[4.1a] Warwick Guide - Warwick Sustain
Warwick Sustain
Warwick Build
Best Build Guide for Warwick

Item Build Description
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Divine Surrender is my go to with Warwick. His passive health and healing is phenomenal. I kind of stray often and get the vampiric scepter before boots but then I get the haste boots. It’s not a favorite of the norm but being able to spam Q and R abilities is critical. Q especially for the healing. Continue with the ruined blade to slow enemies down further. Then work on deaths dance for more AD & spread out the damage giving room for all the healing to kick in. The last 2 weapons are more flexible and should be geared toward the enemy champs. But guardian angel is never a bad pick up late game!
Warwick Runes
Best Runes for Warwick

The keys here are the extra health and ability haste.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners

Warwick OP
Honestly warwicks ability to run from one end of the map to the other in a quarter of the time is my favorite. His movement speed pounce makes him extremely hard to deal with in the right hands not to mention his healing. Put it all together and you’ll be a force to be reckoned with!