[3.5b] Lee Sin Guide - Lee sin build
Lee sin build
- Very good early and mid game
- Awesome mobility
- Kinda tough to play in a late game
Lee Sin Build
Best Build Guide for Lee Sin

Item Build Description
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Hey, this is my first guide i've ever make, so i tried the best i could do to make this guide helpful.
1. Basically i start with
Long Sword
and grab either a totem ward or control ward based on ur playstyle.
- When i take control ward, i'd like to put it in the bush of blue buff and immediately recall to base and switch with trinket/ward and proceed to the first clear (Red).
- When i take totem ward if i wanna play invade, i put it in the enemy blue/red buff based on their clear, or i just simply put it near the river to counter rotation
2. My clearing path is usually Red > Chicken > Blue > Crab. Depends on the situational, i usually gank mid while moving to the blue, or just wait till full clear
3. Dont forget to keep an eye to the lane, if u see the enemy pushed too far to our lane, then there's a big chance to gank.
4. While ganking, either u walk first, or use ur
never use ur
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
if u r not sure u'll land it, or just basically use it as a chaser/executioner.
5. Always cycle ur skill with ur
since u got an attack speed buff after u press a skill, and try to auto attack at least once before u cycle to ur next skill so that u can recover a lil bit more energy.
6. For the build i personally have only 3 core items
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Trinity Force
and [Guardian Angle].
7. I adapt for the rest of the build, if i see 2 or more mage in the enemy team, i would go
Maw of Malmortius
Force of Nature
8. If their team composition has a lot of tanks/bruisers, i would go
Black Cleaver
Death's Dance
Mortal Reminder
based on the situation.
Death's Dance
is a must item if the enemy team is mostly focused on AD, and also
Maw of Malmortius
for AP enemies.
10. For early/mid game i usually focused on farm and gank, invade if there's a chance.
Tips on playing Lee sin
- Dont put ur mindset in somekind of "oh i need to make a flashy move" "i need it for the content" in every fight, make sure u really snowballed real hard then u can proceed to do so, even tho i prefer to play it safe.
- Use ur [Lee sin:2] most of the time to start a fight, and cycle through ur
Tempest / Cripple
, dont forget to AA in between, and use ur
Dragon's Rage
if its necessary and straight to
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
i prefer use it in a point blank incase the enemy escape, and use the 2nd
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike
to chase/execute the enemy.
- Practice ur
Dragon's Rage
so that u can aim it well to the other enemy.
- U can look up combos in youtube, but most of the time i use, and again dont forget to do AA in between skills if u can.
Q1 > Q2 > R > Flash > W1 ( to pick off enemy ) or, Q1 > Q2 > W1 > R
W1 > E1 > E2 > W2 > R > Q1 > Q2 ( usually for gank )
to start a war i like to pick of and all in to enemy carry/adc if i got the chance, but mostly i would like to play like safe, maybe initiate but not commit to it if u cant maintain the enemy damage, let ur team dip into the war, and help them with everything u have, try to pay attention to the war and if there's a good chance to use
Dragon's Rage
use it to kick the enemy tank and aim it towards the enemy backline.
Lee Sin Runes
Best Runes for Lee Sin

This is the basic runes i use.

This if i wanna go into lethality build against squishies
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Use this to gank enemy. Try to use AA in between skills

To kick the enemy into our ally. U can replace it with

Alternative to kick off enemy into our ally.

Alternative to kick off enemy to our ally.
Lee Sin Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Evelynn is somekind of easy matchup, the tough part is she always went invisible

New Section
In my opinion, Lee sin is the best champ to play with, he got a lot of damage, a lot of skill to play with, and have a lot of playstyle for u to explore. U can be an assassin or bruiser. A good lee sin player know when to get in and when to bail out, and also bailing out doesnt mean he goin to retreat from the fight, His util is pretty unforgiving for low health enemy since his Q2 much better against low health enemy.