by chay

[2.6a] Soraka Guide - CALL AN AMBULANCE

Patch 2.6a
March 03, 2022 14:23


Ever wondered how you can heal your ally to full hp just by one click?


  • Provide lots of healing for your team (over 700-1400 HP)


  • Antiheal & Ignite will be your worst enemy

Soraka Build

Best Build Guide for Soraka

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
Core Items
Staff of Flowing Waters
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Athene's Unholy Grail
Staff of Flowing Waters
Protobelt Enchant
Athene's Unholy Grail
Harmonic Echo
Rabadon's Deathcap
Spirit Visage

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

1. Staff of Flowing Waters is the best 1st support item for Soraka. It provides you so much mana and ability haste for you and the ally you’re healing. Your cooldowns will be reduced significantly early game which allows you to land more Q’s and put down more E’s and it also allows you to heal your ally faster in sticky situations. Soraka is a scaling champion with high cooldowns early game, and this 2500 gold item provides you so many good stats early game.

Enchant: For boots you always want to go CDR boots - the more ability haste the better. This also reduces the duration of your spell cooldowns:
Flash 150 sec - 15% cd = 22,5 = 127,5 sec
Heal 120 sec - 15% cd = 18 = 102 sec
Exhaust 105 sec - 15% cd = 15,75 = 89,25 sec
Ignite & ghost = 76,5 sec

Locket is the best pick for her as the shield blocks out any burst damage or ignite and gives you enough time to heal up your ally.
You can pick redemption if you want a bigger impact around the map along with your ultimate. If you are using redemption; I recommend buying Athene’s Unholy Grail before or after as these 2 items really synergize well with each other.
Shadows to hunt enemies down especially if the enemy doesn’t really have much burst damage, but a lot of mobility.
You can also make some insane plays with stasis if enemy focuses you a lot, but do keep in mind that it is 2,5 seconds of you not healing your allies which you potentially could’ve saved and stasis also has a high cooldown!
Protobelt is an enchant I would really recommend as positioning means everything for this champion and it will help exactly with that. Your W range is quite short which you can use protobelt to get closer to your allies and save them instead of having to blow flash all the time. This is also good against dash/engage champions.

2. Athene’s Unholy Grail
Athenes is generally one of the core items on Soraka as it stacks up 200-250 healing pretty easily for every assist. Combine that with your triumph rune and you will heal for free. You can use Athene stacks with W or your R.
Harmonic Echo
Harmonic gives you mana, better sustain from passive and adds more to your healing. The passive heals 3 nearby allies (including yourself) which also buffs them with Staff of Flowing Waters/Ardent Censer passive.
 4. Rabadon’s Deathcap
Deathcap is good for Soraka as her W has 70% AP scaling and great AP scaling in her other kits aswell. This item will make your healing hurt like a truck.

 5. Ardent Censer - optional
Your 5th item (which you can also buy in whatever order you wish to put in, it is up to you) Do you need Crystalline Reflector, Spirit Visage, Ardent Censer or Awakaned Soulstealer? The choice is yours. Most people would buy Ardent Censer over these as Ardent provides your allies 30% attack speed and extra magic damage late game which can be good against antiheal.

Soraka Runes

Best Runes for Soraka

Font of Life
Font of Life
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Font of Life if you want better healing early game (best against tanks, aggressive plays or extended fights)
Aery if you want better poke early game (best against burst damage, defensive plays and fights where you are constantly behind allies)

Triumph is generally the best rune for her as she is one of the easiest champions to get assist on, and triumph will give you back hp for every assist - meaning you have better sustain and you’re able to heal more without entirely relying on landing your Q’s.

Depending on the matchup - this is optional.

Manaflow Band is the best rune as Soraka EATS mana.
However, if you’re good at managing your mana issues, then I would suggest sweet tooth or hunter genius. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Salvation - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Astral Infusion
Astral Infusion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Heal is generally great for self-peel, movement speed or if the enemy has longer range than you. Good if you're playing defensively


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Astral Infusion
Astral Infusion
Astral Infusion

Soraka's W has cost reduction. You always want to max W first, since the cost reduction will be 100% once fully maxed which means - if you land your Q and get rejuvenation for 2 seconds, you can heal your ally from your Q + W without losing any HP yourself.

