by MangoBeePoppin

[2.6a] Teemo Guide - Patch 3.1 Teemo Support (In depth)

I will polish this guide up more over time. Adding more information as I continue to play the match ups more. Editing the difficulty match ups later after more practice. I believe Blitzcrank may now be a serious threat to Teemo support. I still need more games against Karma and Shen for solid advice to give you all. Good luck gaming every one and have fun! I am a Diamond Teemo main who has made the top 200 list. I started off as Top lane Teemo main and found myself enjoying Support Teemo more!
Patch 2.6a
March 26, 2022 19:12

Patch 3.1 Teemo Support (In depth)

Utility Tank style Support. One of the most efficient, laid back, and fun ways to play Teemo. Tons of resistance, cool down, hp, and mushroom Ultimates!


  • Tons of CC
  • Durable
  • Plenty of team buffs
  • Vision control
  • Scales decently in damage
  • Super relaxing and fun to play


  • People tend to want to jump Teemo a lot in game. So play wisely
  • Your team may think you are going full AP and go full AD team comp
  • Team may flame you over pick or question it heavily. Just say you main Teemo support if you actually do. Mute them if they are to toxic.

Teemo Build

Best Build Guide for Teemo

Starting Items
Ruby Crystal
First Item Rush
Catalyst of Aeons
Rod of Ages
Core Items
Sunfire Aegis
Warmog's Armor
Mercury's Treads
Locket Enchant
Randuin's Omen
Zeke's Convergence
Anti Healing Counter
Oblivion Orb

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

---Rod of Ages Rushing this item allows you to scale with both HP and AP stacks. At max stacks you will have more AP then AD and will be able to get scaling bonus AP from your rune Gathering Storm

It’s smart to take an early back and build the mid tier item Cataylst of Aeons. That way you can sustain in lane with your rune Font of Life and the item regeneration from leveling up in lane. 

This allows you to get more poke and healing done early in lane phase.

---Locket Boots I usually rush one of my second combat items over this. Unless my team is behind and I need this to help save them from damage in team fights earlier. This allows you to roam faster and it is also super clutch for denying an enemy kills. It also increases the move speed boost on your second ability Move Quick.

---Sunfire Aegis This item is a nice item for three main reasons.

1) You get two item actives. The first one is called Immolate. This will allow you to do bonus magic damage based on how much HP you have. The bonus magic damage is based off +.08% HP and converted to magic damage stacking up to 6 times which lasts up to 5 seconds.

At max stacks you will activate a secondary item active called Falme Touch. This will allow your basic attacks to burn enemies with Immolate as well for up to 3 seconds. So double the amounts of extra burn damage at max stacks! Great surprise damage to punish people more for diving on you combined with Blinding Dart. Great against teams that are more dive oriented as a second item.

2) Simply you get cool down reduction for abilities.

3) More HP means the resistances you get will actually hold up in combat. So this will synergize well with your rune Conditioning for scaling resistances. This will hold true with your other HP items later. 

---Warmog's Armor This item is a great way to scale your HP, survive burst, and  HP regeneration as well. This makes it so you do not have to recall as much while patrolling the map until an item purchase is ready at shop again. 

With this item I can back off and regenerate health faster with out recalling quickly to fight again. Or roam around the map more while using Ult charges.

Of course like with the item Sunfire Aegis you will get to feel the nice cool down reduciton and bonus HP that synergize with your rune Conditioning for survival. But the added bonus here is it increases the bonus burn damage to your item Sunfire Aegis due the +.08% HP being converted to a a stacking magic damage burn. So great item synergy and rune use so far!

---Zeke's Convergence will help you with duel magic and physical resist. It's active will help you provide more surprise damage in fights as well as some crowd control when you cast your Ult near an ally.

Harbinger is this items active bonus. It will cast a blizzard around yourself and enhance nearby ally's attacks for 10 seconds when you use your Ultimate near them.

Your Blizzard will slow down enemies by 20%. So this is a great syngery item with Sunfire Aegis already for bonus damage.

And your ally attacks will burn enemies. Dealing 30% of the damage as bonus magic damage over 2 seconds. (The ally with the highest attack damage will get this burn bonus in a fight and it is a 45 second cool down)

Frotfire Covenant is a second item active. It is triggered when your slow an enemy with your Blizzard that has the burn damage applied from an ally. Now your Blizzard will apply a bonus 60 magic damage and 50%  slow for 3 seconds.

---Randuin's Omen is in my opinion one of the best items to round off the build. Most enemy attack damage carries build crit. This will drastically reduce the amount of burst they have so you can survive. It will also reduce their attack speed for being able to hit you. So combined that with your Blinding Dart they don't get to trade as much damage back in return.

