[2.6a] Ahri Guide - Ahri support, hp, not really tanky.
Ahri support, hp, not really tanky.
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Honestly, Ahri is already a simple champion, and her charm is really most of her abilitty

Here's a nice combo which involves the usage of both the Charm and Orb cancelation technique, which is basically since shes technically a squishy with a lot of sustain, you charm ult in, ult out, q charm back in once your teammates start attacking.

The only section
Heyo! And Welcome to adhd story telling. Cuz' I'm shit I'm explaining.
Why? Just Why?
Simple, I loved Ahri, I love support, and I wanted to make an Ahri support build.
First I tried recreating the one from that one grandmaster Ahri Support in LoL but the problem is that there is no bonus gold support item so you get quite damageless & Useless
So then I tried healing, font of life, goblet, all that stuff, but a good majority of those items don't consider a some of the runes/items as heals or shields, plus in the end I had nothing to scale that already low healing scale.
So then I decided, hey, that healing is based on hp, and I went from a half hp thing to a full tank build, which... According to rito's underpayed balance team, is S rank and MVP worthy in a platinum ranked game.
Items and Builds
YOU NEED THAT WINTERS APPROACH. I know it sounds bad, and it is, but that winters approach gives a great amount of hp, like a great deal of it, without that a good amount of your hp (like 75% of a bar) would be gone.
Avoid having to build chemtank, yes chemtank does act like a reverse sunfire aegis but it just isn't ideal with it scaling off the non-existent armor of yours (AND THATS WHY SHE IS NOT A TANK, JUST A GREAT TANKY SUSTAINER WITH SOME INSANE SELF HEAL THAT ALSO HEALS YOU, ALSO WITH LIKE MILLIONS OF DASHES)
Why should I build RoA instead of Rilay's, the simple answer is that even though Fimbulwinter's passive works with charm, and that Rilay's would make it work with her other two abilites, her other two abilites are weak and RoA just gives that great amount of not only AP but also Health and Mana which give more Health.
Why not just go full hp as you already do relatively no damage, the simple answer is that getting more hp doesn't really help you anymore late game as that just means staying in lane longer than even your carry which you don't want to stay alone as this build with Ahri, also the only thing that doesn't scale hp but scales ap is sunfire aegis so it doesn't really matter.
Skill Order
Some people prefer e-w-q but I prefer e-q-w as I don't see any reason to lower w's cooldown as it just hits random minions if you're not using it to dodge, which is the only reason you'd be lowering it's cooldown and you don't want to take your adcs minions.
We go Font of Life as it's the only thing that scales ap and hp, also it was originally for my old healer ahri build, and the other hp scaling build doesn't work well from my old jg and supp build experience.
I forgot the name but it's in the build but the one that does more damage if stunned, simply, your a support, you set up engages, or try to save allies with charm, and a great way to set engages or save allies is by making it so that allies can deal more damage to them while the enemy can't do anything but watch. You can go the scaling version of Brutality as you are low on ap and you are playing ahri but I like a more supportive style, do tell me if that gives you better games though, I'd be glad to hear it does.
That one thing that gives scaling hp, it's in the build name fold THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO USE IT
Lastly, support gold rune that gives bonus speed, lets be real here, the fact that there aren't any objective starting items in wild rift makes support make no gold at all and because of that one of the other options is based on if allies or yourself eat honeyfruit, here's the problem. YOU SCALE OF HP AND HAVE HP SUSTAIN YOU DON"T NEED IT SUSAN, it gives bonus health regen from honeyfruit which is a waste of a passive and you're not always gonna be around allies eating the fruit as your main priority is supporting those in a fight.
I think that's it? I hope you understand the mess that is adhd storytelling