[4.0] Master Yi Guide - Good damage but tanky yi
Good damage but tanky yi
- Strong damage
- Makes true damage
- can use eletrocute,grasp of undying,conqueror and lethal tempo
- Slowness immun with ult
- Crowd control good against
- Is not very tanky
- For some builds need much vamp
Master Yi Build
Best Build Guide for Master Yi

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Build 1 is for tankyness trinity is for more damage and attack speed.
Steraks for health and his passive which makes you tankier
Gluttones boots for vamp
Youmus ghostblade is for much damage and his passive thats gives you attack speed
Phantom dancer is for crit and attack speed the passive also important
Seryldas grudge is for armor break and slowing enemy so its good end build item
Build 2 is an ap crit build
Nashor tooth for attack speed and magic auto attack damage its the first core item
Stormrazor for crit and attack damage his passive makes it perfect for the build and second core item
Rabadons deathcap for magic damage and his passive what makes nashors tooth stronger
Infinity edge for crit and 30% more crit damage so 230% critical damage
Lich bane for magic damage and his passive what makes auto attacks after doing a ability stronger
Master Yi Runes
Best Runes for Master Yi

This is if you go ap crit or wanna get your tankyness build more tanky so your damage and tankyness get balanced

Rune set 2 if you wanna very much damage with tankyness or wanna go baron lane(solo lane)

This is for making fast much damage
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Basic combo

Self defend combo

Combo for engage and self defend

First ult combo

Second ult combo

Third ult combo

It is Yi