by Tzeentch

[2.1] Adv4nced Jhin Guide (Rift Academy #7)

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.1
March 14, 2021 22:28

Adv4nced Jhin Guide (Rift Academy #7)

Everything that you should know about our favorite Gun slinging Artist.


  • Long range, Great burst.
  • Has a strong early to late game
  • Not that complicated to learn


  • Utterly useless when behind
  • Exhaust easily shuts him down
  • Weak against tanks that stack armor

Jhin Build

Best Build Guide for Jhin

Starting Items
Long Sword
Boots of Speed
Boots of Swiftness
Staple Crit
Rapid Firecannon
Infinity Edge
Mortal Reminder
Stasis Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


  1. StormrazorStormrazor - Your Bread and Butter item, 
  2. Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon - Extra range just makes your 4th way deadlier that pairs well with fleet footwork. Definitely the best ZealZeal based item that you can get.
  3. Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder -  At this point you have a 50% Crit chance which pretty good. But enemies will usually start having armor and Crit reducing items like Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen to counter your damage. Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder will spike your damage and shred enemies that has been stacking armor, Bonus Grievous Wound is amazing against Champions with big Heals.
  4. Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer - Another amazing ZealZeal Based item. Good on both Offense and Defense that grants another 25% Crit chance the 45% Attackspeed will be converted into damage since Jhin's WhisperWhisper has a capped passive similar to graves.
  5. Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - Makes you harder to kill. 45 Damage is really good alongside 40 Armor, Definitely a must have Endgame item.


  1. Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade - A great First item and a general item overall for jhin. The passive Movement speed is great for roams with Big damage and Lethality.
  2. Duskblade of DraktharrDuskblade of Draktharr - Just generally good for Damage boost, stacking Lethality helps you snowball a lot and easier.
  3. Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge your 4th Shot still crits. You still need this item no matter what.
  4. Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon - this one is a personal preference you could go for a ZealZeal based item or simply go for Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder but I prefer Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon just because for the extra range,50% Crit, and movement Speed. It's just a good and consistent item. Pick what suits you.
  5. Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - Still an amazing Endgame item.


Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness - Just overall the best Boots to get really, 50+ Movement speed with 30% Slow resist is good. Other boots only gives 40+ movement the 10+ difference plays a huge part for kiting. Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves just feels terrible you might as well buy Death's DanceDeath's Dance for Life steal

[Stasis Enchant] Good to get against sticky assassins like Zed [Zed:ult] and Fizz Chum The WatersChum The Waters that will instantly kill you if they manage to get near you. The stall it grants you just makes the enemy to change targets.

Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant A textbook enhancement for ADC in general. The burst movement speed helps a lot by a ton for Repositioning not to mention the debuff cleanse too.

Jhin Runes

Best Runes for Jhin

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

Standard runepage for Jhin. Fleet is the only viable Keystone for jhin with Electrocute being doable with Lethality but for the most part Fleet just functions better.

Triumph - Really good for clutch plays and against last second ignites casted on you. Extra 3% damage on targets below 35% health is amazing both to your 4th shot and Curtain CallCurtain Call bullets.

Spirit Walker - Instant Tenacity from the. Get go is good, you can take Hunter - Titan if you're feeling that you can snowball.

Sweetooth - Sustain for the early game since jhin is very vulnerable to pokes. Extra gold is a good bonus.

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

This is the setup I use for Lethality page or the Guardian Angel rush shenanigans.

Champion - Risky but if you want more damage this is a good rune to take, Abusable with Guardian AngelGuardian Angel rush.

Spirit Walker - Explained above.

Manaflow Band - you're most likely want to poke and harass with Dancing GrenadeDancing Grenade all the time whenever possible, extra mana helps if you're feeling aggressive in the laning phase. Can also be used as a general Rune.

Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

The new rune i use specifically on harder matchups except against Miss Fortune.

Gives you the better edge at trading considering how easy it is to proc the keystone. Though you lack sustain but Regen + Sweetooth can back that up.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Whisper - Passive
Dancing Grenade
Dancing Grenade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Deadly Flourish
Deadly Flourish
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Captive Audience
Captive Audience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

You have no escape whatsoever.
Movement speed is good for Repositioning with the extra heal
Good to take against Champions that have bursts. Use this if your support already heals you.
A spicy spell to take. Haven't tried it but it seems fun.

Jhin Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

She has a weaker early game than you and a weaker poke than you, your overall All in's are much stronger (Depends on support) and you scale somewhat better. Though ashe does obviously provide better utility than you due to her VolleyVolley and Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow I recommend running Lethality Set up against this Matchup.


When to Pick Builds.

Crit Vs Lethality

Knowing which build to take is simple. It takes on a concept on which Champion does the enemy picks.

If the enemy team had 3 Or more squishy targets go Lethality, if it has 3 or more Tanky targets then it's wise to go for critical chance.



- Spikes earlier with cheap items.

- Abilities Benefits with Lethality.

- Flexible Build paths.


- No crit = No Mobility in early - Midgame. This requires you to position much better than using crit since this build purchases Crit items much later into the game.