Since your W has a 2 second cooldown (and even less depending on your ability haste) you are able to heal twice for free!

With this combo you can heal your ally 3 times without losing any hp as you will heal from the first W by landing your Q

Soraka Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters



  • When do you want to pick Soraka?

    Soraka is a backline enchanter support. As long as you don’t take any damage, you are able to use your most important ability which is your W. If you are getting focused on, you are significantly weaker and you aren’t able to protect your allies. You want to pick Soraka when your team has a frontline, which for the most part will be your jungler and toplaner. Tanky champions like Darius, Renektion, Mundo or Galio mid which deals a lot a damage that you can stand behind of and are able to protect you. Your team needs some sort of engage for team fights or you’ll find yourself losing hp or run out of mana trying to keep up with enemy poke.

    She is also really good into champions that have combo all ins as she can use her silence to stop them from doing combos and root them in place - giving your allies enough time to escape and heal up. She can be good against champions like Malphite, Zed, Fizz, Lee Sin. She can also stop any channeling ability easily using her point click silence. This could be Vi Q, Varus Q, Lucian Ult, Miss Fortune Ult, Katarina Ult, Jhin Ult, Janna ult, Akshan Ult, Nunu W & Ult, Caitlyn Ult, Panth Q, Rammus Q, Yuumi ult (targetable)
  • Which ADC’s has good synergy with Soraka?

    From experience: Overall ADC’s like Corki and Ezreal has the best synergy with her as their abilities has AP scaling, which also has synergy with your 1st item Staff of Flowing Waters which they can benefit from too. Kaisa can benefit from this too, as she can easily engage herself and tank damage for you. Other ADC’s who can frontline for you and tank damage for you are generally good. Mobility ADC’s like Lucian works very well with Soraka as he deals a lot of damage per second and can easily E out and come back to you once done. You want to pick Soraka if you have an ADC that is also able to protect you if you are getting focused on. Good examples for these picks could be Vayne’s E, Jinx E, Jhin W, Tristana Ult, Varus Ult, Ashe Ult.

    You do not want to pick Soraka with backline ADC’s like Caitlyn. Caitlyn players will most likely not know how to engage or approach enemies unless it is done for them. Draven doesn’t work that well either with her, as Draven is very vulnerable when he picks up his axes but so are you. Although Draven and Soraka can be a strong duo, it is most likely not going to work most of the time. Miss Fortune could work, but she needs a setup for her ultimate which you can only provide with your E that roots for around 1 sec early game IF played correctly.
  • What counters Soraka?
    Soraka is a strong champion when it comes to team fights as you provide so much healing for your allies to keep fighting. Champions who can generally sneak up from behind and focus you to either kill or shred some of your hp will significantly make you weaker in team fights. She doesn’t do well against mobility champions who are very slippery (these can be Riven, Camille, Olaf, Vayne, Jayce, Jax)

    During laning phase Soraka is weak against champions who have longer range than her Q and can easily punish her for trying to land Q’s. (These can be Brand, Nami, Leona, Rakan)

  • What does Soraka counter?
    She does a very great job countering any other enchanter support besides Nami. She also counters a lot of meta/higher tier supports such as Thresh, Braum, Lulu, Janna. 

  • What are some of her combos?
    Her kit is quite easy to learn there not many combos to make out of. Her Q works very well with her E, but if you get enough ability haste on her you can do W > Q > W > W without losing any hp and heal 3 times.
  • Why is Soraka different than other enchanter supports?
    Not only does she have a global ultimate, but she is also the support with the most healing. Her laning phase is very strong as she provides a lot of sustain, and her silence which also roots you after 1,5 seconds is an instant ability that you can not dodge.
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2 years ago
i wonder why you not running Rod of Ages + Warmogs or Filbulmwinter (at its current state). You will pretty easy exlode in fights :o