[4.1b] Challenger Jungle Shen Guide
Challenger Jungle Shen Guide
- Tanky
- Global Ultimate
- Team loves u
- Crowd Control and Utility
- Split-Pushing Power
- Team Utility
- Slow
- Team Dependency
- Limited Damage Output
- Clear Speed
- Vulnerability to Invades
- Farm vs. Map Presence
Shen Build
Best Build Guide for Shen

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
It's essential to adapt your build to the specific game circumstances and adjust it according to the enemy team's composition and win conditions.
Shen Runes
Best Runes for Shen

Shen has a lot of options in his runes

U can almost use any rune on Shen, aftershook
Is the best if you are new.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Only combo really is the flash e use this to catch enemies off guard

Can’t chose abilities
Shen Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Before level 5
Try to full clear to get 5 as fast as possible, u full clear from whatever side is weakest. Example if u have a Fiora top versus a riven, you know they gonna fight so I’m gonna try to clear towards them, apply pressure and be ready with Ultimate in case there is action on the other side of the map.

Try to keep the clear going, I’m a heavy farmer cause I don’t like to waste time. If R is up and nothing looks gankable just farm on camp respawn. If enemy is on other side of map and u have no r try to take his camps.

Ult useage
Using Shen's ultimate ability, Stand United, effectively can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. Here are some tips on how to use Shen's ult:
Map Awareness: Keep a close eye on the minimap and be aware of your teammates' positioning and health bars. Look for opportunities where your presence can turn the tide of a fight, save a teammate, or secure an objective.
Communication: Coordinate with your team and communicate your intentions when you plan to use Stand United. Let your teammates know when your ultimate is available and ask them to provide information if they need assistance or if there's a fight breaking out.
Preemptive Usage: It's often best to use Stand United proactively rather than reactively. Anticipate situations where your teammates may need your help and use your ult before they get into a dangerous position. This allows them to play more aggressively or confidently knowing they have your support.
Objective Control: Stand United can be instrumental in securing objectives like Dragon, Baron Nashor, or even turrets. Coordinate with your team and time your ult to join the fight or provide a smite advantage. Your presence can deter enemies and help your team secure the objective.
Split-Pushing: If you have a teammate split-pushing a side lane, Stand United can provide them with added safety and turn a 1v1 or 2v1 situation into an advantageous fight. Watch for opportunities where your teammate can engage or is at risk of being engaged upon, and use your ult accordingly to swing the odds in your team's favor.
Countering Ganks: If you spot the enemy jungler attempting a gank in another lane, Stand United can quickly turn the tables. Teleport to the targeted ally and join the fight, creating a numbers advantage and potentially turning the gank into a successful counter-gank.
Protecting Carries: Prioritize using Stand United to protect your high-value carries or squishy teammates who are under threat. Your shield and presence can provide a valuable buffer and allow them to survive or turn around unfavorable engagements.