by SilverNova
[2.3] Kennen Guide - Baron Lane Kennen ~ The Hero of the Storm
Kennen got nerfed in Patch 2.1, but all information is still the same. He is just slightly weaker with less potential to one-shot, so be aware of that.
Baron Lane Kennen ~ The Hero of the Storm
Turn your opponents from living beings into crushed ashes by electrocuting them to death! Learn how to play AD/AP Kennen in the Baron Lane! Easy way to gain free elo.
Kennen Build
Best Build Guide for Kennen
Starting Items

first recall

burst ap (vs squishy targets)

tank demolisher

ad build

flexible items

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items
Boots of Speed are generally a good purchase for you to kite more freely. However, if you don't need movement speed then go for an amplifying tome
Amplifying Tome builds into all of the first AP items
Long Sword is only bought if you go for the ad build
First Recall
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are bought for all builds to give you more ability haste which allows you to use your abilities more often, and therefore landing more stuns.
Oblivion Orb builds into
Infinity Orb and is therefore a good first item. Can be replaced with
Aether Wisp if you need even more movement speed
Haunting Guise builds into
Liandry's Torment and also allows you to deal a lot of damage to healthier champions early
Vampiric Scepter is bought for the ad build to give you more sustain which you need as a poking champion
Burst AP (vs Squishy Targets)
Infinity Orb is bought as a first item in order to push lanes faster and deal critical damage to low health champions which is beneficial for team fighting and taking down e.g. ad carries, supports or mid laners.
Liandry's Torment as a second item grants you health which lets you survive more damage while also having a good passive that synergizes with your kit.
- [stasis enchant] is bought because of your ultimate. Engage with flash+e+ult+zhonyas.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter synergizes with liandry's torment and your ultimate as well as W. Lets you slow down targets, stun them and melt them with liandry and infinity orb.
Rabadon's Deathcap just generally makes you more powerful. Not much else to say.
Void Staff is bought as the last item because enemies tend to buy defenses by mid and late phases, especially top laners which you will be facing.
Tank Demolisher
Liandry's Torment because what's better than damaging healthy champions than an item that deals damage based on hp %?
Morellonomicon is bought because it gives that early ap penetration and also applies grievous wounds. A must-have against champions with lots of hp as they also tend to have health regeneration
- [stasis enchant] is bought because of your ultimate. Engage with flash+e+ult+zhonyas.
Rabadon's Deathcap just generally makes you more powerful. Not much else to say.
Void Staff is bought to tear through enemy resistances.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter synergizes with liandry's torment and your ultimate as well as W. Lets you slow down targets, stun them and melt them with liandry.
AD Build
Blade of the Ruined King is the AD version of liandry's, but also gives you life steal and attack speed which you need for this build. Also has a unique passive that lets you take down or catch up to opponents
Rapid Firecannon synergizes with your passive W, allowing you to land stacks from longer ranges for executions and pokes.
- [stasis enchant] is bought because of your ultimate. Engage with flash+e+ult+zhonyas
Frozen Mallet gets you a lot of health which you will need to avoid getting one-shot. It also makes you auto attacks slow down enemy targets which is insane for catch potential.
Nashor's Tooth gives your auto-attacks AP damage which will make it harder to build around your build. It also gives AP, Attack Speed and Ability Haste which is the perfect all-around item for Kennen.
Guardian Angel is bought as the last item to make you even more annoying to deal with. You now have three lives with stasis and guardian angel, making enemies really pissed off. Plus it gives some nice stats too!
Flexible Items
Hextech Gunblade can be bought for both the AP and AD version. It basically gives you a lot of life steal through both physical and magical vampirism, whilst also giving AD and AP. Confusing for your opponents as they won't know if you are going AP or AD Kennen, but mainly bought for the sustain.
Runaan's Hurricane is typically bought for the AD build but I don't see any purpose in taking it. Just makes your auto-attacks fire two more projectiles, but it doesn't work with any of your abilities.
Phantom Dancer can be bought for the AD build if you still get one-shot despite buying frozen mallet.
Protobelt Enchant can be bought if you have problems with getting into our out of fights.
Kennen Runes
Best Runes for Kennen



Hunter Titan

Hunter Genius
- Mainly taken because Kennen is a team fight-oriented champion, and conquered gives you AP/AD which works will all your abilities.
- Always taken. For both AP and AD builds. Gives you early damage and penetration. You mainly need the penetration.
Hunter Titan
- Since you won't be buying
Mercury's Treads , you need this rune for the tenacity. The rest are meh choices.
Hunter Ingenius
- Really necessary for more ability haste. The more you can spam abilities, the more impact you will have on the whole game.



Hunter Titan

Hunter Genius
- Rarely taken, but works against squishy champions. I recommend using it if you plan to have more of a split push-playstyle in which case you should also take mastermind (blue rune).
- Always taken. For both AP and AD builds. Gives you early damage and penetration. You mainly need the penetration.
Hunter Titan
- Since you won't be buying
Mercury's Treads , you need this rune for the tenacity. The rest are meh choices.
Hunter Ingenius
- Really necessary for more ability haste. The more you can spam abilities, the more impact you will have on the whole game.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Mark Of The Storm

Thundering Shuriken

Electrical Surge

Lightning Rush

Slicing Maelstrom
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Always take flash. Necessary for engages with your ult and zhonya's
Standard rune. Take if you have kill pressure.
Useful against bursts like Darius, Garen, Nasus, Malphite, etc
Kennen Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Start by maxing your
Thundering Shuriken
. Use it together with
Lightning Rush
when he jumps on you in order to instantly stun him with
Electrical Surge
. Always do this to run away from him when he jumps on you. Don't engage with your
Slicing Maelstrom
until he is low, or he can counterengage and demolish you when your combo is down.

Pros & Cons
- Uses Energy
- Safe Pick
- Lane Bully
- High CC for team fights
- Amazing at dealing AoE damage
- Squishy
- 0 lane sustain
- Weak at 1vs1
- Bad against engages (E.g.
Alistar )
Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
Good job, will u hold it up 2 date?
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4 years ago
I will do my very best to do so.