[2.1] Janna Guide - Best Janna OTP Guide
Janna Build
Best Build Guide for Janna

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This is the best possible build for Janna.
- Amplifying Tome | Best possible start for dmg, heals, and shields.
Always rush boots before your items, movement speed is good for Janna. (But don't upgrade it yet.)
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity | Best possible boots for Janna to complete my 70 ability haste build and to reduce spells cd.
Highest dmg, heals, and shields build
- Harmonic Echo | confident item early for dmg, heal, and shields. Good because you spam Zephyr and roam to build Harmony.
- Athene's Unholy Grail | after harmonic or rush this if you need mr. Good because you easily charge this using Zephyr and Howling Gale.
- Redeeming Enchant | Always upgrade boots after buying your first 2 Items. This is good for healing teammates for long fights, ahead or not.
- Tear of the Goddess | Always buy this after upgrading boots for mana.
- Ardent Censer | only rush this item if your ad carries are fed otherwise build this after Tear for movement speed.
- Archangel's Staff | upgrade tear into this for lifeline passive, mana, and more dmg. (Hopefully it will upgrade to Seraph's Embrace)
- Rabadon's Deathcap | this will be your last item, pure carry. This will help you increase your dmg, heals, and shields.
Janna Runes
Best Runes for Janna

Aery - dmg, heals, and shields will be great if you have this keystone to carry the game.
Gathering Storm - better than brutal if your game reaches 12 mins, better than weakness because it will add more ability power to strengthen your heals and shields not just your damage.
Loyalty - this is really good for you and your carry. (better if you have a carry duo.)
Hunter Genius - Haste is unlimited, use this for late game.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Janna Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
stop playing Blind pick lol, better Janna wins

Hello, I'm Gold Bunny and I'm from LoL PH server. I peaked Challenger and I want you to learn Janna so you can climb with her in Wild Rift.
- Early game poke
- Scales super well into late game
- Easy to learn
- Super fast, high movement speed for roam, dodging skillshots, and vision control in the game
- Howling Gale can cancel many skills
- Squishy
- Need to be good at positioning
- Map awareness
- Draven - of course the best ADC for Janna if you're an aggresive player, his dmg + your shield is crazy. Win every lane if you go aggressive, use your ult for disengage or heal, he is not killable with a good Janna player.
- Jhin - yes yes, high damage + your shield is way too big, another ADC for Janna if Draven is picked, also Jhin counters Draven.