[4.0a] Quick Sion guide
Quick Sion guide
- A lot of damage
- High scaling
- Strong laning phase
- A lot of crowd control
- Good in teamfights
- Base stats (armor and magic resist)
- Hard to master
- Immobile
- Very slow
Sion Build
Best Build Guide for Sion

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Your build is mostly depended on your play style and on ememy team comp.
If enemy doesnt have any healing and it has a lot of magic damage you are free to go force of nature instead of thornmail.
If enemy team doesnt have magic damage at all its good idea to buy frozen heart or iceborn gauntlet instead of spirit vissage
Sion Runes
Best Runes for Sion

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners

Sion guide
During laning phase you want to poke your enemy without wasting too much mana, focus on farming and stacking your HP.
As soon as you hit level 5 you can look for gank, sion is good roamer because of his ultimate, before you look for gank make sure to push your wave into enemy turret or near it.
After 14 minutes you usually want to help your team in teamfights, being frontline that provides a lot of crowd control and damage cam be game breaking, but make sure you dont always stick with your team as you want to keep farming and stacking HP