers early on. This means that most of the time you want to go for a full clear in the jungle which means you work your way through your jungle and kill every camp. When you finish killing every camp in your jungle you will get Level 5 and have access to Highlands (Ultimate). When doing a full clear it's best to start Blue Sentinel as it's a lot easier to get around the jungle. Also, Yi can use a lot of mana in the jungle so it's best to get that regen early on
This is what the jungle path would look like:
Blue Sentinel
Red Brambleback