- Terrible when Behind/Risky and needs to snowball. Though it doesn't necessarily need to get kills per minute. But if the enemy ADC starts getting more gold and items than you, you will fall off really hard. Though it's still doable as long as you stay above/even in XP/Gold.

CRIT BUILD (Pros/Cons)


- Scales better when ahead.

- Kite god, you're very hard to pin down with all those Crit chances.

- 4th shot hurts a lot with the first item purchase.


- Expensive Early Items.

- Abilities are weaker compared to lethality.


Best Supports with Jhin

In this topic will be supports that pairs really great with jhin and my thoughts about them. I'll only list down the absolute S tier for jhin while the rest can be normally played with.

Nami : The best possible support for jhin. Good heals, Movement speed and CC. What more can you want with nami since it covers everything you need. Her Aqua PrisonAqua Prison can easily Set up a free Captive AudienceCaptive Audience and Deadly FlourishDeadly Flourish that will chunk the enemy down really low or potentially kill them. Her Tidecaller's BlessingTidecaller's Blessing is my favorite part about her. Makes kiting and reloading from WhisperWhisper much much easier.

Braum : Amazing CC that can surely peel for you with his UnbreakableUnbreakable his Winter's BiteWinter's Bite can easily land a free Deadly FlourishDeadly Flourish for you and can protect you while you're busy Sniping fools with your Curtain CallCurtain Call .

Alistar : If you want go snowball really hard then alistar is you best friend, his entire combo alone can net off a kill or force a flash from the enemy. Although you have to peel for yourself since he doesn't have any sort of protection which is reasonable for his overwhelming offense.


Mechanics With Jhin

In this section I'll note Jhin's important mechanics and things that you have to keep in mind at all times.

  1. Always use Dancing GrenadeDancing Grenade Before firing your 4th shot : A common mistake that most jhin players do is they just randomly use his Dancing GrenadeDancing Grenade for no reason at all in certain skirmishes and all in's. WhisperWhisper 4th shot scales off missing HP, using your Dancing GrenadeDancing Grenade to chunk them down lower will significantly higher the damage dealt by your 4th shot.
  2. Utilizing Fleet : There's a way to properly use your fleet footwork Movement speed buff to it's fullest extent. That is when you only have 2 Bullets left. Auto attack with your 3rd bullet will apply Fleet Movement speed that will leave you with your 4th shot. Use the movement speed given ny Fleet to run down at the enemy and using 4th shot to poke them. That 4th shot will give another movement speed bonus to run away unscathed at most scenarios when they don't expect it.
  3. Use Captive AudienceCaptive Audience to farm camps: please don't be afraid to farm the camp closest to you especially when your minions are at the enemy tower and have nothing else to do while it shoves back. A good way to use that time to farm extra gold, you may get damaged a little bit but you can heal it with fleet so don't worry about that.

Trap Placements

Your Captive AudienceCaptive Audience has a lots of use you know? Use it.

The red Marks are the pin points on where you apply your Captive AudienceCaptive Audience this is in the blue team Side.

This the trap Placements for the Opposite side. You can also put a trap on the first brush near the tower when the minion wave will start crashing at your turret so you can spot out enemies waiting once the wave bounces back and equalizes.


Jhin Ult tips.

Hitting your Curtain CallCurtain Call can be frustrating at times and missing them will make you look like a noob. There's not much actually tricks to hit them all but it always comes in practice and movement reading.

Enemies tend to run back and forth to dodge your bullets. A way to prevent them is by just literally shooting in a straight line near them on where they initially started dodging. Your Curtain CallCurtain Call has a very long duration, use this to take your time and apply pressure for them to dodge instead of constantly firing. Make them intimidated and shoot when you know it. This will put them under pressure and crumble once you shoot your bullets at different intervals.


Why play Jhin?

After reading all these wall of texts is jhin really worth to learn? Definitely yes, Without a question at all. He's definitely one of the best ADC'S that is not that complicated to play at all. His playstyle is linear and simple and teaches you the basic fundamentals of kiting and properly spacing.

If you want to play something really fun and stylish, jhin is the Champion for you.


Updates to 2.1

  • Xayah/Rakan Matchup Added
  • New Keystone Setup
  • GA rush is still viable
  • Lethality is the least viable Build atm.

As much as i hate to say this, Guardian AngelGuardian Angel Rush is just the best build to follow atm for jhin considering High AD based champions like MF are meta, Jhin slightly struggles to fight back. 

You just don't Build Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade + Guardian AngelGuardian Angel instead you go for Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge after Guardian AngelGuardian Angel

Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade First item is still good into Crit but is risky. But if you have a very protective support go for it since Ghostblade just dishes out more damage. Just play carefully and position Safely when kiting.


Final words.

This has to be the longest Guide I've ever written. Took me 4-5 hours of writing this in Mobile. If you read it all the way fo the end I real thank you for that and may all the games you play be a win. Good luck in the rift and have a great and safe says ahead of you!

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
This is actually a really well written guide! You talk about matchups well, mechanics make sense and are interesting, and it really makes me want to play the champ! Any thoughts on current meta!