[2.6a] Tristana Guide - Yamadaichipvp's guide to the best 1v9 adc
- Can carry hard
- Unpopular pick
- Playable with bad supports
- Outscales every adc in the game
- Good wave/camps clear
- Very good mobility
- Game is much harder if these are true:
- You are bad at tristana (Identify it easily, if you are not carrying, then u r bad))
- You are against jax
- You are against yasuo
- Camille is going to ult you
Tristana Build
Best Build Guide for Tristana

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Build bf sword early so you can oneshot enemy bot lane at lvl 5, then build the core items. Navoris IE and Statikk is a super strong powerspike. After that get a crit item of your choice(Stormrazor/Rapidfire Cannon/Bloodthirster) and either Mortal Reminder, Blade of The Ruined King(Mortal reminder is generally better) or Guardian Angel. It's not all about build, so keep that in mind.
Tristana Runes
Best Runes for Tristana

Conqueror is the only viable main rune.
Always Hunter vampirism.
Hunter Titan against cc, otherwise Adaptative Carapace.
Sweet Tooth because free gold.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Standard lv2/3 trade combo, use your jump to get a stack on your bomb by placing it mid-air.

Standard lv5 all-in combo. You can auto another time before ulting if you are not sure you will oneshot. Use the same combo without the jump for teamfights.
Tristana Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Tricky if you are new to tristana, but overall pretty easy matchup. Just keep an eye on
. Don't get pushed into a wall.

Some tips
Take jungle camps everytime they're up
Watch out for positioning.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.