This item can be built before Zeke's Convergence if you feel like you need it earlier.


With this build you will be a tanky utility style Support. Relying on poking the enemy down with your range safely, and denying them the ability to engage back with your ability kit/item combos. You will have plenty of mobility, resists, and cool down reduction. Since you are tanky with this build you can survive a lot more engages. Meaning that you can use your Ultimate more to prep objectives with all the extra cool downs. Most importantly you won't have to worry about feeding because your not squishy. I typically score S rank with this build in Diamond.

In lane phase you get a strong power spike at level 3 because of your stealth engage patterns for damage. I like to recall around this time to upgrade my Ruby Crystal to Cataylst of Aeons.

Before Hunter Genius stacks your level 3 Ult cool down time is 7 seconds per charge at full build. So you can spam them frequently late game.

I prefer to keep my wards as a Support. With my Ult and the added vision of the 2 wards it helps me control a lot of vision on the map.

I have not ran into many healing supports that made me have to purchase anti healing lately because of ignite. How ever Oblivion Orb is a great anti healing item for Teemo if it is a healer liker Yuumi or Soraka.

Teemo Runes

Best Runes for Teemo

Font of Life
Font of Life
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

Font of Life is a great way to help you and your allies sustain! Thanks to your ability passive. Your auto attacks apply a bonus poison damage for 4 seconds.  Your attack will count as one hit on an enemy and the poison proc as a separate attack. So a simple auto attack alone will heal you in lane.or fights. It also allows an ally's to heal from damaging that enemy as well. That's right up to multiples heals for you bot lane as a Teemo support!

Font of Life heals can also be triggered by your Ultimate Noxius Traps across the map. Healing both you and allies.

Gathering Storm will allow you to start stacking bonus AP through out the match one you reach max stacks from Rod of Ages. This will keep your Ult damage and Blinding dart relevant through out the game.  

Conditioning will help with you scale in tank stats with resistances. It got a nice buff that works very well on Teemo support. Giving you the bonus resistances starting at 3 minutes in game. In time for your purchase of Cataylst of Aeons.

Hunter Genius Another rune that got buffed and it is feeling really good on support Teemo. All the extra stacking cool down reducition you get for abilities helps a lot in fights. Best part is even assist give you the stack so you do not have to KS.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Toxic Shot
Toxic Shot - Passive
Blinding Dart
Blinding Dart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Move Quick
Move Quick
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Guerilla Warfare
Guerilla Warfare
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Noxious Trap
Noxious Trap
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners



Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Blinding Dart

Most simple way to poke enemies and deny them trade damage in return. Basically your level one bread and butter.

Guerilla Warfare
Move Quick
Noxious Trap
Auto Attack
Blinding Dart
Auto Attack

So with this move combo you safely navigate behind an enemy and place an Ult charge behind them. This will deny them an escape path and the Ult charge toss will not make you exit stealth earlier. Once you damage the enemy with an Auto attack you will exit stealth. Now they usually ether panic and flash away or try to fight you back. SO blinding dart them to counter their chance of damaging you while following up with Auto attacks and ignite.

Teemo Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

Pretty easy to dodge out his abilities.

Poking him even with out going tank is still nice because of the poison damage over time.


Teemo tips for Support

Set up the map to secure the first dragon by using your Noxious Traps to lay traps in river and enemy jungle. After your team secures dragon rotate with your traps to take Rift Herald if possible. You should typically have enough gold before dragon if not right after it dies for Rod of Ages to start scaling.

As a Teemo you want to plan in advance where enemies will be. This way you can lay down your Noxious Traps tactically and slow down their rotations. Or simply set them up for an ambush.

Teemos Ultimate can instantly proc if you throw it right on an enemy. So you can throw these over a wall or many other clever ways for both engages and counter engages.

Be careful not to take bad early trades in river as you are still squishy and don't want to have to recall to early without an item buy. 

Feel free to add extra points to Move Quick after 2 points in Guerrilla Warfare if you need to rotate more. 

When using Guerrilla Warfare make sure to activate it before you are visible to enemy champions. That way you can sneak in on them for more damage. If you know the jungle area is warded ,it is good to stealth before going past the wards. You can hide in a bush to extend your stealth if needed for setting up an ambush.

A lot of people do not read item details. So do not let them make you feel bad for items like Sunfire Aegis. Or any of the items you build. They all have a purpose and synergy.

Blinding Dart last 2 seconds at Max rank so make sure to prioritize auto attack based champions with it in fights!

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